All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1567: Kun brother

"You old pervert, you always remember women. There are probably a lot of good things in that person. Although we can't open them, we can hand them over to our patriarch. When the patriarch tries to open it, he will definitely give it. We are a big reward!" The man called the old boy showed a wicked smile.

"Hey, then we will get what we need... The outsiders are also really strange, I said so dangerous, but they just want to believe in that kind of ghost place."

"Isn't this cheaper for us? How can we make a fortune if they are not so daredevil?" The two laughed at each other.

"But our patriarch really exists like a god, and can actually open the strange things of those outsiders." Old Tie said with a smile, as if they had already obtained the other party's secret security today.

Both sides are familiar with such things.

Han Chen didn't know the true situation of the life stone on the cliff.

But this trip, Han Chen is imperative, but he needs to make full preparations, otherwise he really wants to die on that cliff, it would be a joke.

So Han Chen decided where to get some lifestones, and then researched, striving to be able to move the gods in his body.

At this time, the door of the village was full of creatures and some alien races. Han Chen hid among them and observed secretly. It's better not to get out in a strange place.

Among the crowd, Han Chen noticed that there were five human races, and those people's faces were dark and jet-black, and they tried to pretend to be each other like Han Chen.

Therefore, unnecessary troubles can be reduced.

The five people also took a look at Han Chen, and seemed to be interested in teaming up with Han Chen.

The tallest man walked on the opposite side. The man saw Han Chen's thin body and said disdainfully, "Well, let's go with us. As long as 50% of the lifestones are handed in , We will guarantee your safety."

"Yes, this is the best cooperation for newcomers like you. You know, our brother Kun has been in this village for hundreds of years, and he is very familiar with the locals. As long as he speaks, he can consider giving you The shackles were untied." There was also a sturdy man who followed him, but he was obviously not as strong as the leader Kun.

Han Chen didn't say a word on his face, but he had a lot of care in his heart. The other party's heart of the charging ratio is too dark, it is simply exploiting.

Although Han Chen knew that the locals kept collecting lifestones, Han Chen still didn't know how these lifestones worked.

But this was not cooperation at all, it was simply a slave to the other party, so Han Chen remained silent. Han Chen knew that he was still at the station and the other party would definitely not dare to do it.

But if you get outside, you can't tell, so Han Chen planned to leave the village as soon as possible.

You must know that although Han Chen is thin and weak, he still possesses some martial arts routines of the earth. If the opponent really dares to be strong, it is not clear who will die.

So Han Chen said, "I don't plan to cooperate with you."

"You kid, you don't know what is good or bad, I tell you, if you are eaten by a beast outside, don't regret it!" The man next to Brother Kun sneered.

"Brother Kun, let's go. Each of us will hand in ten lifestones this time. If we can't hand them in..." The man turned around and took Brother Kun away.

"You kid remember it for me!" Brother Kun received a viciously.

Han Chen waited for an order from the villager, Han Chen, like a wild horse, no longer hides his strength, turned into a flying swallow and rushed to the wilderness.

Even the people in the village were stunned, and said dumbly, "Is that guy still in shackles?"

After getting a definitive reply, the people in the village hurriedly ran and said as they ran, "I want to report to the patriarch!"

The five of Na Kun were also stunned, and the little attendant next to Kun said, "Brother Kun, don't be afraid, I think that kid is just a paper tiger. The reason why he runs so fast is not worried about us doing tricks behind his back? We only need to remember the other party's direction and wait for him to ambush in the past. His strength is empty at that time, and he will definitely sit and wait for death."

"Not bad!"

"Yes, Brother Kun!" The other three also agreed.

"Then let's go too." Brother Kun's face converged from the surprise just now. He was quite sure of his hundred years of experience, so he was able to eat like this in this dangerous wilderness.

Han Chen didn't know how much attention had been drawn behind them, but at this time he rushed to avoid trouble, and it didn't affect much.

Han Chen searched a few places according to the map provided by the other party, and then came to the cliff in the wilderness. Han Chen glanced at the top of the cliff, looked down from the cliff, and really understood some black shiny stones.

Han Chen saw such a stone for the first time, and found it quite new.

"It seems that old iron didn't lie to himself." Han Chen thought.

But there are no ropes and no iron hooks. How can we continue mining?

Now it's not the old Daewoo-class powerhouse with a golden body. After thinking about it, Han Chen finally decided that he wanted to quickly restore his cultivation.

"It seems dangerous, it's coming again."

Han Chen only took out the shovel for digging, and this type of shovel was also extremely crude and crude.

After inserting the shovel into the ground and trying it a few times, it was found to be quite strong. Han Chen stood on the edge of the cliff, glanced down, and finally decided to smash the rocks down.

There was no echo from the stone for a long time. It was almost a stick of incense before there was a dull sound. If you didn't listen carefully, you would not be able to hear it.

"This is too deep."

Han Chen showed a touch of bitterness.

There is only one chance.

Han Chen thought silently in his heart, and took out the shovel from his hand. With Han Chen's martial arts and strength at this time, he was confident that he could realize the plan just now.

Not far away, the man surnamed Tie and the man surnamed Tong looked at Han Chen intently at this time. Of course, they were hiding well, so Han Chen was not found.

"That kid is too cautious." Lao Tie had eaten the dust here all morning, and he didn't expect that this kid would not do it yet.

"What is she doing? I kept inserting the shovel into the ground and pulling it up with one hand. Is this a strange technique?" The old boy was obviously calmer, and immediately saw that Han Chen was wrong. .

"Then what's the matter, maybe it's nervousness, I need to resolve the boredom in my heart, and give up on yourself. By the way, give yourself courage." Old Tie said angrily.

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