All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1608: The second trick

Han Chen was also stunned at this time watching all this happen. If he did it by himself, I'm afraid he will become a broken body by then.

Fortunately, Mo Xiaotian proposed to let him do it.

However, Han Chen believed that if he had mastered the God-Slaying Axe, he would be able to fight with the opponent. At present, Han Chen would suffer from a loss, and did not master the God-Slaying Axe.

At this time, he also understood that Han Chen's own strength had reached the limit.

So Han Chen knew exactly what he needed to do.

Therefore, Han Chen must release his power to the extreme.

"The Four Elephant Array of the God Killing Axe, to what stage have you been able to perform it?" Suddenly, Mo Xiaotian said to Han Chen.

"Me, Killing God Axe?" Han Chen was obviously shocked. Shouldn't he run away now? Why did he suddenly become concerned about this issue?

"I have about 60 to 70%." When Han Chen saw that Mo Xiaotian didn't continue to explain, Han Chen had to answer it himself.

"Very well, next time, the other party's attack will definitely be more violent. That person just underestimated the enemy. I'm afraid he already wants to kill all your souls. Whether you can bear it depends on your ability to kill the gods. How many layers have you mastered?" said Mo Xiaotian.

"What? You mean, I'll take the call later?" Han Chen was stunned. The terrifying power just now made Han Chen feel a surge of power, and he encountered this again at this time In the situation, I also felt deeply afraid, this is really a terrifying power fluctuation. Han Chen also felt incredible.

"Yes, you know that my cultivation level has reached its limit, otherwise I will be annihilated. Don't forget, I have already left my divine hidden space, and it is impossible to improve through the power of divine people. Or reply to my repair order. With the next blow, I cannot do it again. If the other party continues to attack, I think I can only die with you."

Mo Xiaotian said with his tongue out.

"Yeah. I have a watch."

Han Chen nodded his head in the appraisal. After all, things have developed to this point. He has already known that this is a consequence he does not have to bear. If the other party strikes Han Chen again, Han Chen will inevitably be destroyed.

But now that he knows that he will be destroyed, Han Chen can’t let the other party chaos, even though his Bound Breaking Talisman has taken him to the original place, he must work hard to see the situation clearly at this time, but he cannot be like Things are ruined.

"I will go through the murder of the God Axe again. I must guarantee the greatest victory!"

Han Chen said calmly, reading the jade slips that Mo Xiaotian gave him just now, and chanting silently.

At this moment, the sky really revealed that terrifying golden pupil again, and the surrounding void ruins all turned into nothingness in an instant, showing the terrifying energy fluctuations emanating from the golden pupil.

"It's unbelievable that what is helping just now, it exudes a monstrous magic light, but in the end, it was the God Axe, and there are so many God Axes in the heaven, I'm afraid It's the Destroyer God, it's ridiculous. I didn't expect that the Destroyer God will end up like this."

"However, I have already noticed that his strength has weakened a lot when I first arrived. This time you have no chance. I want your life!"

There was a boundless golden light spreading from the golden pupils, and Dragon Emperor Gang also completely stimulated his own energy, but he never thought that the other party's God Killing Axe was too clever, and the terrifying energy made his own more terrifying. , So I can't resist.

"Come if you want, where is so much verbose nonsense!"

"Okay, I will fulfill you!"

The terrifying golden light radiated from it again, and this time two terrifying nine-claw gold seals flashed out.

At this moment, the nine-claw gold seal came out, shattering the surrounding void once again, turning it into terrifying energy and becoming particularly dazzling.

Han Chen stared at the golden light stubbornly. There was no distracting thought in his heart at this time. No matter whether he won or lost, Han Chen knew that he would definitely do his best here.

If you can fight it, you have to make the other party hurt.

The horrible energy fluctuations radiated again.

The God Killing Axe hovered out of Han Chen's body, separated in four directions, and dazzling and bewildering terrifying energy flowed from the four directions.

The God Killing Axe finally turned into four directions.

"Four Elephant Formation Xuanwu, now!"

"Suzaku, now!"

"Four Elephant Formation Blue Dragon, now!"

"Four Elephant Formation, White Tiger, now!"

Every time Han Chen whispered, Han Chen's God Killing Axe exuded terrifying energy fluctuations, and the horrible scene bloomed on the four God Killing Axes.

These powers even Han Chen himself felt deeply terrified. With his current cultivation base of the late Daewoo-level peak, it was exuding at this time, it seemed to be able to fight against the powerhouse of the false god, but there was still a certain distance from the true god. Away.

The true **** is still very terrifying.

In addition to his own strength, his mother has other divine power blessings, which greatly improves his mother's cultivation and makes them invincible.

But so what.

I, Han Chen, will never be afraid at this time!

Isn't it just death?

"Killing God!"

Han Chen whispered, the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, and Xuanwu Suzaku that had just been summoned from the Four Elephant Formation in the God Killing Axe, turned into four different colors of light, and flew toward the terrifying golden light.

The four rays of light crossed and became a big word killing!

This huge light group flew toward the terrifying energy, turning into a palpitating power.

Those two nine-claw gold seals were much higher than the previous power, and the terrifying power flew toward the nine-claw gold seal like a crush.

The terrifying energy fluctuations instantly smashed the four-image formation on the Divine Killing Axe, and the Xuanwu that rushed out first collapsed at the touch of a touch and turned into nothingness.

Han Chen's eyes were splitting, and he wanted to arouse all his own power, but it was too late to send his own power out, and the terrifying nine-claw gold seal smashed all the remaining Suzaku, green dragon and white tiger.


Han Chen revealed a break!

I burned my soul and took out the black branch from my body, trying to arouse the reincarnation breath in my body, and completely arouse the black wood branch again.

But all this was too late to happen. The horrible energy fluctuations once again completely erupted with terrifying power, making Han Chen too late to complete the black wood stick.

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