All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1573: Mo Xiaoyan is missing

Han Chen narrowed his eyes and seemed to have found some important information. It was best to show a weird smile. He glanced at Mo Xiaoyan and found that Mo Xiaoyan was still practicing in retreat, obviously not paying attention to the situation here.

"Could it be that Mo Xiaoyan is really in retreat, so doesn't she have the time and energy to explore? But it's not like it.

Han Chen thought of it silently.

"Go and forget it yourself." Han Chen spoke again.

Turning into a red light, Han Chen came to the place of the sound in an instant. The reason for this was that although the void elves also had divine nature in this place, they were also unable to use them at all, just like Han Chen at the beginning.

So Han Chen could only tear the void into the exploration by himself.

When I came to the place where the sound was heard, I immediately saw a large swath of black people, most of whom had dark skin.

"Is it the patriarch and the villagers?" Han Chen muttered.

What are they doing here? Did you know the news that I killed the old iron two?

The original methods of these tribesmen are very primitive, and they seem to rarely use magic elements in order to avoid waste.

How could it be detected so far?


But the problem is that if you come out here really in this direction, they are coming for Han Chen.

Han Chen really couldn't think of what they wanted to do right now.

"I'll go back to the cliff and see what they do before I say it."

Han Chen is not someone who kills innocent people indiscriminately, nor is he indecisive.

After returning to the original place, Han Chen hurriedly communicated to Mo Xiaoyan, saying that she wanted her to return to the Stellar quickly.

But Mo Xiaoyan still did not respond, Han Chen was suspicious, but did not say anything.

After a while, the patriarch and villagers really walked towards Han Chen, but Han Chen pretended to dig the life stone on the cliff, as if he was in danger of falling under the cliff at any time.

At this time, someone above Han Chen yelled at Han Chen, "Hey, are you an outsider from our village? Have you ever seen a strange person?"

"I am a foreigner, I have not seen the strange person you mentioned, and I haven't seen half of them here." Han Chen replied seriously.

"Then you come up first. You collected ten lifestones, you can go on business today, you don't have to go to such a dangerous place." The person kindly reminded.

"Oh, then I have collected fifteen, I will go up now." Han Chen wondered, it seemed that they didn't look like menacing.

It doesn't seem to be for yourself.

Han Chen still needs to explore the magic method of cultivation and find the entrance to the core of the **** of destruction, so Han Chen does not want to expose himself so quickly.

After all, people in the village are more familiar with these places.

After coming up, the people I saw just now are still there, but the patriarch has nowhere to go. Han Chen glanced at the place where Demon Xiaoyan was in retreat, and found that there was no Demon Xiaoyan aura in the cave.

Mo Xiaoyan didn't know if he hid, or really disappeared. In short, this person is no longer here.

Han Chen suddenly felt a little surprised. He didn't expect Mo Xiaoyan to disappear in this situation.

Could the disappearance of Mo Xiaoyan have something to do with the patriarch?

Although Han Chen had doubts in his heart, he didn't show it in the end.

At this time, Han Chen was very scared, and seemed to shrink a little when seeing so many people for the first time.

"Don't be afraid, let me ask you, have you really collected fifteen lifestones?" the face of the person shouting above said excitedly.

"Yes, look." Han Chen called out the fifteen lifestones that were not of very good quality. Han Chen's magical thoughts at this time were also capable of opening the stellar device in his body and taking out the objects.

The man saw the black glow of these fifteen lifestones, and everyone was dazzled by what he saw!

Their expressions are obviously very excited.

Han Chen didn't know their thoughts for a while, so he asked tentatively.

"Is there something wrong with these life stones?"

"No, no," the man recovered from his gaffe and continued, "This is the first time I have seen such a pure lifestone!"

Han Chen was stunned. After all, all he gave were inferior lifestones, not pure at all.

The pure ones are bigger than eggs, and black and shiny, very pure, not at all like the fuzzy stones in front of them.

So Han Chen pretended to be at a loss.

"It seems that you are so amazing. You are really amazing. Next time you have to find more stones like this and give us. Ten, no, five will be fine! But you have to exchange the extra ones, we can exchange them. Don’t worry, we’re fair. You outsiders are often undernourished. You can exchange more food with us. Although there are rules every day, there are very few."

"Well, having said so much, you still don't know my name, my name is the old man, you can call me like that." said the man who claimed to be the old man.

Han Chen was stunned when he heard the name. Although subconsciously knowing that the old man and his father are definitely not the same thing, he still feels that this man called the old man insults his IQ.

Han Chen agreed with a wry smile.

This old man is obviously the most important person besides the patriarch. He turned around and said to everyone, "You have to learn from this foreigner. Although they have some physical inconvenience, they collected The natal stone is the most among us, and the purity of the natal stone is also very high. So I let this stranger receive three servings of food today! Next time everyone will work hard, our patriarch has set up a reward system Don’t lose to outsiders!"

The old man talked about it enthusiastically, and the people below were all excited.

"Okay, let's all leave. I will go back with this outsider." The old man said.

After this operation, Han Chen was stunned. He thought that so many of them would have to have an explanation when they came over. He didn't expect to pass the barrier so quickly.

And where is the patriarch? Why send so many people to find yourself?

Han Chen still hasn't figured this out, but of course it is impossible to ask directly about this kind of thing.

However, it was only half an hour's journey from the place previously explored to here, why did the patriarch disappear out of thin air?

There was also that Mo Xiaoyan, now he didn't know where he went, he didn't know if he avoided it, or something else happened.

After arriving here, Han Chen discovered that the servant contract that was previously signed through spiritual power is now very weak, and even Han Chen could not sense the existence of that demon Xiaoyan at this time.

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