All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1564: mutation

The truth is revealed!

Han Chen sneered in his heart. The seven-clawed golden dragon was obviously a fake. After spitting out the divine thunder, it still had the venom of the flood dragon in it, which was really ridiculous.

Faced with such a surging attack, Han Chen rolled over and spread his wings, flew around, took a photo of the divine thunder, and then backhanded the opponent with a blow to the Phoenix Fire Slash!

The Phoenix Fire Slash turned into a streamer and smashed on the Flood Dragon. The Flood Dragon took it with his anger, but couldn't resist it. It instantly broke the shield of the opponent's inner alchemy and turned it into a random. Killed on that inner alchemy.

It hurts that Jiaolong tossed over and over again!

"Fire Phoenix! Great shot!"

Han Chen condensed a sharp spear that blasted through the sky from his hands. This sharp spear was made from that molten smelt and contained the divine fluctuations of Han Chen's fire phoenix.


With the sharp spear that Han Chen felt from the snake-haired woman, it pierced the man's protective shield from a peculiar angle and immediately fell into the flood dragon's front.

The terrifying power agitated all the sea water, and even the clouds evaporated instantly.

The surrounding space is shattered, and the turbulent flow of time and space fills the neighborhood. As long as you accidentally encounter it, I am afraid that you will be involved in the void.

Suddenly, it seemed as if a scene of destruction of the world was being staged.

The power of terror is still shaking.

Han Chen's mental power has been detected, and the dragon is still lingering, and said sharply, "You kid actually wants to kill me, I will give it a tooth for a tooth! Take it to death!"

Han Chen and the fire phoenix joined together, "Phoenix stab!"

The sharp phoenix fire pierced the sea water directly, hitting the inner alchemy, and in the next second it could directly kill the invincible flood dragon!

But at this moment, the sky suddenly exploded with a thunder, the terrifying pressure, even Han Chen had to retreat, glanced in the direction of the terrifying pressure and thunder and lightning, and took a look. I felt dizzy and dizzy, and a terrifying energy ripple came from there!

Han Chen's eyes were sore that he was not under control.

"Then, what did I bring over there, ah, I can't help but want to kneel down, the strength of this person is too terrifying!" At this moment, Jin Pangli and others were suppressed even if they stayed on the flying boat. I can't stand up.

That coercion was too terrifying, and even surpassed the horrible coercion that Perilla God appeared at the beginning.

"This time it won't be the enemy again, then the Korean team is dangerous." Zhao Feiwu thought this in his heart, and knew that he shouldn't think so at this time, but he couldn't help but rang like this.

Then everyone began to worry about Han Chen.

"What the **** is this place, killing a person is so twists and turns." Han Chen couldn't help but spit out, but at this moment, he still stepped back and distanced himself from the opponent.

Looking at the sky, a golden cloud floated there, and a huge head was spit out above the golden cloud.

It was only recently that Han Chen could see clearly that the man was a huge dragon head!

With terrifying coercion, as if the true **** descended.

This kind of feeling Han Chen realized that when the Phoenix blood descended, a true **** ran from where he didn't know how.

Don't mention how depressed Han Chen is.

But at this time Han Chen wanted to escape, he would definitely not be able to escape successfully. The opponent's cultivation base was a bit higher than his peak state, and Han Chen would definitely not be able to defeat the opponent.

I don't know how that person will treat himself.

Han Chen thought so.

The rest of the people, especially those sea races, saw the dragon head floating over at this time, and they lowered their heads and shouted, "God!"

"Tsk, there is actually the blood of a fake phoenix here, hey, there is also the identity of a fake dragon clan." The **** exclaimed.

He glanced at Han Chen and the flood dragon and said, "You are really interesting. But let me kill you, I'm afraid it will be more interesting. But who should I kill first? I think your human race cultivates the blood of our sacred beast. Hateful, let me kill you now!"

The dragon head braved the golden light and turned into thousands of rays of light. It could have penetrated the body of the Daewoo-class monk, but at this time it was resisted by Han Chen. The golden light fell on Han Chen’s body. There was a harsh sound on the hard metal.

"Good guy!"

The dragon head exclaimed, gathering the surging power, and he stretched out a hand!

Han Chen and that Jiaolong both looked stunned, and said in disbelief, "Eight-Clawed Golden Dragon!"

Everyone looked silly in an instant.

But Han Chen was only in a moment, and immediately made a full defensive posture, wanting to see through the planetary body to be able to compete with the eight-clawed golden dragon god!


The eight-clawed golden dragon **** caught Han Chen, rubbing away from the terrible harsh sound, and suddenly snorted. One of the eight-clawed golden dragon pierced Han Chen's chest directly, and a large amount of plasma was flowing out of it.

"Die to the Lord!" The eight-clawed golden dragon head was also completely angry, and once again suppressed his own divinity. The terrifying pressure instantly pressed Han Chen's whole body up and down, and he was about to be caught by the octopus nylon. God grabbed, grabbed the heart directly.

"Don't think about it!"

Between these electric flints, Huang Mengmeng turned into a huge basalt, basalt claimed to have the hardest protective shield among the four great beasts. At this time, he fell in front of Han Chen and slammed into the eight-clawed golden dragon claw. Print it!

"Naughty animal, look for death!" The dragon head immediately uttered a word, blew vigorously, and a dragon's breath fell from the sky, sweeping away the surrounding wind in an instant.

Only the whirring wind is blowing and sadistic!

The terrifying power descended from the sky, even if it was Xuanwu, it was not immune to disaster at this time.

"Huang Mengmeng, Han Chen!"

The people on the flying boat instantly exclaimed, their voices can't even penetrate the formation on the flying boat, what can they help?

They only watched Han Chen being pierced in the chest...

Wu Yuan even covered her eyes and couldn't bear to look.

But at this moment, a powerful strange force suddenly appeared in the sky. Whether it was Han Chen's phoenix power, or the huge and terrifying dragon's breath and the eight-clawed golden dragon, it was directly caused by that strange force. The flame was extinguished, the golden light was gone, and it honestly became an ordinary thing.

"What's the matter? What the **** is it that dare to attack me!" Before the dragon finished speaking, he was immediately swept into the sky by a huge divine power.

Han Chen also couldn't refuse that weird divine power, directly lifted into the air from the ground, then got involved in the void at a certain point, and suddenly disappeared.

And Jin Pangli's flying boat.

Even the flood dragon on the bottom of the sea could not be spared.

But that Jiaolong seemed to realize something, and shouted frantically, "I don't want to go in! I don't want to die..."

For a while, when the pony-tailed woman came here, everything was quiet. She watched all this weird happen, and happily tossed the small broken ship, sailing in the boundless sea, but suddenly she was caught by nowhere. A giant sea beast swallowed it.

From then on, no one knew where Han Chen, the eight-clawed golden dragon, and a batch of flood dragons had gone.


Here is a scorched forest, everywhere is black, even the ground is a burnt appearance, beside the big burnt tree, there is a weird animal in the shape of an animal, but at this time it is not like a sculpture. understand. The whole animal became a shriveled corpse.

A young man in tattered clothes walked past the mummy, glanced, then glanced again, his throat kept rolling, suddenly his stomach grunted, he could no longer help directly biting the animal’s calf. A piece of meat was torn off from the top, and he bit into it hard.

This person is Han Chen.

Han Chen never thought that he would come back to a place exactly like the earth before the aura was revived. There was not even a trace of divinity here, so that Han Chen didn’t know how much time he slept, and when he woke up, everyone around him was already Gone.

There was only one other person left, and Han Chen picked her up and put her into the cave, blocking the entrance of the cave to prevent being caught by the beast.

Han Chen ate the burnt animal calf, and finally took the other parts back. At this time, Han Chen was like living a primitive life, constantly collecting food and avoiding the attacks of wild beasts.

Han Chen squeezed water from the plants that still had a little bit of life. He ate a little to quench his thirst. Although Han Chen wanted to drink it, he still held it in his mouth. Because of this little water, it would soon disappear.

Han Chen grabbed the animal Shisheng and ran back quickly. When he returned to the place, he saw that the cave outside the door was relatively complete. Han Chen immediately knew that no beast had come here.

Pushing away the stone, Han Chen walked in. The cave was still relatively shady, not as terribly dry outside.

In the darkness, Han Chen came in and found that the woman had suddenly disappeared. At this moment, there was a sudden noise from behind, and a cold thing pressed against Han Chen's neck.

"Say, why did you bring me to a place like this!" The voice after leaving was extremely calm, but still could not conceal the anger in the tension.

"I'm talking about Yue Qingcheng, can you retain your strength after all this is the case." Han Chen didn't seem to be afraid of the other party's hands-on appearance at all, but said this in a single sentence.

You must know that Han Chen, who had just woke up after landing, was almost like the mummy. There was a mummy missing from the fire. In the end, it was Han Chen's wit, and finally chose the cave and escaped.

This saved some strength.

But others don't know where it went.

After waking up, only Yue Qingcheng was beside her.

"What you said is also the truth." That Yue Qingcheng pondered, and finally put the stone on the ground.

Han Chen glanced at that Yue Qingcheng weirdly. He said just now that it was a blade, but it turned out to be a stone, which is really helpless.

This place is really strange. Even if Han Chen has various magic weapons, he can't use it at this time.

Han Chen saw Yue Qingcheng sitting down, and although he was still watching Han Chen vigilantly, he didn't seem to want to continue working on Han Chen.


Han Chen threw the food he picked up outside to Yue Qingcheng.

Yue Qingcheng took a look. Although she was very hungry, she still couldn't help but said, "I'm very thirsty, and my throat is smoking. Is there any water."


Han Chen pointed to his mouth and said.

"What? You won't want to..." That Yue Qingcheng immediately looked at Han Chen coldly.

"Are you a beast? I'm still thinking about tenderness and sweetness. To tell you the truth, there was a big fire just now, and all the food and water have evaporated. Now I am also from some dead branches. The water drawn is in your mouth. If you put it in your hands, it will evaporate a long time ago." Han Chen explained angrily.

"A ghost believes in you." After that Yue Qingcheng dragged her tired body out and turned around, she came back and saw Han Chen immediately pounced on Han Chen like a hungry wolf.

Han Chen still wanted to struggle, and a soft tongue immediately penetrated in his mouth, absorbing away the moisture contained in Han Chen's mouth.

Even absorbed it several times.

Although the first kiss was very enjoyable, it didn't feel particularly good, because the first kiss still made Han Chen feel violated.

"Okay, we are even." That Yue Qingcheng sat back seriously, and then the big piece of Duoying ate the rabbit's calf.

Han Chen was stunned for a while.

But it's not easy to say anything, after all, this is the case now.

"What did you find?" That Yue Qingcheng suddenly asked Han Chen.

"I went around, there are flames everywhere, there are no creatures at all. But if you go a little further, you should run into those creatures, but we no longer have the divine nature, and there is no energy to support us to use our physical bodies. Power, I'm afraid we are just a little better than ordinary martial arts masters now." Han Chen not only analyzed speechlessly.

"What is a martial arts master?" That Yue Qingcheng asked.

"Oh, martial arts masters are people in our world who use some martial arts routines to subdue the enemy." Han Chen then realized that Yue Qingcheng was not a civilized person on the earth, so he explained.

"Then your civilization is still great. Ordinary people can fight like this." Yue Qingcheng exclaimed after hesitating.

"No..." Han Chen wanted to argue, but didn't know what to say. After all, their earth civilization has just begun, how can there be any decent powerhouses?

"What about you, did you find anything?" Han Chen asked back.

"Found there is no water? Does this count?"


Han Chen was also stunned for a while, suddenly speechless.

In the next few days, Han Chen relied on the radius of the place to start searching, but he had to come back to this cave every night, because after midnight, he would think of very strange sounds of beasts.

Those beasts seem to be able to eat people.

And the screams were quite stern, Han Chen guessed that ordinary people would haunt here at night, but he was afraid that he would soon become a lunatic.

Therefore, the radius that Han Chen and the others can really search is not particularly large.

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