All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1595: Incomplete God Killing Array

Because it is in a combat state, the star wheel is activated, it will emit a divine light that the naked eye can't directly see, so that the rest of the people can't see it.

The man wearing a long robe next to the star master Honghu showed a stern gesture, "This officer must have used the ancient god-killing formation, but at this time the god-killing formation has not turned into a complete body. The ancient book I saw last time It has been described that the real God-killing formation is composed of thirty-six God-killing axes, and its power is quite terrifying! If this officer displays a complete God-killing formation at this time, we are already two bodies, and we have to return to God Hidden to cast a new body."

"Listening to what you said, I remembered that the legendary god-killer used to be, but thought the real slaughter road powerhouse, but that is already a horrible existence before eternity." Said Moon Qiang, the master of the stars.

"It seems I have to use that trick to fight a serious duel." Zodiac Lord Yue Qiang added.

"Do you really plan to use that trick? Although we can win with this trick, the changes are unpredictable. And your absolute lifespan will be less." Na Honghu star master looked surprised. This person.

He had never thought that the living-dead **** of destruction in front of him would make the aloof star masters have to work hard.

As for the absolute longevity, that is for each Conferred God Realm powerhouse.

Although they have unlimited lives, each flesh body has an absolute lifespan. Under normal circumstances, the absolute lifespan of each flesh body of a strong man in the gods is about 30,000 years.

But if they use the technique based on absolute lifespan, then their absolute lifespan will be reduced by a thousand and one thousand years. In the end, it was reduced to that the Conferred God Realm might degrade one's realm.

After all, when the absolute lifespan was finally reduced to a hundred years, the powerhouse of the Conferred God Realm would not have enough time to preserve their strength.

Then there is only one result, and that is to fall off the altar and turn into an ordinary divine monk.

That was also the most miserable for the Conferred God Realm powerhouse, indicating that the Conferred God Realm powerhouse had been chased by the enemy for millions of years.

This is rarely the case.

The well-known eternal **** does not have the concept of absolute lifespan. The secret technique he cultivates is immortality. That's why there is so much jealousy of other gods that he constantly wants to kill the eternal god.

It is a pity that the eternal **** is really an immortal existence.

At that time, it was the result of the joint pursuit of the Tiandi who presided over the whole heaven and several other royal courts and completely sealed that person.

Otherwise, according to the character that the immortal **** will repay, they, the powerhouses of the sealed **** realm, don't know how much they have fallen.

After all, they were also involved in this hunting mission.

This shows how terrifying the eternal gods were at the beginning, as long as they can't be killed, they will definitely retaliate in the future.

Therefore, the Honghu star master was very shocked by the act of the divination star master using absolute lifespan to kill the opponent.

No, he will definitely not be ambiguous. After all, they are all factions that belong to the same heaven.

"Yes, although there will be some unpredictable consequences, but at this time I can't take care of so many. If the words of the **** of destruction are not resolved, we may all die here!"

The divination star looked at the terrifying **** of destruction and the god-killing axe.

In fact, what is more important is that he must protect his daughter Yue Qingcheng. At this time, Yue Qingcheng has been put into the divine hidden space by him.

But if he can't go out smoothly or be defeated, then the divine hidden space will also have a certain chance to collapse. Although there will be nothing to do, it is extremely dangerous to Yue Qingcheng, and he cannot risk such a danger.

As he said, the light around his body dazzled, and the huge Zhan Xuan Tong flew into the sky.

"The content of my horoscope is..."

As he said something in his mouth, the latter part became the content of his silent chanting. The huge divine essence flew into the sky, forming stars in the sky. The stars surround the astrological planet, and the stars are like a moon.

At this time, the **** of destruction also saw through the thoughts of the horoscope, and suddenly a bad idea radiated in his mind, which immediately turned into a terrifying guess!

Seems to know how powerful it is to occupy the planet!

He hurriedly urged the incomplete God Killing Array to fly towards the divination of the star master, the star master Na Honghu did not let go of his movements at this time, and the terrifying feather weaving turned into a powerful figure in the sky.

The power of horror gathered on the body of Star Master Na Honghu, exuding the power of terrifying wind and cloud change.

The power of horror flew up and down, fluctuating up and down, thousands of feathers wrapped in madness!


The terrifying energy rushed past and slammed into the **** of destruction!

The huge body of the Destroyer God stood and did not fall in the gust of wind, but the battle formation of the God-Slaying Axe had been blocked for a while.

The turbulence of the void sputtered everywhere, piercing the surrounding sky.

At this time, Han Chen noticed the openings of those spaces, presumably they were also places where they could get out of this space.

Han Chen had originally wanted to come and get the three god-killing axes, but in the current situation, how could he get it.

And there are three true gods fighting here, and if you don't pay attention, you will be affected by powerful destructive power.

Although Han Chen is not afraid of the turbulence in the space, the powerful power emanating from the resonance of the star wheels and spells on their bodies makes Han Chen feel palpitations. He knows that in case he gets a bit of a star, he is afraid that he will confess here. !

This is the battle of the Fengshen Realm powerhouse.

It's terrible.

But it's really not as simple as stepping through the void.

Moreover, Han Chen had given up his mind at this time. This time he was unlucky. He didn't get the three God Killing Axe but was taken by the other party.

So Han Chen just wanted to escape first.

As for Yue Qingcheng and Mo Xiaoyan, here are their backstages, and only Han Chen is alone.

So Han Chen walked in that direction, minimized his sense of existence, and quietly walked behind the **** of destruction.

Behind the Destroyer God, there is a turbulent flow of emptiness, where one should be able to get out.

If you use the method of tearing the void at this time, I am afraid that you will immediately be attacked by others, but the void channel opened by the other party, as long as the void elf comes out, Han Chen can immediately escape. This is also the biggest guarantee in Han Chen's heart.

After a short while, Han Chen had already circled a long way, and he didn't want to meet their three true gods.

The battle on the god-level plane was not something Han Chen could touch.

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