All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1565: Meet the indigenous

Their efficiency is not very high.

For this reason, the two quarreled deliberately, but in the end Han Chen had the upper hand.

That is to use the cave to start wandering in position to increase the radius of their search. They went out to search for food during the day, and after collecting enough food, the two returned to the cave, and when it was dawn, the two quickly migrated.

Migrate to a new place, then quickly build a cave, turn it into a new cave, and then the two live in this way, so they can continuously expand the search radius.

Finally one day, they finally walked out of the place full of fire and coke, and came to another place of fire and coke.

The two finally became angry and could no longer bear such a life.

"I want to stick to this direction and go down, we must have hope!" Han Chen stood in the cave wearing a fur coat.

Opposite Han Chen, also wearing animal skins and animal clothing, revealing the flat belly of Yue Qingcheng, she said, "We walked all the way in this direction, and there is nothing at all! Persevering is to die, it is better to follow me and turn in one direction. , Maybe there is still an opportunity!"

"I insist on going in this direction, and I will definitely encounter a silver lining." Han Chen gave different opinions.

"Why are you so stubborn! Can't you listen to my opinion? Look at where we are going, what else can we have?" After so many days of in vain, Yue Qingcheng calmly revealed There was a wave of irritability.

"This is because we haven't walked far enough." Han Chen finally replied after pondering.

"That's OK, when you go through your Yangguan Road, I will walk on my single-plank bridge!" Yue Qingcheng was completely angry.

In this vast and dry land, there was only a dark world, which was not the world he wanted at all, so Yue Qingcheng chose to give up.

But when they were arguing with each other, a strange voice suddenly came from behind.

Both of them are strong. In this place where life is like a year, they are always vigilant, when the sound comes, the two immediately turn around.

As a result, I saw that row of people standing aside, the one leading was wearing weird animal skin clothes, with strange feathers on top of his head, and a few skulls on his waist. Not all of them were humans, but also beasts. of.

Seeing these dozens of people, they all looked weird, and even they couldn't sense what kind of weapons they were holding in their hands.

But that's it, Han Chen and Yue Qingcheng, who had calmed down, had no plans to resist.

It is too difficult for them to see living things here.

Seeing that Han Chen and Yue Qingcheng did not resist, the two people came out of the crowd, holding the javelin-like primitive weapons, and walking with Han Chen and Yue Qingcheng between them. As long as they walk slowly, they will be caught by them. Urge.

However, Han Chen didn't seem to have heard their language at all. Han Chen fought against Yue Qingcheng next to him and found that Yue Qingcheng couldn't understand it either.

It seems that there is no way to communicate.

The two finally followed the pair of savage fighting troops strangely.

Although Han Chen could beat two, but Yue Qingcheng was so weak, I really didn't know if he could fight.

Therefore, Han Chen did not choose to take risks, but to wait and see what would change in the end.

Along the way, Han Chen and Yue Qingcheng came to a hill, and when they turned the hill, they saw a place in front of them.

Those places are surrounded by cave houses, and the cave houses are covered with a lot of things.

Many things surprised Han Chen.

Because those cave houses are actually caves, similar to Han Chen's. But they have seen many of those dark stones along the way.

It was a stone that Han Chen would never pay attention to when he saw it.

But these savages cherished it and kept it in their arms. Even Han Chen saw that one of them saw the black stone, and the whole team cheered for that person.

Han Chen and Yue Qingchen gave them a look at each other, and they both knew they were going to hide it this time.

Obediently followed the two guards and walked in, and came to the rugged caves.

There is a brightly lit place in the caves, and the rest are dark caves. Only by relying on the light from the faint ore can the situation of the cave be seen clearly.

Han Chen and Yue Qingcheng were brought to this place.

A lot of weird shapes emerged from the caves, and those glimmers were invisible, as if there was a strange energy cruising in the nearby air.

Next to him, Yue Qingcheng unconsciously leaned against Han Chen's body.

Although Han Chen felt a little hairy in his heart, he still went straight through the strange floating things.

After walking in the cave, it is quite big inside, with a stone platform placed inside, and there is no other furniture besides the stone platform.

There was only a dark man sitting behind the stone platform. He was looking at Han Chen with piercing eyes at this time, as if he wanted to see from Han Chen's eyes what Han Chen was.

"Where did you come from?" the dark-skinned man suddenly asked. They seem to have survived this charcoal fire.

"You..." As soon as Han Chen and Yue Qingcheng heard each other, they were shocked by what they understood.

"Don't be surprised, there are many people from outside on my side, and I also know that most of you are here for the life stone," said the dark-skinned man.

"Yes, we did come from the outside, but we weren't for the so-called life stone. In fact, we didn't even know what the life stone was. We were accidentally involved in it. What is inside? Where? If fellow daoists know, pay it back." Han Chen said neither humble nor arrogant.

The dark man only recovered a little when he heard that Han Chen was not for the life stone.

Continued, "I don't know what place this is, only some people would say that this is another kind of hell."

"Another kind of hell?" Han Chen and Yue Qingcheng were both stunned. Aren't the hells controlled by the samsara.

Here comes another hell.

The man didn't seem to be in a hurry, but slowly said, "No one has ever gone out of our hell. But it doesn't matter. Even if you don't have supplies, we will provide them. But the condition is that you must. Give us a hundred stones."

"What will you provide us?" Han Chen and Yue Qingcheng first had a happy face, and then asked.

"Of course it's food. You have become slaves to my Mo. You'd better join the team that gathers lifestones weirdly, otherwise you may be starved to death, or the evil spirits that descend on the night Or the evil spirit bites to death abruptly."

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