All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1558: Double repair ceremony

Instead, he asked, "What do you think we can give away?"

"We have all prepared some night pearls or some exercises."

"I remember you kid treasured the seven flame fan sent by the Korean team before!"

Everyone was digging up the bottom of each other again, but everyone digging and digging and found that most of them were given to everyone by Han Chen.

Everyone was in depression again.

Although there was no expression on Sun Xue's face, she was already sour in her heart. As early as in the Dongfu, she was under restraint and wept loudly for a while. So she was still very upset.

It was indeed Wu Yuan who walked out of the cave at this time.

"Congratulations, Madam, again in the wedding hall!"

"A hundred years are so good!"

"Born early!"

Everyone congratulated again, making Wu Yuan blush. Even if a woman has been a husband and wife for so many years, she is naturally excited at this time.

Wu Yuan thanked them for their blessings one by one, and ordered them to be more careful, and then she could not help but feel distressed when she saw Sun Xue preparing things silently.

Walked over and took Sun Xue's arm and said, "Come on, come in with sister. Talk to sister."

Sun Xue also silently sent out the things in his hands and followed Wu Yuan.

"Are you still blaming Han Chen?" Wu Yuan said in a splitting, straight to the point.

"..." Sun Xue was also stunned.

"The reason why your Brother Han did this is also a bit difficult." So Wu Yuan told about the deal between Han Chen and Yue Qingcheng.

Sun Xue was originally Bingxue smart. At this time, after listening to Wu Yuan's explanation of the internal affairs, she realized that she was wrong with Brother Han.

"I thought Big Brother Han..." Sun Xue burst into tears of joy.

"Do you think he started messing up and finally abandoned, promiscuity?" Wu Yuan covered her mouth amusedly.

"No..." Sun Xue blushed again.

At noon, all preparations stopped, and a high platform was built on the deck, and a round table was placed on it. Han Chen sat down on the main seat of the round table, looking at the surroundings, still feeling quite strange.

Two platforms were placed around, but they were on the deck.

The scene here is very beautiful for a while.

That Jin Pangli also wore this red dress, and stood firmly on the stairs leading to the high platform.

Although they are already strong men who have cultivated into gods, the stairs are still placed, which is a metaphor that they have been in the same boat for a hundred years and have been in good harmony.

Then Jin Pangli exclaimed, "Today's auspicious time has come, please invite a newcomer to play!"

The scene was spectacular.

The eyes of Jin Pangli, Zhao Feiwu and others were all focused on the cabin cave house for a time.

Some of them had never seen Yue Qingcheng, so they were all very curious, but those who had seen Yue Qingcheng's face were full of praise for Yue Qingcheng.

I saw two women in the phoenix crown and xia robes walked out of the cave slowly, wearing big red turbans, and they were helping each other and walking over.

The adults were disappointed for a while, but seeing the slender figure of the two brides still made everyone full of praise for the new couple.

"Go to Sendai!"

The Jin Pangli yelled, and the two brides walked up the ladder and climbed up step by step to the top of the ladder.

People around this time began to send blessings again.

"The husband and wife are in harmony!"

"The case is raised with eyebrows!"

"Born early!"

There was another burst of laughter, and everyone drank and had fun.

Han Chen watched the two glamorous women walk up, pinging Tingting, very beautiful.

As soon as Han Chen stretched out his hand, he had a god-level cultivation base anyway, and he could naturally see who was under the hood at a glance. He grabbed Wu Yuan's little hand and was gentle as jade for a while.

But when he wanted to grab that Yue Qingcheng's hand, Han Chen still paused, and finally that Yue Qingcheng raised his hand, and Han Chen went to catch it.

"Spouse a prayer!"

"Second worship!"

"The three couples worship!"

"Li Cheng, please take the bridegroom off the lid. Have fun with the bride!"

The voice of Jin Pangli blessed his divinity and naturally appeared solemn and majestic.

Han Chen enjoys this process, but he is also ready for those things at this time.

Han Chen also found it quite interesting.

So he picked up a stick made of gold and provoked the heads of the two newcomers.

The first one to open was Wu Yuan's. She saw Wu Yuan's face begging, with a beautiful face, which looked exceptionally beautiful.

Han Chen also found it quite interesting, and Han Chen was a little excited, and this situation still made Han Chen very excited.

Wu Yuan was shy and she didn't dare to look at Han Chen, but she also knew that Han Chen looked at herself affectionately at this time, and felt happy in his heart.

Next is Yue Qingcheng. Han Chen took a deep breath, "This situation is really stressful."

Han Chen said to himself in his heart, and then felt very happy, feeling the ups and downs of power that he had never had before.

From then on, it might be another chapter, but Han Chen doesn't necessarily know where he will go.

But this kind of cooperation is also very attractive to Han Chen.

Han Chen walked to such a place and suddenly felt that the situation had improved.

Han Chen lifted her head.

"It's so beautiful!" everyone exclaimed again.

No one had seen Amir's true face, only Han Chen had seen it. Although Yue Qingcheng in front of him was also very beautiful, he felt that compared with that of Amir, he also felt that it was nothing more than that.

But it is also very interesting to put on the dress of the bride.

The beautiful bride dress also added a bit of beauty to his beauty.

Han Chen smiled slightly. Naturally, he was very happy today.

Han Chen got up and was about to say a few words, the behemoth that was slaughtered by Han Chen that day seemed to have attracted a more powerful behemoth.

Everyone felt the surging power and hurriedly looked back. There were many lizard clan people floating around. They were covered with scales, no longer the giant beasts like yesterday.

It is more like a human being.

Seeing such a powerful monster, their cultivation level seems to have reached the terrifying Daewoo level or above. At this time, if Jin Pangli, Zhao Feiwu and others are allowed to take action, I am afraid that they will not be enough.

But they didn't have the slightest fear, they immediately grew out of it, and then looked at the others and said viciously, "Who are you?"


With a wave of the lead, a human-like lizard tribe restrained the restless thousands of underwater lizards, preventing them from suddenly embarrassing.

However, he did not return to Jin Pangli, but moved forward step by step.

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