All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1569: restore

But after Han Chen can now improve his divine nature, Han Chen can also protect himself. But it's just self-protection.

Still need to absorb life stone vigorously.

The two creatures, Lao Tie and Lao Tong, were already dumbfounded when they watched from above. They were already envied and hated when they saw Han Chen had obtained the life stone fifty meters from the cliff.

But now that Han Chen unexpectedly jumped and took away three lifestones, which made the two of them feel strange.

"I'm afraid that this person can't stay. If he goes on like this, there is a real high probability that he won't fall off the cliff like the fifty or so outsiders before. We don't have any cheapness to pick it up." The old iron was stunned. It was murderous.

"It's true, this kid is too evil. Even we can't understand that skill. Even if you and I are on a cliff, you will never be able to do it like this. This person will do us great harm if we stay here. It's better to give him a sling while the other party is still on the cliff, let him fall off the cliff and turn into a pile of minced meat!" The old boy thought the same way.

The two hit it off!

He immediately took the stone and slammed it at Han Chen's fuzzy figure.

That Han Chen was 50 meters away from them at this time. Naturally, the rock would fly for a while, and the two creatures were very concerned about being able to hit Han Chen.

So they looked at the cliff intently on this, but they were surprised to find that when the cliff fell, it was getting bigger and bigger!

How is this possible!

Suddenly, the slightly wary old boy suddenly discovered something and immediately shouted, "Hurry up and get away!"

But this sentence was only half said, the stone did not fall towards the cliff, but slammed into their faces at a faster speed.

Then the two of them couldn't evade, and were dizzy by the boulder. Then they saw Han Chen flying up as if seeing the evil spirits killing their lives.

Flew up!

That's something that even their patriarch failed to do!

But starting to look at things so terribly, it happened in front of them.

"You, are you a man or a ghost?" The two men trembled and hugged, for fear that the creature would come.

You must know that in their memory, only the weird creatures that are everywhere at night will fly. At night, the people in the places where the creatures haunted, once they didn't return to the cave, all they were eaten were a pile of bones. It was terrible!

So now they also think that they have encountered such terrible creatures in broad daylight, and that is simply killing them.

So at this time, they are very scared psychologically and physically.

"Do you think I am a human or a ghost?" The flying creature smiled like a talking evil spirit.

At this moment, the two of them were shocked, and suddenly realized something in their hearts. The person in front of them was definitely not that terrible creature. They had never heard of that creature that could speak their language.

In this way, their psychological burden is slightly less at this time.

But still very scared, if that is not a horrible creature, then is this person the Han Chen who just went down?

Didn't he never fly before?

How come you have become that god-man now!

The gods are the legends they got when they communicated with outsiders. I heard those outsiders say that their world is full of powerhouses who can fly and move mountains and fill the sea. This wildness is just a breath to wear. Over.

Very scary.

At this time Han Chen is the **** who can fly!

"God, please forgive us, we are all unintentional, unintentional loss!" The old boy was active in his mind and immediately confessed his sin.

The old iron next to him was already stupid at this time, but when he was pushed to the ground by the old boy, he knelt down as expected, and he didn't dare to be arrogant anymore.

"Is that so? Then I can consider giving you a chance to survive. You must listen carefully and don't miss a word..."

Han Chen’s voice became smaller and smaller. The two of them listened carefully and suddenly raised their heads strangely, with a sudden tingling behind their backs. When they looked down, they were directly pierced by an iron hand on their chests. The jumping heart immediately broke away from their bodies and turned into powder before their eyes!

"You, you..." The two left without any last words.

"Hmph, you originally wanted to kill me, how could I spare your lives!" Han Chen is not stupid. Don't be kind in this kind of place. If there is a chance to kill the undead opponent, I'm afraid it will be Han Chen. Up.

After doing this, Han Chen's body strength was used up. At this time, he was panting. As long as one person passed by and gave Han Chen a knife, Han Chen estimated that he would not live long.

Han Chen held his breath, resisting his weakness, and found the stone in the leather bags of the two of them, shiny black.

It seems to be the lifestone.

However, these ten lifestones were not as good as those of Han Chen just now, but they were better than nothing. At this time, Han Chen was extremely weak and quickly absorbed the lifestones.

Just now, I absorbed the life stone below, and aroused some divine nature, but there was no time to come up with the divine pill that recovered the divine nature, so they encountered a sneak attack by the two.

Therefore, Han Chen also paid a higher price.

The ten life stones really worked, and the divinity in Han Chen's body was aroused again, but it was still not as much as before.

Han Chen quickly swallowed a few divine pills, but found that it was useless. Han Chen smiled wryly.

At this meeting, Huang Mengmeng and Mo Xiaoyan turned into phantoms and emerged. Huang Mengmeng even more frustratedly said, "Why did you contact us for so long? I thought you had been eaten by some old monster. Go inside!"

Mo Xiaoyan was also quite agitated. At this time, she seemed to look around with a dumbfounded look, and even ignored the fact that Han Chen had no divine character in her body.

"Hey, what happened in your body? Why are you so weak?" Huang Mengmeng immediately noticed the difference in Han Chen's body. Han Chen's low cultivation base at this time was terribly low, and he was below the title level. Doesn’t it look like ordinary people?

"Didn't you find it strange here?" Han Chen said angrily.

Huang Mengmeng felt the surrounding situation, and suddenly showed an unbelievable expression, and said, "How can the aura here be so weird? It's not like Samsara, God's Domain, or Dragon Court, but like..."

"The Devil!"

This sentence was not said by Huang Mengmeng, but by the silly Mo Xiaoyan after he appeared.

At this time, Mo Xiaoyan was still like a madman, but at this time she was a little sober, and she muttered to herself, "This is the Demon World! This is the Demon World! It is full of the breath of the Demon World!"

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