All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1609: Umbrella cover

"No, I can't just die like this."

"I have to come up with all feasible methods, what should I do?" Han Chen was lost in thought, but at this time he couldn't give Han Chen time to think.

He has given all the methods.

The only way left now is to put yourself and everyone in the stellar device, so that the stellar device may be damaged by the opponent.

But compared to his own demise, I’m afraid it’s better to say that the stellar device is released.

Han Chen thought about it, and immediately held the stellar device in his hand at any time. Once the last moment came, Han Chen would hide himself in it.

That is to say, the terrifying power this time, as if received by a mysterious force, hovered in front of Han Chen.

The sweat in Han Chen's hands was already coming out at this time, and there was still a lot of gap between him and the true god, and he still had to cultivate well.

At this time, Han Chen collected the stellar machine he was holding, trying to prevent others from discovering it, so he looked up at the place where the terrifying energy was coming.

I saw a huge canopy floating in that place, but there was nothing under the canopy. I just knew that there was a very frightening force on it.

That terrifying energy ripple can even stabilize the surrounding void, as if the dragon king’s divinity is a destructive force, but the umbrella cover is like a kind of stability, it can cover everything The place is stabilized!

"Dragon Emperor, you actually want to kill people in my place. Have you ever asked me the Emperor?" There was no one under the umbrella cover, but a peaceful voice came from above the umbrella cover. The voice was very flat. It already implies killing.

"Hehe, I'm going to kill a small human race, and even your Heavenly Emperor was shocked. It doesn't look like your style. Is it because you have encountered something urgent? Did you call it from the sky?" The Dragon Emperor saw that his two nine-claw gold seals were simply broken by the attack, and seemed very furious, but he resisted the urge to shoot and did not speak.

"Hmph, the matter of the Xiantiantian is the common responsibility of you and me. If the demons invade, we will all be unable to escape the blame. Don't forget that the Dragon Court and the Heavenly Court are originally one, and we are all from there. It was passed down by a god." The emperor that day has no body, but no one can ignore its function.

"Tsk tsk, it's interesting. Indeed, that ray of sky is also very important to our Longting. But I have to kill this person. This person killed my son. Do you think I should kill this person? And this person. There is also the information of our evil disciples, I am afraid you have to make a move?" Instead, the Dragon Emperor had no longer the arrogant expression that he wanted to negotiate.

Han Chen didn't know why the Dragon Sovereign didn't tell the things about the God of Destruction, but this made Han Chen more mindful.

I'm afraid it's not easy for the dragon queen to leave the empress, such a demon **** did not say it.

I don't know what the purpose of the other party is.

But at this time, Han Chen wouldn't let his weakness come out of fraternity. After all, Heaven and Demon Realm are facing each other in a line of heaven, so he can't just cause trouble to his upper body.

"He is a Daewoo-level late peak person who can kill your dragon veins? In addition, you said that this person has information about your evildoers. I don't believe it unless you show any evidence." The Emperor of Heaven still had a calm expression. Said, there is no human emotion in the voice.

"Hehe, of course I have the evidence, but..." The Dragon Emperor's eyes suddenly narrowed, as if he knew the meaning of the emperor that day, he instinctively shut his mouth for an instant, and then said with a thoughtful expression." Don’t forget the relationship between Heavenly Court and Long Court. If you don’t let me kill this person, I will definitely not let you..."

"Hmph, you dare to threaten me 1"

"Don't you threaten me too? You think I don't know? Both of us have exactly the same mind. You let me kill this person now, and I will let you kill that person later. How about this deal? "The Dragon Emperor showed a sly gaze.

At this glance, Han Chen could see a lot of things, the two old foxes were not in the mood to be big.

The reason why the emperor appeared that day was originally intended to threaten him, but he didn't expect that the emperor seemed to have a handle in the hands of the dragon emperor. Therefore, Han Chen's incident became a trade item, and there was no room for bibimbap bargaining at all.

Han Chen also saw that the two men appeared because they had ghosts in their own hearts, but in the end, the hole cards of both sides were seen through by the other side, so Han Chen was just a dispensable piece.

Han Chen figured out this level and immediately felt a profound danger.

Now Han Chen is afraid that he will face the state of body collapse and soul annihilation, Han Chen thought. It seems that you still have to rely on yourself.

The sloppy imagination of these people is really frightening.

But this world was originally respected by martial arts, without strength, you are just a slave.

Han Chen figured out this level, but became more calm. Since he has become a **** of the transaction, it does not mean that Han Chen will have the consciousness of a pawn.

"Well, since the emperor wants to observe my behavior, please don't hinder me, after all, next time you do what you do, I will be exactly like you." The dragon emperor on the side of Long Ting issued an order to evict his guests and froze. Under the umbrella cover.

That's not an ordinary umbrella cover, it's the famous Demon Umbrella of the Emperor of Heaven. It has terrifying attack power and a powerful weapon for offense and defense. At this time, holding it in the opponent's hand will naturally make him feel palpitation.

The terrifying energy radiated out, so I couldn't help but want to admire.

"Okay, it's settled. But your shots must be executed in my eyes, otherwise, where do I put my face?" The Emperor sneered and stepped aside. After the umbrella cover was removed, the space around Han Chen immediately Began to collapse.

The terrifying energy fluctuations turned Han Chen's place into nothingness.

"Boy, your life is really big, and it has attracted the attention of heaven and earth. If you didn't know that you have no blood relationship with him, I would have thought you and the Emperor of Heaven are illegitimate children? But your good luck ends here. Take it to death, this time I will never do anything!"

The Dragon Emperor once again released a terrifying killing intent, and a terrifying energy wave came from his hand.

Han Chen had to take out the stellar device again at this time. At this time, there were no other concepts that could not be exposed. This time he did not resist. I am afraid that his life is at stake. Later, he can only contribute the stellar device. Can the emperor save himself that day?

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