All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1586: Seize the flesh

Han Chen helped Zhao Feiwu seize the physical body, so this time I have some experience, but Han Chen has cleaned all the remaining spirits of the golden light boy beforehand. Therefore, Ao Bai only needs to adapt to this physical body. What's the problem?

This is the time.

Suddenly the golden light youth showed a majestic and domineering golden light all over his body!

The golden light soared into the sky and immediately penetrated the top of Han Chen's cave.

If it weren't for this cave mansion, there are some secret formations, I'm afraid it has already attracted a large crowd of onlookers.

Han Chen's heart was extremely calm. He had checked the golden light boy's physical body several times, but he did not expect that such a problem would eventually arise. It can be seen that the problem this time was quite serious.

Han Chen trapped the golden light boy with his divine nature. This time after trapping, Han Chen immediately covered the breath of the flesh with the breath of reincarnation. In this way, even if the golden light body is so powerful, Don't even want to radiate my golden light.

After doing all this, Han Chen once again collected that Ao Bai's soul and poured him into the golden light boy again...

After seven days of tossing like this, Han Chen could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"Master, how is my husband Ao Bai?" As soon as Han Chen walked out, he saw the snow goose guarding the door for seven days and seven nights.

"It's really a deep relationship between husband and wife." Han Chen muttered, and suddenly remembered that Wu Yuan was still living outside. Although she also had her own magic weapon to protect her, she couldn't let her be soaked in demonic energy for too long.

So Han Chen explained according to the actual situation, "Although the situation is not optimistic, the most dangerous situation has passed. The next step is to see what he wants to become in the end."

"What do you mean?" After seven days of experience, Xue Yan eventually became very slow in his mind, so when asked, sometimes he couldn't turn around.

"Because Ao Bai's previous blow was too great, what I can do for him is to delay the loss of the soul, and find the physical body, which also helped him stabilize the soul, but whether he decides to gather the soul again depends on the friend Ao Dao. Personal will." Han Chen added.

"How could this be..." Xue Yan showed a painful expression.

"It's okay, Ji Ren has his own natural situation, and I will pay attention to his situation in the future. You try to tell him something, and then collect those things and tell him some wonderful stories." Han Chen also felt quite. I'm sorry, after all, when I was fighting just now, I should block out Ao Bai's five senses, otherwise this situation would not happen.

Han Chen left the stellar machine where Ao Bai lived and returned to his place.

I was immersed and thought about the situation these past few days. It was really a very important place. At this time, Han Chen felt exhausted physically and mentally. When the muscles and bones of his body stretched out his hand, his whole body shook in fear.

Han Chen took out a few lifestones at this time, then called out the gray wings, and quickly absorbed the lifestones.

Then Han Chen absorbed a lot of magic energy from the outside, and restored his condition to completion as soon as possible.

After a month of this, Han Chen's cultivation was finally restored to completion.

During this battle, Han Chen deeply felt the consumption of the phoenix mythological form for the divine power. Without being 100% sure next time, Han Chen would absolutely not dare to continue doing this.

In addition, Flame Essence and Huang Mengmeng both made divine consumption to varying degrees. By transmitting his power to them, Han Chen allowed them to cultivate and restore their cultivation to their peak state.

Especially Huang Mengmeng, even more excited, said to Han Chen, "Your divine essence is even higher than mine. I really don't know if you are a beast or I am a beast."

"You have to be cheap and behave. I look at you from the day you were born to the present Daewoo-level cultivation master, you are more against the sky, OK?"

Han Chen showed a wry smile.

Who is the beast, it's clear at a glance.

"Oh, I'm all because of my virtue in my last life..." Huang Mengmeng said.

"Ghost." Han Chen was speechless for a while, still accumulating virtue.

After a few days, Han Chen and everyone also returned to their previous levels.

Suddenly, Han Chen heard Xue Yan’s paging and turned into a stream of light. When he walked to the entrance of the cave, he saw Xue Yan happily, but tearfully said to Han Chen, "He, he woke up. ."

"Really? Fellow Daoist Ao is really amazing."

Han Chen sighed, that Ao Bai was also ruthless. He had been stripped of his soul for thousands of years, but he still survived. Now, with the help of Han Chen, he has helped him win a more powerful body.

At this time, his physical body has reached the pseudo-shen realm, and it is a terrifying existence, but it is a pity that his cultivation level will not increase in a short time, otherwise, he may become a further step in the Fengshen realm. .

However, one should not be greedy. It is already his best destination at this time, and he has the blood of the dragon clan, which is much better than the body of the priest in the heaven before.

"He said, he found something weird, he must come and see you as soon as possible." That Xueyan cried with joy. She didn't say a few words with Ao Bai just now, so Ao Bai came out and summoned Han Chen. Somewhat unhappy, but as long as Ao Bai is well, she is willing to do anything.

"Well, let me hear what he found." Han Chen smiled and quickly walked into the establishment of the cave.

After walking into the cave, Han Chen saw the golden light boy lying on the bed. At this time, the golden light on his body had been hidden. This was after Ao Bai was able to control the physical body.

But this also makes people feel quite powerful, after all, it has only been a month or so.

Han Chen couldn't help being surprised for him.

So I got down from there, sat down, and looked at Ao Bai.

"How is the situation, is it better?" Han Chen asked with concern.

"Me? It doesn't matter. Now I found this thing, I think you must be very interested." Although Ao Bai's face was pale, he still could see his face trembling with excitement.

"What did you find?" Han Chen asked. So Han Chen followed Ao Bai's instructions and tapped his spirit power into it. There was a situation in which the prohibition had just been wiped out, and some ancient sayings remained on it.

Han Chen knew the above things just by looking at them. Obviously, they were the secrets of the dragon clan.

At this time, Ao Bai was able to take out this undisclosed secret, which showed that Ao Bai fully trusted him.

And when Ao Bai discovered this thing, he didn't need to tell Han Chen, after all, Han Chen wouldn't know.

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