All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1555: New Use of Gangfeng

After Han Chen walked in, he immediately felt the strangeness of the cave here. The divine fluctuations here were much stronger than those outside, and many of them were the divine nature of the Gangfeng outside.

"What do you do with such a chaotic divinity?" Han Chen couldn't help but muttered. As soon as he said this, Han Chen seemed to think of something.

Next Huang Mengmeng's statement really confirmed Han Chen's guess.

Just listen to Huang Mengmeng's angry saying, "What's wrong with these chaotic wind winds? You have absorbed a lot of your mysterious divinity, even mixed with the breath of reincarnation. The top-level secret method of my Xuanwu clan, so what? Will it hurt you?"

"Haha." Han Chen slapped haha, but he admired the basalt technique more and more. Although the first one is still very useful for humans, the latter has more and more harsh conditions for humans, so if Han Chen Without the assistance of the planetary body, I am afraid that the body would have already died.

It can be seen that the dominance of the reincarnation aura, that is, the body of the divine beast can support it.

So this is why Han Chen must look for the blood of God.

Only in this way can one's body be truly close to the level of a sacred beast, and have the opportunity to thoroughly practice that Xuanwu technique.

"By the way, my idea here is to ask you, do you know how to condense the Godhead?" Han Chen asked.

"Condense the Godhead? Haha, you really asked the right person. This time after I advanced to the Intermediate Daewoo level, I really unlocked some things about the Godhead in my mind. Or fighting for the Godhead." Huang Mengmeng said .

"Scramble for Godhead?" Han Chen was stunned. What did this mean?

"Yes, in fact, the number of all godheads in the world is a certain amount, and they are not created out of thin air. Only when the old gods die, new gods will be created, and they may not be obtained. After all, there are too many people fighting for it. "Huang Mengmeng added.

After Han Chen heard the old gods and the new gods, he suddenly felt a strong anxiety in his heart. If the new gods can only appear when the old gods die, then the old gods should be quite wary of the existence of new gods or pseudo-sacred realms later.

Because if those people in the pseudo-deity realm have powerful power or opportunities, they will definitely slaughter the old god.

This is a game.

"Is there no way other than fighting for Godhead?" Han Chen couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

"Yes, because the godhead between heaven and earth is originally constant, and it does not automatically increase or decrease. So you have to think carefully. In such a world of great controversy, if you don’t fight, you will perish. And having the gods is also Another concept." Huang Mengmeng said.

"Presumably you have also heard a lot of battles between gods. In addition to gaining the opponent's gods, the most important thing is to gain the opponent's godhead. In this way, one's offspring or other close relatives can gain godhead. "Huang Mengmeng added.

"The Buddhist school says that you can become a Buddha in your life. Is the Buddha a kind of god?" Han Chen suddenly asked a little curiously.

"I haven't touched on this one, but according to my understanding, Buddha is also a kind of god. If you know the three thousand avenues in the world, there are three thousand gods. In addition to the three thousand gods, there is another thing to be concerned about, that is, some gods. In fact, it is split, not complete. The split godheads are split for various reasons, but the indisputable fact is that some godheads are indeed split. So the three thousand gods are no longer the three thousand gods in the original meaning, but represent An approximate figure will probably be around three thousand."

Huang Mengmeng said these words eloquently.

But as far as Huang Mengmeng himself is concerned, his previous life had prepared such a godhead for him, so he was not worried about the current situation at all.

Han Chen didn't know what would happen, but it was still understandable to hear that the godhead could still be divided.

No wonder the **** of Styx would fight for the godhead of the ghost king, because the godhead in this world was originally fixed.

"For example, the Godhead of Zhushen Zhushen, which you know, splits a hundred kinds of fires by itself. Only when you gather all the fires or collect the first 20 kinds of fires can you have a chance to obtain a complete Godhead. You have collected the first twenty types, and you can only get one divided godhead." Huang Mengmeng said another big secret.

Han Chen was stunned when he heard it. He didn't expect that the fire godhead actually existed.

"After your flame essence has acquired the godhead, you can let it give you the godhead so that you can have the godhead. That's why I said your kid is lucky."

Huang Mengmeng said.

"There are still such things." Han Chen was surprised again, but he also knew that he was not cultivating the fire attribute divine nature.

The attributes of Han Chen's cultivation should be those of reincarnation, so on the contrary, he is inclined to the godhead of the ghost system, the eternal **** of Huang Mengmeng, and Han Chen naturally won't make an idea.

However, Han Chen had to work hard for the gods like the ghost king and god.

The spirit of flame essence can only be used as a backup.

"Do you know how to get to the land of reincarnation?" Han Chen said after thinking clearly.

Then Huang Mengmeng showed a wry smile, and said, "Why are you so fierce that you really hit the top of Samsara. What a terrifying existence is Samsara, thinking about the original Ghost King God, besides his own cultivation Outside of the real Conferred God Realm with the godhead, have you seen his subordinates? That ancestral beast, that also has the godhead! You have to know that in the heavenly court, there is no such thing as a godhead to be a strong god."

Hearing what Huang Mengmeng said, it was nothing more than a bludgeon. It seemed that he was still too naive. Is it difficult for so many people to cross from a false **** to a true god? It seems that there is a reason for all this.

From the current point of view, Han Chen can only continuously improve his own cultivation level and reach the pseudo-god realm as soon as possible.

There is also a way to obtain the city lord who claims to be the Perilla God, and to melt the fire into the Daewoo-class own space.

It seems that there is a need to meet the God Realm distraction for a while.

This matter is probably postponed.

No, Han Chen suddenly remembered that Mo Xiaoyan said that he wanted to tell her how to condense the Godhead. Could it be the same as Huang Mengmeng said, is it actually fighting for the Godhead of the Destroyer God?

Han Chen was suddenly startled, only then did he remember that the **** of destruction also belonged to the godhead of the ghost system, and that demon Xiaoyan did not deceive herself.

But according to Mo Xiaoyan's statement, the Destruction God must have also cultivated the deity of the Demon Race, otherwise, how could Mo Xiaoyan care so much.

And this Mo Xiaoyan's behavior also made Han Chen feel deeply uneasy. It is necessary to know that Mo Xiaoyan is only an eternal existence, and he knows the method of condensing the godhead, I am afraid that the identity of the other party is definitely not low.

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