All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1554: Supplement divinity

However, in addition to this behemoth, the void elves who penetrate the formation are more proficient in this way.

Thinking like this, he picked up the beast core that had just been picked up and threw it to the Void Elf, who was pleasantly surprised to swallow it!

After all, the Void Elf, the body, Han Chen has not seen it yet, but the ability to swallow a beast core that is higher than his own, shows that the Void Elf is also quite high.

Although there is no divine beast like Xuanwu, there is nothing to suppress it compared to Xuanwu.

Naturally, Han Chen wouldn't go deep into it. There were still a lot of things to deal with at this time, so he didn't have the leisure to deal with these things.

With Han Chen's return, everyone quickly picked the giant beast back, and then sprinkled some special medicinal materials to keep the divine nature of the giant beast's body and increase its taste.

They set up a bonfire on the deck, and soon the aroma came out. They were doing a lot of flowers.

"The meat of this thing is really good. Don't look at the appearance. It seems that the whole body is a treasure." The hornet was overwhelmed and could not contain it with joy.

"Thanks to the Korean team this time, come, let's give the Korean team a drink."

Han Chen smiled and raised the cup to clink with everyone.

This is how long it will take to have such a life after leaving earth civilization, as if it is time to return to earth civilization.

But all this is very different.

Han Chen just smiled at this time, and didn't express his thoughts.

However, Wu Yuan saw Han Chen's thoughts and quietly tightened Han Chen's hands.

Han Chen glanced at Wu Yuan and knew that Wu Yuan must also be homesick.

I didn't think there was anything in Jingye thinking before, but now in the deep ancient battlefield, looking back, I can more appreciate the love between raising and lowering the head.

When everyone saw this, they knew that the Korean team and his wife were about to cross the two-person world, and they pushed away.

Sun Xue showed a strange look, but in the flames, no one noticed. She was also sour in her heart, and it was only Wu Yuan who could truly fit Han Chen's soul.

Sun Xue buried the love in her heart once again.

Han Chen glanced at Sun Xue, and couldn't help but dodge. How could it be possible if there was no friendship at all.

It's just that I can't do many things arbitrarily.

"Do you have Sun Xue in your heart? I look at Xiao Nizi and always look at you secretly, which must be interesting to you." Wu Yuan asked jokingly.

"Huh?" Han Chen was dazed, startled.

This question hit Han Chen's deepest primitive desire, but it was very scary, but Han Chen didn't dare to mess around.

"Really, don't lie to me." Wu Yuan said angrily.

"Seriously, don't lie to you, I feel a little bit in my heart." Han Chen smiled.

"Huh, I know." After saying that, Wu Yuan left her body. In the eyes of others, Wu Yuan was gentle and lovely, but in front of Han Chen, she let her go and became another person completely.

Han Chen smiled bitterly, if you want to tell the truth, I told you the truth, but you are like this.

Alas, a woman's heart is really a seabed needle, I'm afraid this needle still fell into the boundless sea.

Han Chen smiled, and then hugged Wu Yuan. Her hands were smashed into pieces and she began to be dishonest. At first, Wu Yuan kept slapping Han Chen's irregular hands. After a while, Wu Yuan was panting. .

At this time, Han Chen waved his hand and entered the secret cave house among their stellar machines, and came up with the dragon and the phoenix.

In the middle of the night, Han Chen sat up from the bed, and returned to the endless white space in his mind, and saw the female ghost full of skeletons.

According to Huang Mengmeng, it turned out to be a Phoenix, and of course the Phoenix is ​​still an undead clan, which shocked Han Chen a little bit.

But after being shocked, it still made sense. After all, the Phoenix Phoenix was originally the same thing.

Han Chen thought so.

Holding his breath, Han Chen meditated for a while, then covered Wu Yuan with a quilt, and then walked thickly to make a cave.

When he went to his cultivation cave, Han Chen took out the things from those giant beasts and gave them to the Huohui clan.

When the Huohui tribe saw the bell, their eyes lit up, and they immediately said to Han Chen, "Master, this one is the treasure of Xuantian! As long as we practice it well, I'm afraid we can reach the fourth rank. At the stage of the artifact, if we can have the assistance of the soul, I am afraid that we can surpass the peak of the great elder and make a sixth-grade artifact!"

"Soul?" Han Chen was shocked, and immediately thought of the old man's soul, the original false god, who was trapped in Tianmai before.

Han Chen naturally knew that he had never been completely wiped out.

It's just that Han Chen's cultivation base has reached such a level, so he took out the false **** Styx directly and used it as a divine tool.

"I have a ghost of a false god, do you think it is suitable?" Han Chen smiled.

"What, pseudo-god!" They are the poor first-level eternal realm. I didn't expect the master to be able to kill the gods!

What a great achievement this is!

The faith in their minds has increased a bit.

Han Chen immediately said that he needed to give him a few days to sacrifice, so he turned and left. Han Chen rarely visited the Huohui tribe. Only then did he notice that a stone statue had been erected on the top of the Huohui tribe.

Han Chen looked at it roughly, and felt a familiar feeling spontaneously. When he looked closely, he discovered that the stone statue is not himself?

Han Chen laughed dumbly. It seemed that the Huohui clan had completely abandoned the service of the dragon clan and changed it to service to Han Chen.

Han Chen smiled slightly, and came over again in three days, holding the divine soul in his hand, but at this time the divine soul had already been restrained by dozens of times, and he could not escape.

"This, is this the spirit of the pseudo-god?" The Huohui people immediately wanted to kneel when they saw it, but Han Chen waved his hand to relieve those people from kneeling, knowing that they are all Han Chen's gods. Min, how can you kneel down with another god?

Isn't this ridiculous?

As a result, those Huohui tribes even more admired the five bodies that Han Chen admired.

Carrying the lofty will of the gods, they devote themselves to the lofty endeavor, that is, serving the gods with their lives!

Han Chen smiled slightly. It seems that this Huohui tribe might really become one of the earliest primitive gods.

It's just this godhead that Han Chen has been unable to obtain.

It seems that there is a chance to talk to Huang Mengmeng.

Han Chen turned into a streamer and rushed into Huang Mengmeng's cave. After a sound transmission passed, Huang Mengmeng released the restriction and let Han Chen in.

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