All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1587: Three Thousand Avenue

But Ao Bai chose to tell Han Chen, indicating that Ao Bai really cared about Han Chen.

"Look first, the space inside is all aimed at our monks." Ao Bai said, "There are some medicines of our dragon clan, and there are some jade slips and exercises for our dragon court. Techniques, I believe Fellow Daoist Han can also cultivate."

"Yes, there are indeed a lot of medicines. Do you dragons seem to be proficient in the refining of such medicines? But looking at the gods above, most of them contain electric arcs, which is eye-opening." Han Chen said.

"Yes, the divine nature on the **** pill was conceived by us with thunder, not our refinement. This golden light boy had a good status before, so he possessed such a large amount of pill." Na Ao Bai also introduced.

"Well, that's okay, it will help you recover, and it will definitely help you a lot in the future. You must make good use of it." Han Chen said.

"No, Daoyou Han, don't you want to try some?" Ao Bai said with a weird smile.

"Aren't these all medicines and secrets used by your dragon clan? What use is it for me to come?" Han Chen said with a smile.

Han Chen also took away the bead of the Golden Light Boy's Polaris Light, which was quite interesting and powerful.

"No, in fact, Tianting and Longting belong to the same ancient ethnic group, so Tianting and Longting are not separated." Ao Bai said suddenly at this time.

"What?" Han Chen was a little forced. When he was on Earth, he had never heard of such a thing.

So Han Chen also found it quite interesting.

There is a natural difference between the dragon race and the human race in the myth of the earth in my memory.

"This is not a secret between our two royal courts, so you know, the godheads between our dragon race and the heavenly court can be shared. Think carefully about some of our remarks, whether the dragon born the nine sons and the like are two The clansmen are all similar? Then in the record, our Dragon Court was actually separated from the Heavenly Court."

"You can understand this as two similar paths to becoming gods, which can replace each other." Ao Bai said.

"Where did you know these contents?" Han Chen asked in surprise.

"It is these jade slips. I don’t know how this person stole them at the time, but these jade slips are obviously more precious than we thought. You know the three thousand avenues of the world, the ten sources, so it is destined to be only There will be less and less powerful people in the three thousand Conferred God Realm. When they already have a Conferred God on their way forward, they can only choose from other paths of the same origin and different ways, such as my current one. The dragon race is actually the same as the godhead of the heavenly court, and I can also inherit your godhead from the heavenly court."

"Similarly, you can also inherit the godhead of our dragon clan." Ao Bai said.

Han Chen didn't know what Ao Bai said, that was to see if Han Chen could directly use that godhead to raise his cultivation base to a new Conferred God Realm.

However, what Han Chen was practicing at this time was of the reincarnation attribute, so I was afraid that he still had to choose from the source of the Yin attribute.

"By the way, there are three thousand ways in the world, ten sources. What are the ten sources?" Han Chen asked. He didn't want to integrate the godhead of the dragon clan, because the godhead is not that simple, and he needs the people of the gods. Recognized.

Those who already have a foundation of faith, it is difficult to obtain faith again.

So Han Chen did not intend to transfer his godhead at this time.

Han Chen's godhead is already earth civilization. So Han Chen didn't want to just give up.

"Ten sources, yin and yang, gold, wood, water, soil, fire, wind and thunder. Under these sources, there are countless Taoisms. This is also the attribute of divinity that we recognize, which can be matched. However, there is no such jade slip. Specific description, so I can't tell the three thousand behind." Ao Bai said.

"Yes, with these news, we have a lot of choices for our future cultivation. For example, the attributes of reincarnation, time, and space are all evolved from those ten sources." Han Chen thought.

Then he continued, "It seems that these jade slips, I still have to take a closer look."

So Han Chen asked Ao Bai for those jade slips, which contained some magic weapons. Han Chen didn't ask for it, so he gave it to Ao Bai.

"Okay, you have a good rest. You have survived this time, but don't forget to avenge your family." Han Chen said.

As he was talking, Ao Bai suddenly got out of bed and knelt down to Han Chen. Han Chen quickly stopped him, "It's okay if I want to, I just hope that we can all advance and retreat together in the future."

"Yes." Ao Bai replied solemnly.

Han Chen saw Ao Bai's pale face and didn't dare to stay longer, so he let Ao Bai stay here.

Ao Bai looked at the back of Han Chen leaving, tears slowly flowed in his eyes, knowing that he originally planned to give Han Chen all this, but Han Chen seemed to be indifferent.

It seems that the avenue he is looking for is not simple.

The other party now specializes in the breath of reincarnation, and he must have another Immortal God in the future, but the Immortal God has already been ordered by the Xuanwu, and I don't know what Daoist Han will do.

The Xueyan who came in was crying, trying to pretend to be happy.

But seeing this situation, Ao Bai was also a little at a loss.

"The master is so kind to us, don't change your heart in the future." Xue Yan cried and cried, and finally said seriously.

"The master's kindness to us is as great as a mountain, and we cannot repay it in our lifetime. After we give birth, we must always educate her and serve the master well. Moreover, the master's path of cultivation may last longer than us. "Ao Bai said.

Xue Yan also nodded, and the two cuddled each other, neither of them wanted to let go.

Han Chen got those jade slips and began to look very seriously, because it mentioned how to condense the godhead.

There are two ways to obtain the godhead. The first is inheritance. For example, the ghost king and gods are inherited. There is also stealing, such as what Styx did. But this is essentially the same way.

There is another way, which is to condense the Godhead, which is a very advanced operation. Han Chen might not be able to learn all at this time.

However, when Han Chen saw the introduction of Concise Godhead, he found it extremely difficult.

First of all, any godhead must have the foundation of the gods and the people, so you must first have the gods and people beliefs.

Secondly, the level of the Godhead is related to the ten sources, the Three Thousand Great Dao, and the content of the gods' cultivation.

In many cases, because the gods practice the exercises, the gods will make choices in the selection process. In the same way, the cultivation technique of the gods will also directly affect the cultivation technique of the gods and people.

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