All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1559: Bad comer

"Why did some fellow daoists come here?" Han Chen turned into a stream of light and fell in front of everyone. Han Chen's spiritual power unfolded and found the wind outside, because of the arrival of these people, it was even more violent.

It seems that Jin Pangli's people were not allowed to go out, that would be great.

At this time, the lizard tribe came forward and said, "You slaughtered the sea lizard tribe a few days ago. As long as you are willing to hand it over, I will let your people leave, how about?"

"You!" At this time everyone felt that the other party was absolutely making trouble, but at this time they were also a little weak.

"Hehe, we've all eaten, do you still want to eat? It's a pity that your time is late." Han Chen knew that the other party was here to find the fault. It seems that this person will not let it go. If that is the case, it is better Hit them hard, you can't let them be so free.

Thinking like this, Han Chen saw the person's eyes and said.

"Good boy, Jin is so arrogant, wait for me to smash your body to pieces, and see if you will be so hard! My cultivation level is not something that a smiling Daewoo mid-level can resist." Said the lead lizard tribe.

"My cultivation is not something that you smiling Daewoo-class top-tier people can resist." Han Chen replied.

Then turned around and said to the others, "You pay attention to safety, we will give you the next appetizer, let you eat today!"

With Han Chen's words, he completely angered the lizard tribe, and immediately became ablaze.

He was originally the leader of this sea area, although in the eyes of the human race, the boundless sea here is the same, there is no difference at all.

But among their sea clan, this place is still divided into regions.

The giant beast was killed silently by Han Chen and the others a few days ago. Originally, he didn't explain it to him, but now the lord of a district has come forward.

The other party didn't give any face, and planned to grab him for drinking.

Is it tolerable or unbearable!

Moreover, the opponent is just a small monk, how could there be such a powerful power? Seeing that the opponent's cultivation is only a Daewoo-class intermediary monk, how can they be comparable to himself.

Moreover, this place belongs to the sea, and it is the location of his inexhaustible source of divine nature, and it is suddenly ablaze.

Han Chen must be slaughtered severely!


The lizard tribe indeed possessed a real Daewoo-level top-level cultivation base. As soon as he came up, he did not intend to leave Han Chen alive, so he released the surging forehead power, and his body was also changed from the original one. The human race has become a huge sea lizard with scales all over its neck.

Han Chen was shocked.

Why is this person so familiar?

Han Chen murmured a little bit, because this costume was really a bit close to the mythical form of the Feng Hai family of the four major families in Yuancheng that day.

But it was delicious. At this time, there was no opportunity to observe these things. He had to quickly display his own cultivation base, hoping to gain more powerful power through this method.

Han Chen transformed the mythological form behind him, revealing twelve wings, especially the gray wings, which seemed even more evil.

"What kind of race are you!"

The lizard tribe was surprised when he saw Han Chen's mythological form for the first time, but no matter how powerful he was, it was impossible for him to become a truly powerful protoss.

In this way, he has an opportunity to take advantage of.

"No matter what race you are, you are now a dead body in my eyes."

The people of the lizard tribe changed their mighty power, the power surging and tumbling the tide behind them, the waves were turbulent, and they turned into huge waves, and the waves were higher than the waves, and the rumblings swept towards Han Chen's flying boat.

"court death!"

Han Chen showed a sense of anger, he was married today, can't you tell it?

Then Lao Tzu will grab your drink and food right now!

Han Chen changed into a mythical form, with twenty wings flying in the wind, as fast as lightning, and an electric arc was raised above the sea level!


Han Chen waved the giant fist in his hand and turned into a giant. Using the giant technique, the giant fist slammed into the huge ocean wave.


One shot into the soul!

This punch didn't seem to be directed at the sea-blue person, but directly passed through the waves, hitting the opponent's cultivated figure, and hit the person severely.

"Have you hit it?" Seeing Han Chen's mighty power, the rest of the people felt a lot of relief in their hearts. They deserved to be their Korean team!

When they saw Han Chen hit Huanglong directly and passed through the waves, everyone applauded!

They didn't worry about Han Chen, because Han Chen gave them victory gestures every time.

"Boy, you dare to enter my Daewoo-class private space alone, it seems you don't want to live anymore!"

The Sea Clan immediately displayed his own Daewoo-class space, and dozens of water-like giant beasts immediately appeared behind him, each of which seemed to have the same Daewoo-class cultivation base as the Sea Clan's body.

"Huh, little bugs!"

Han Chen roared, using the power in his hands to the extreme!

These are all planetary divine bodies, and Han Chen is fully exerting the planetary divine body at this time, but even the false gods can't resist it forcibly.

The dozen or so water-like behemoths attacked, and Han Chen didn't care at all, and directly bombarded An Ren's body.

"You kid, what's your nerve!" The Hai Clan had never seen such a fierce battle before, and was bullied by Han Chen to get close.

"If you look for death, I will fulfill you!"

"The whole sea bursts!"

The surging power immediately stirred the surrounding sea water and turned it into a condensed space. With a bang, a loud noise came out, and all the water-like behemoths turned into nothingness. The splashes of water gathered together and enveloped fiercely. Han Chen and Hai Clan, at this moment, immediately turned into thousands of pieces!

"Ah!" Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect Han Chen's cultivation base to be so clever, and he rushed into the Daewoo-class own space.

Now he was blew up by the water-like behemoth at the same time and was hit hard.

"Han Chen is fine, right?" Wu Yuan couldn't help but exclaimed.

But before Wu Yuan was sad, she saw a figure slowly appearing in the sea.

"It's the Korean team!"

The people around immediately cheered. It was their beloved Korean team. They didn't expect that Han Chen and Ben would come out without a thing.

I only saw that the whole body was soaked up and down, and the body was still stained with blood of varying degrees. With a head in his hand, one stepped out and walked out of the center of the tumbling waves. At this time, the waves seemed to have lost their armor and armor. Like a defeated soldier, the defeat is like a mountain, and immediately disappears without a trace.

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