All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1566: Life stone

Said the person who claimed to be Mo.

Han Chen thought it was too difficult, but he didn't say anything and agreed to the person's request.

"Apart from us, are there anyone else who came to your tribe?" Han Chen asked seriously.

"There are really four or five people. I will ask my subordinates to take you to see." The lord Mo said.

Master Mo turned around and talked to the guard next to him, and ordered to go down.

After a while, Lord Remo said, "You follow him. If you dare to move anything crooked, my subordinates will kill you as soon as possible."

Han Chen and Yue Qingcheng both agreed.

It was the same dark-skinned man who spoke to Han Chen and Yue Qingcheng, but it was a pity that neither Han Chen nor Yue Qingcheng understood.

However, Han Chen's mind became more active at this time. It turned out that the stone was called the life stone, which seemed very interesting.

I just don't know what the weird life stone is.

Just knowing that they finally inquired about the other side's details.

"This kind of life stone is said to allow people to survive in this world, and to cultivate certain spells that fit this world. At present, these spells are given to them by their patriarchal church."

Han Chen turned around and explained to that Yue Qingcheng.

Yue Qingcheng pondered for a while and said, "Could the life stone here have the same function as the divine stone we know?"

"Then I don't know." Han Chen responded bitterly.

At this time, the life stones are in the hands of the elders, even in places with so many creatures, they still have to go back to the cave at night.

"Didn't you say that they also arrested a few outsiders like us? Did you see them?" Yue Qingcheng asked.

"They didn't agree to let me meet them. It's getting dark. Let's go back to the cave." Han Chen said after hesitating.

"You don't have your own cave?" Yue Qingcheng just walked two steps and found Han Chen following.

"Ah, I'm not telling them that we are a Taoist couple? So let us live in a cave." Han Chen said slyly.

Yue Qingcheng didn't speak, and walked into the cave with her foot up, leaving only Han Chen standing there. She didn't know whether to go in or not.

Eventually night fell, and Han Chen had to walk in.

This cave is just a room, with a bed in the room, and now they have become ordinary people, and the cultivation base in the body can't be opened, so sleep has become the most primitive way for them to restore their physical strength.

Han Chen didn't dare to lie on the same bed with Yue Qingcheng, fearing that he would be forced to quit by the other party.

In the middle of the night, Han Chen felt as if someone was pulling him. Han Chen woke up and looked back. He happened to see Yue Qingcheng pulling Han Chen. She was very close, her face was covered with oil and turned into a Big black face, but the fragrance on the body still makes people want to commit a crime.

When he entered the body close to Han Chen, the meat ball in the coarse linen was close to Han Chen's big arm.

Han Chen first thought that Yue Qingcheng was lonely and unbearable in the middle of the night, and when he was about to sternly refuse, that Yue Qingcheng put a finger on Han Chen's mouth.

Let Han Chen listen.

Han Chen realized it at this time.

So charming just now, it turned out to be silent.

Do you want to do this? Han Chen murmured in his mind, but when he saw Yue Qingcheng's monograph, he knew that something great had happened outside.

So I started to hold my breath.

There was a terrifying Wusu Wusu sound outside, and every time it fell, it followed the sound of a mouth snapping off a brittle bone.

Whenever this sound of mouth snapping off the brittle bones came to mind, it seemed that someone had died dullly in the middle of the night.

For a time, the night here was quiet and terrible.

It was on such a night, Han Chen stared at the outside, and picked up a stone on the ground in his hand.

Holding the stone tightly with both hands, as if the stone could give him strength.

Yue Qingcheng beside him grabbed Han Chen's arm with a very nervous expression. At this moment, both of them were very nervous and did not notice that Han Chen's arm was all caught in blue by Yue Qingcheng.


The wind was roaring outside, and the stern roar was tormenting. The sound of the evil spirit chewing the skull, tossing on and off all night.

Both Han Chen and Yue Qingcheng were nervous all night, and did not know when they both fell asleep.

The raging demon wind suddenly flew in and hovered around in this cave, as if he was probing and searching. In the end, nothing was found, only the dust on the ground changed a little, and nothing else happened.

Before dawn, the eastern fish belly appeared white, and the cave seemed to have finally returned to the normal world from the yellow spring of hell.

Han Chen opened his eyes, and suddenly found that he and Yue Qingcheng had hugged each other to keep warm. As for what happened last night, Han Chen knew that this place was not safe at all.

There must be something in that demon wind last night that his current cultivation level could not see through, and there must be very scary monsters in it.

It was a fluke last night, if you come again, Han Chen does not believe that he can still be so lucky.

Therefore, Han Chen decided to figure out what that lifestone was today. So Han Chen walked out of the cave early.

I found the person who brought Han Chen with him last night, told him what he wanted, and then soon from the other's mouth, some of them would set out to find the life stone early in the morning. They saw Han Chen so motivated and told Han Chen where he was most likely to find the life stone.

Han Chen came and went and finally learned some of their languages.

"Are you talking about the rugged cliffs, is the lifestone most likely to exist? Are all lifestones on the cliff?" Han Chen finally confirmed.

"Not bad, but even the bravest warriors of our race will not go to the cliffs to look for them. On the contrary, many foreign monks like you go to the cliffs, but do you know what is under the cliffs? It is said that there is a cause A place where our plain has become a ruin, where there is a real great horror!"

"Once you fall, you may never be able to get up again. There is a really desperate place. I say this not to be jealous of you, but to hope you are well." The dark guard left after speaking.

He came to his companion and said to the man, "Old Tie, I ran into another idiot outsider today. This time I told him that there are the most life stones on the cliffs!"

"Hehe, old boy, it seems that we should be rich again this time. When this man dies, the woman will belong to me." The man with six fingers showed a lewd smile.

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