All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1593: Eternal changes

Han Chen watched the amazing changes on the lake surface, the entire lake surface was upside down and the airspace rose.

Then I saw the stone sacred mountain above the lake, and a **** head stood out!

The lake surface became the chest and abdomen of the creature, and the two rivers down became huge thighs.

Suddenly, the originally huge area, inspired by the golden bamboo tube, unlocked the surrounding seal, and a huge **** came out of the seal!

His face was as steep as a mountain, with sharp edges and corners. The creature stood up, the light of his eyes penetrated the sun, and the sun's light seemed to be absorbed into the eyes, the original huge beam of light revealed a pair of huge eyes!

"Well, is this the **** of destruction?" Han Chen saw the giant **** of destruction stand up, and just glanced at the other person's eyes, Han Chen felt that his eyes were surging from the heat, so hot, as if by fire. Burned.

It's horrible! Cultivation for the sky!

The original sun became his eyes, the triangle of the three moons became his headdress, the river became his arm, the mountains became his weapon, the desert became his chest, and the plain became a deep valley, just because of him His feet were pulled out from the ground.

"Everyone knows through the ages, only the source and the way, and it will never change."

"Who is calling me, who is..."

The vast sound, as if waking up from the universe, as if penetrating from that distant ancient times!

"Thirty thousand years, my silent thirty thousand years! The magic altar was destroyed, and the heavens grew again; the Changsheng River became a desert, and new creatures were reborn again! Everything is reincarnation, you are not you, you are the previous life Of you, the people of the later generations carry the soul imprint of the people of the previous life... Eternal, how many generations I am!"

After Han Chen listened, the whole person was stunned. This horrible soul mark, and this eternal reincarnation, isn't it just the reincarnation?

Could it be that the person in front of him also knows about reincarnation, and he also cultivates the breath of reincarnation?

But isn't he the demonic energy of cultivation?

Han Chen was stunned.

At this time, Han Chen felt the breath of reincarnation in his whole body in these few words, slowly flowing out.

The endless cycle of reincarnation began to appear in his eyes, and he came to the road at the end of the cycle in a daze, and appeared in that terrible scene.

I saw that all living beings, following the black and white ghosts, walking back and forth on the road of Huangquan, the bronze guards on the left and right were solemn and expressionless, blood was gushing crazily, but no one cared at all. They were all dead, who Still care.

Han Chen was stunned, and for a moment he really thought that he had come to this reincarnation, but his sober consciousness told himself that this was not a reincarnation at all.

At the end of that cycle, there is not a bronze man.

Only by worshipping the bronze man, reincarnation will work.

It seems that this must be an illusion.

Wake me up!

Han Chen said to himself, Han Chen soon became a sober person. He found that all the people around him were in a deep sleep, including Mo Xiaoyan, Yue Qingcheng and others.

Han Chen swept around and found that the man in the robe and the man holding the astrological crystal ball were also sober, and the others seemed to be immersed in the perception of the great road just now.

When Han Chen saw the two, the two also looked back and saw Han Chen, and commented on Han Chen's head, "This person is only a Daewoo-class cultivation base, so he can wake up from the illusion so quickly."

"The illusion of the Destroyer God, looking for the moon in the water, is really extraordinary. Even I must use 50% of the power to control those changes. Otherwise, I will be bewildered by the hypothesis and fantasy. This is also true. It's no wonder that everyone sees a different fantasy, so it looks extremely lifelike. It is a very clever illusion technique to truly achieve a thousand people and a thousand illusions." The divination star master Yue Qiang said.

"Yes, this one is not bad, but he has an aura that makes me feel dangerous, so we really don't want to act rashly. It is better to find out the origin of this person, so as not to cause us disaster." Said.

The fortune-teller Xingyue Qiang also nodded again and again. He believed in cause and effect the most. When Yue Qingcheng reported to him just now, he mentioned Han Chen's character traits, and now he has a better understanding.

"It really should be. The most important thing for us now is to completely tame the **** of destruction. He has been at ease for 30,000 years. He will not die at this time. When will we wait!"

Star Master Na Honghu showed a weird smile.

"Honghu Star Lord, don't rush for a while. I have already calculated it. The fate of this officer is a bit paradoxical. We still have to study it carefully. We can't act rashly. In this way, we can successfully complete the task."

The divination star said with a smile.

"Yes, caution is the best, but he is waking up at this time. If we take action at this time, this officer will definitely not be able to fully wake up. Wouldn't it be a lot easier." Honghu Star Master said with a smile.

"This opportunity cannot be lost, let's do it quickly. This person is a **** of destruction. Once he wakes up, I am afraid that this destructive power is not something you and I can bear!"

The divination star Lord Moon Qiang said.

The two looked at each other and smiled and reached an agreement, so the master of the divination star waved the crystal ball, and the fluorescence in the crystal ball flickered, and Moon Qingcheng was absorbed by the crystal ball into the crystal ball.

"Friend Yue Qiang, your astrology is on the next level. You can already put the living thing on the divination star space. I don't know where you plan to send her to?" Honghu Star Master laughed Said with a smile.

Speaking casually at this time, but every word has a hidden meaning.

"Fellow Daoist has crossed the boundary, this is my secret. You should not inquire about it. It is a big taboo to find out where the other party's divine hiding place is." The master of the fortune teller said something for Han Chen and others. Confusing words.

"Yes, I don't know that the star master has moved Yue Qingcheng to the divine hermit." The Honghu star master tried again.

"What is Shenyin? It is the lifeblood of the Conferred God Realm powerhouse. If Shenyin is not found by others, it means that this Conferred God Powerhouse will exist forever and will not die. But if Shenyin is all If you are broken by someone, even if you have a strong strength, you will become a rootless man, and will fall at any time. So don't test me anymore, or I will treat you as an enemy."

The divination star once again reminded the other party in an angry tone that there was already a killing intent in his tone.

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