All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1568: Calculate

"There is courage, but you have to say you are nervous, that may not be the case." The old boy said after a while, "I think that kid is really thinking about climbing a cliff with one hand!"

"Single-handed?" When he said that, Lao Tie was also energetic. "We really haven't seen any outsider who needs to do such training before. It is really strange and weird."

"This kid is really fortitude. After practicing like this all morning, all the flowers we are waiting here are thanked. He is still training there. And he is training with one hand, most likely he wants to fall on the cliff. Location." The old boy said, his face full of incredible.

"Then he is really amazing." Old Tie mocked. After all, they are rocks, cliffs, and all of them are solid rocks. How can they be moved by ordinary shovel.

Seeing this kind of thing makes people feel scared.

Those stones are indestructible, let alone you can embed them with a shovel on the cliff. Once you make a mistake, you will be buried on the cliff, and you will be dead!

From this point of view, this person is really courageous!

But when he has the courage, he still has bold imagination and that terrible determination.

Alas, why am I raising others' ambitions and destroying my own prestige?

In the end, Lao Tong did not tell his guess, but continued to observe like Lao Tie.

"Moved!" Lao Tie said suddenly, and Lao Tong also noticed.

The person really jumped straight down.

So fierce!

Both of them were shocked, and rushed to observe closely.

Han Chen naturally noticed that someone was behind. Although he didn't notice it at first, he knew it when he started training.

But the reason why I have been training for so long is to know what they want. If the other party does it before they go down, then they are killing themselves and belong to the ruthless generation.

If you wait for your corpse after you go down and pick up a bargain, then it may be making money.

Now it seems that the other party is making money.

In this way, Han Chen had no choice, and he couldn't kill these two people early. After all, these two people were both the right-hand man of the patriarch in the village.

So Han Chen decided to go down and get the life stone first. With his current arm strength, it would be no problem to hang on the cliff for a day, but after night came, the stern ghost was very terrifying.

It's horrible unacceptably.

Everything that happened last night made Han Chen shudder.

After falling into the cliff, Han Chen easily pierced the crack in the cliff and fixed the shovel firmly.

But there was still fifty meters away from the first life stone.

This is the death distance.

If you slid 50 meters at a time, the speed of the descent at that time might not even have time for Han Chen to react, and it would directly become the minced meat under the cliff.

Han Chen took a deep breath!

He inserted the rock just now, which shows that this method is feasible.

With the other hand, Han Chen is also helping to stabilize his body.


Han Chen spotted a place ten meters away. Han Chen pulled out his shovel and slowly fell down, turning it into an extremely fast speed, falling down!

Ten meters!



The broken stones around were smashed towards Han Chen’s head, and there were broken walls everywhere, but Han Chen firmly grasped the shovel in his hand, which may be very dangerous for ordinary people, but Han Chen Knowing that I was not wrong in this training.

Without the training just now, this time I might really become a dead soul under the cliff.

Han Chen took a deep breath and drew the gourd in the same way. After three times, Han Chen finally came to the place where he took the first life stone.

Han Chen's eyes were brilliant, and he held the lifestone in his hand. After the lifestone started, there was a strange power trembling in Han Chen's body.

"This power can actually trigger the resonance of the power in my body!"

Han Chen was shocked.

Suddenly felt more and more incredible.

Although I haven't figured out what kind of power this is, it still gives Han Chen hope.

This lifestone turned out to be a mysterious divinity, but Han Chen couldn't explain its specific attributes.

Moreover, the amount contained in this life stone is very small. After initial contact, Han Chen absorbed it, and found that it could not be compared with ordinary divinity.

Han Chen has experienced the place where there is no divinity in the earth's recovery process, so in the end Han Chen also got his wish and gained the power of mythology!

Therefore, Han Chen is very sensitive to all kinds of divinities, and the reincarnation aura in Han Chen's body and ordinary divinity complexes also give Han Chen a different understanding of power.

But the power in this lifestone is definitely not something ordinary monks can absorb.

Han Chen was infinitely pleasantly surprised, but fortunately he stabilized his figure, otherwise he might really be unlucky by being so excited.

Han Chen was like this, and saw three lifestones in the cross section.

However, it is about ten meters away from Han Chen. The horizontal jump is different from the descent. Even the movement of the horizontal jump requires Han Chen's stamina, which consumes more stamina than falling.

Han Chen knew well about Han Chen's adventure.

After thinking about it, he immediately turned into a figure and jumped over, instantly falling to that direction, only one meter away!

Han Chen took a deep breath and jumped over again. During Han Chen's hard training just now, Han Chen considered this situation, and therefore studied the situation of lateral force.

After persisting for ten times, Han Chen finally came next to these three life stones.

Han Chen calmed his heartbeat and took down three lifestones. These three lifestones looked better because they were all in the prominent position of the cliff.

This place is very dangerous. Without Han Chen's method, almost no one chooses the life stone here.

So Han Chen was the first to pick such a lifestone.

Starting with the life stone, Han Chen felt that there was a force that made Han Chen's heart extremely, and the three life stones continued to send that weird power.

That is, Han Chen practiced the reincarnation exercise, otherwise he would not be able to absorb this weird energy. Of course, there is also the credit of Han Chen's gray wings. Han Chen's gray wings claim to be able to absorb any divine power.

It was the gray wings made from the fruit of the bloodline, and the natural power was extremely powerful.

After Han Chen absorbed in this way, the divinity in his body finally began to loosen, and the divinity in Han Chen began to slowly recover.

However, Han Chen's mental power still couldn't be released outside, obviously because of the special restrictions of this place.

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