All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1594: Speak as you like

As a result, everyone felt jealous of each other again.

Astrology, when you have cultivated to the Conferred God Realm, it is a very powerful existence, and you can even reach a higher level of speech and follow the law through a certain secret technique!

That is a higher-level powerful ability than Fengshen Realm!

Experts in astrology, through the secrets of astrology, can apply that horrible magical power in advance.

By that time, all the rules are created by me, which will be very scary.

Therefore, although ordinary people know that astrology is very weak, they still respect them very much. In addition to their ability to meet part of the future, more importantly, they can borrow their own future secret arts.

Therefore, it is also called the future monk.

"Well, I won't mention it!"

Star Lord Na Honghu took off his robe, turned into a white light, scattered into the void, and quickly dissipated.

A cross-linked flesh body was exposed, and a transparent wall loomed behind it. This wall was very interesting and surrounded the main cluster of Na Honghu stars.

For a while, the devilish energy that was still flowing in the entire space was instantly blocked by the transparent wall, and after he surrounded the entire space, everything was frozen.

Anyone in such a space will feel that the divine flow in the body is stagnant, it hasn't grown any more, it has become very heavy, and there is no need for humans to detect it at all, and it has already shown a powerful ability to block!


It is to completely block this space, so that the energy of this space is completely blocked, and the divinity in the body will slowly dissipate, and finally turn into nothingness.

This is also a powerful siege skill unlocked by the power of the Conferred God Realm. For example, the tomb made by the **** of destruction is also a kind of exclusion ability. Through such an enhanced skill, you can turn that part of the place into what you want. In this state, only he himself will live for immunity.

It can be seen that the real strength of these strong men only can be seen.

At this time, Han Chen felt the energy changes in his body very fearfully. It seemed that an invisible shackle had formed in his body, and the energy changes in his body had been locked forcibly.

Han Chen was stunned at this time!

First, take the vicissitudes of life in the process of awakening the **** of destruction, the magnificent waves.

At this time, I encountered the two great Conferred God Realm powerhouses, and used that terrifying energy to directly block this space. Such a terrifying battle is almost unheard of and unseen.

"The battle between Fengshen Realm is really very different from the battle between ordinary people."

Han Chen muttered in his heart.

But the movements in his hands didn't relax at all. If you want to deal with it quickly and get yourself active, if you have been controlled here, you will definitely be hurt by these three gods.

Han Chen didn't dare to recite their names at this time, for fear that they would turn their eyes on him.

After all, this is a god.

Every **** has his own power.

Their names cannot be recited casually.

Every chanting must have an echo.

Either good things or bad things will never happen.

Now Han Chen is beginning to suspect that the so-called cultivating planetary divine body is, to a certain extent, cultivating the techniques of that earth sacred land. During the cultivation process, he will also implicitly mention the names of some cultivators on the earth sacred land.

That's why Han Chen entered that strange space every time.

At this time, Han Chen suddenly felt that he had understood something. The so-called special situation here refers to the taboo!

But this is not the time to think, you still have to try your best to escape.

After the Destruction God came out, it turned this place into a ruin. Han Chen saw that Destruction God's movements lightly waved, and the entire space was immediately shattered. All the turbulence in the void emerged, and the two handles he held in his hand. God Axe, with a God Killing Axe on his back!

Judging from his appearance, it is really majestic and sacred.

Han Chen was about to run at this time, and suddenly a psychic power emerged from the bottom of his heart. He only heard that spiritual power say, "Little brother, let you kill the **** axe!"

Han Chen's face was completely scared. He had never heard of this sound before, and he didn't know who it was, but how did he know that he also had a god-killing axe?

Why is his spiritual power on his body, so many weirdness immediately make Han Chen's face look like frost, but there is no way to do it, this is really terrifying.

That mysterious power made Han Chen unable to take action at all. Han Chen wanted to use his mental power to suppress it, but Han Chen was not allowed to think about it. The god-killing axe in the storage bracelet turned into a stream of light and flew out!

Han Chen secretly asked, is it possible that his secret has been seen through by the other party? But the only good thing is that most of his secrets are in the Stellar, so even if the storage bracelet is detected by the opponent, other things are still not exposed.

It was too late and it was fast, I saw that stream of light flew past the hands of the huge **** of destruction!

Han Chen stared at the Destroyer God's Axe, thinking that it was this person who was speaking in his own heart, so it was subtle to escape quickly.

The Mo Xiaoyan has disappeared since just now, and she doesn't know where it is.

Han Chen had to retreat slowly to avoid being affected by the terrifying battle.

At this time, the two star masters in the sky had already summoned their own star wheels, and the star wheels behind them looked extraordinarily dazzling, releasing the terrifying starlight through the Zodiac planet and Haori in their hands. Ten thousand rays!

Star wheel!

Zengfu all skills are 100% power!

This is the terrifying existence of the true **** who cultivated the star wheel.

That's right, like the Perilla God of the Boundless City, he doesn't have a star wheel on his body. That's because he has only cultivated the earth god, and he didn't turn into a true god, so naturally there would be no such terrifying star wheel.

This is what Han Chen knew from reading the classics provided by Yue Qingcheng.

At this moment, the two in front of them are super powerful gods with star wheels!

The Destruction God seemed quite calm. Although they had released powerful powers through the star wheel, the God Killing Axe in his hand began to fly.

"Is that a formation?" Han Chen murmured.

I saw that God Killing Axe turned into a guardian deity in four directions, front, back, left, and right. After each attack, the other three parties would provide him with terrifying energy fluctuations, allowing him to complete a powerful attack that surpassed himself!

All of their gorgeous attack rays were resolved in an instant.

The terrible spells all faded at this moment.

"What kind of formation is that, it has such a powerful explosive power!" said the moon rose holding the planet. At this time, the star wheel on his body appeared weak, but it still exudes a light that cannot be looked at directly.

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