All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1557: promise

Through this way of forming a Daoist companion, Han Chen can use the astrology of his father's generation more, so Han Chen will get a relatively stable development day. .

After that, maybe Han Chen doesn't have to be afraid of the other party's father, the star master.

It is really impossible for Han Chen to kill God at present.

The killing of God is not a simple thing. It is necessary to know that a person with a Godhead can be resurrected in the prayer of any God.

They have already broken away from the concept of the flesh, and have become the concept of incarnation, and those divinities are also relatively followable, and ordinary gods can't capture the other's divinity and recycle.

So Han Chen really had to agree to the choice of the party at this time.

"Okay, I promise you, I will form a Daoist companion with you. Relatively, I will not take your Yuan Yin. After a thousand years or I will be promoted to become a powerful person in the Conferred God Realm, then I will also let you go. left."

After thinking carefully, Han Chen chose the expedient measure and was finally willing to cooperate with the other party's plan.

However, Han Chen probably knew that the other party's plan was nothing more than a problem of escape, but at this time Han Chen had clearly given her a time to leave, naturally all her plans would become nothing.

After all, she ran away, even if she succeeded, she still had the chance to be buried in his hands. Now that the other party was frank and frank, she said the deadline so frankly that naturally made her feel shocked.

"Why shock, you and I are smart people." Han Chen smiled faintly.

So he raised his hand to remove the restriction on her.

"Well, we will hold a small celebration of becoming a Taoist couple later. You can dress up. We are still in the boundless sea, so if you want to escape, you can't escape anywhere. Believe it You won't do such irrational things." Han Chen was expressionless, he was thinking about how to tell Wu Yuan about this.

In the end, Han Chen turned into a streamer and flew away.

Yue Qingcheng looked at Han Chen's back, and for a long time, he said, "If you are not you, I am not me, you and I are not enemies, maybe I will love you."

Han Chen didn't know that a glamorous woman like Yue Qingcheng would say so and would have a gentle side.

Walking to Wu Yuan's cave, Han Chen lingered for a long time. Jin Pangli who passed by took a look at the Korean team and said, "Han team, have you been kicked out of the house?"


Han Chen immediately felt his face flushed, but he also remembered, right, this is his home.

What's the fear? Everything I do is to maintain this home.

So Han Chen let go and walked in.

Wu Yuan was still in bed, and the habit of staying in bed was brought here since the earth.

"I'm back? I thought you immersed yourself in cultivating again." Wu Yuan sensed Han Chen's return on the bed and said.

Such saying made Han Chen feel that he owed Wu Yuan even more, so he did not speak.

"Did you have a tryst with Sister Sun Xue? Why are you so ashamed? Even if you really do with Sister Sun Xue, I won't say anything. After all, you don't belong to me. You It belongs to this world." Wu Yuan said as she was sour, her tears began to circle.

"No," Han Chen finally made a decision, so he said, "I decided to form a Taoist couple with Yue Qingcheng."

"What? You have another one?" Wu Yuan was completely shocked, and everyone was silly.

"No, no, that's the case. That Yue Qingcheng has a star master father in the royal court, and I can't beat the opponent now, but it is impossible for me to let Yue Qingcheng go, but that star master is an astrological master. Of course, there is a way to calculate our position, so we must prepare early so that the other party cannot attack us, otherwise we will end up in this boundless sea."

Han Chen could only repeat what was just now.

"That's the case, so you made a deal with him, but as a guarantee, did you two decide to form a companion?" Wu Yuan was originally a person who can empathize, so when Han Chen said this, she immediately Agree with Han Chen's thoughts and know what Han Chen is thinking now, so he just asked.

"Yes, the situation is like this, do you think this will work?" Han Chenming knew that Wu Yuan would agree, but still asked.

"Can I not agree? You and I are in the same boat, so why would you refuse such a good thing. When we destroy the gods and inherit the godhead, we still have a greater chance to kill back." Wu Yuan quickly beat the spirit and then Said.

"Or, you and I will also form a twin monk together, and we will announce it at this meeting." Han Chen said.

Wu Yuan blushed immediately when she heard that, but she could also appreciate the feelings of Han Chen scrutinizing her at this time. It used to be a ceremony held on the earth. Now she came to the ancient battlefield and wanted to marry another woman. Demonstrating the status of Wu Yuan's eldest wife, she simply organized another Dao Lian Association.

"That's pretty good, anyway, you see, your second marriage is still with me, isn't it very happy? And counting, we have seventy years, two of them can be considered golden weddings, as a commemoration of our seventh marriage. Ten years."

Han Chen became more and more emotional as he spoke, and collected all his thoughts.

Then Wu Yuan felt that Han Chen could really say, so she hugged Han Chen and couldn't help but took the initiative to kiss her.

Han Chen was also quite excited, but it was a pity that those familiar with him could not celebrate together.

The next day, the news spread to all the Hancheng team. Of course, Jin Pangli was the most excited. He and Zhao Feiwu, Hortou Feng, and Tuhuang were baking on the deck, ready to wait. Event.

All the faces are beaming at this time.

"This Korean team is really romantic. They won a priest without a word. They are much better than us." Jin Pangli said with a sour expression.

"Haha, this means that our Korean team has such a personal charm. You said that this promotion was still a bad enemy. I didn't expect to agree to such a thing. It really made me stunned." Zhao Feiwu also sighed.

"Then the Korean team needs some big tonics!" Hortoubee said with a smile.

"Yes, right, how can you lack a big tonic at this time. Right." Everyone was happy again.

At this moment, I happened to see Sun Xue coming out of the cave. He still maintained his expression for thousands of years, but everyone was Sun Xue with a cold-hearted face, so they all shut up and didn't continue to speak yellow words.

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