All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1585: Kill

He was dark skinned and was holding a cloth bag.

"Then we are going to be a step late?" Another old man roped.

"That's getting more and more interesting," the misty man said.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. According to the tracking method I learned from Lord Demon, I'm afraid this battle has just dissipated. I still smell a familiar smell inside." Mo Xiaoyan said.

Mo Xiaoyan immediately turned into a streamer and revolved in place, with a solemn expression.

"What's the matter, Lady Queen?" the dark-skinned old black monster asked.

"I smell that old Fei." Mo Xiaoyan said.

"What, the smell of Lao Fei, did he fight this pseudo-deity powerhouse?" Everyone was puzzled again.

"I'm afraid so, and he has disappeared in this place." Mo Xiaoyan showed a bit of bitterness.

They really died before leaving the school, and another general.

When Mo Xiaoyan first came in, she was really smug, but after she came in and separated from those guys, although she desperately wanted to talk about the gathering of other people, it was a pity that she hadn't had time to complete the assembly, so she was caught by the mysterious pseudo The powerhouse of the gods was killed.

It seems that this trip is really dangerous.

"The Demon King's Mansion where we are going to go next, do you know the approximate location? I firmly believe that my brother is not sitting and he must still be in retreat." Mo Xiaoyan said in a calm voice.

"I know." The old black monster said after a long time of pondering.

Everyone's thoughts were different, and they obviously found out why Yue himself had such a situation, especially the misty man even discovered something wrong here.

Powers of pseudo-god realm appeared on his side, but their demon lord did not appear at all.

And for a long time, this core **** tomb has been in their hands. Without their opening, outsiders would not be able to enter. At this time, such a pseudo-deity powerhouse suddenly appeared, and it was naturally the Lord of Destroyer God and Demon King. There was a problem in the Fengshen Realm, so that there was a loophole in the space here.

Therefore, everyone has different guesses about whether Lord Devil is alive.

The foggy man behaved even more peculiarly, because he gradually began to disrespect the Queen, and because the Demon Lord was dead, the Queen in front of him was just a person at the pinnacle of the eternal realm.

He could easily kill this person with just one finger.

It's just that he still doesn't know what the black old monster and the old man mean.

So I haven't done anything.

"In my opinion, we should make some repairs at this time instead of rushing over to that place. If we rush over now, if we happen to meet the strong cultivation base, wouldn't it be a bad thing?" The misty man Said.

The others nodded when they heard it.

Mo Xiaoyan looked in her eyes, but she was very anxious. Knowing the meaning of this person's words, she obviously didn't want to rescue Lord Demon King.

This group of people is also unreliable.

Mo Xiaoyan sneered in her heart.

There is still this wink.

"I don't agree with this. Instead of doing this, we might as well cut the mess quickly and rush to confirm the correct situation. It is better. If my brother just needs your help, we can just give it a go." Mo Xiaoyan is absolutely determined. Said.

Although the rest of the people were quite murmured, seeing that Mo Xiaoyan was so determined at this time, it was naturally not easy to object clearly, so everyone gathered together again and prepared to follow Mo Xiaoyan to create something together.

Han Chen didn't know that Mo Xiaoyan had come, but even if he knew it, he could only escape in his current situation.

Han Chen didn't expect that the black wooden branch had been completely scrapped after Han Chen used it this time. Only a section of the tree was left, and the rest had fallen off.

Han Chen knew that there was no other way to repair it, and the Huohui tribe could not repair it.

After leaving, Han Chen hurriedly found a hidden cave mansion, and then arranged the Ecstasy Formation and other formations around him, and then immediately sank below the cave mansion.

He took out the physical body of the golden light boy, and then summoned Xue Yan and Ao Bai. Ao Bai was in a slack spirit, and Xue Yan was trying to persuade the indifferent Ao Bai.

It's just that when Na Ao Bai glanced at the golden light boy on the ground, he showed a helpless expression, he wanted to say something, and finally said anything.

Han Chen naturally knew what the other party wanted to say, but he didn't stop the other party, but let the other party calm down.

"You calm down, I'm about to get ready to start. Later, I will directly pour Ao Bai's soul into the body. How long he can survive depends entirely on his willpower."

Han Chen took a heavy breath, then quickly grabbed a handful of lifestones and absorbed them frantically in his body.

Thanks to the help of the gray wings, the divinity in the body soon recovered for the most part and no longer felt weak.

At this time Han Chen still wanted to absorb some lifestones, and finally heard that Xueyan shouting, "Master, come and save Ao Bai, he is going to die!"

"it is good!"

Han Chen's heart shuddered and turned into a stream of light. He lighted the soul of Ao Bai with several white lights to consolidate the soul, and the power of divine nature poured in. Divine Soul was extracted.

"Get up!"

A white light from Han Chen fell into the golden light boy's flesh, and the golden light boy immediately jumped up in the air, as if it were a living thing for a while!

Secondly, Han Chen was under great pressure, because the opponent was a cultivation base of a pseudo-god, possessing a terrifying cultivation ability, and at this time he forcibly suppressed other existences.

Han Chen's cultivation is only a small Daewoo-level intermediate, so it is extremely difficult, even if the opponent's body is only left.


A formula came out from Han Chen's mouth, and as the formula came out, that Ao Bai's soul immediately turned into a soft strip, and entered the top of the golden light boy's forehead!


Han Chen's formula came out again, and Mo Nian Tong's Fa Jue immediately started to operate, and the power of the divine soul penetrated into the spiritual level of the golden light boy.

Immediately, countless white lights appeared in the spiritual level, and the white lights seemed to be the various types of spirits that escaped from Ao Bai.

Han Chen could see that something bad was going to happen in his heart.

"Give me gel!"

Han Chen didn't hesitate, and immediately gathered all the white light around his fingers. This is called circling the fingers!

"Everything is one!"

Han Chen dropped a finger and pierced the gathered white light of the soul into the golden light boy's body.

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