All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1614: Kokonoe

The auction also seemed to be extremely intense, but those people were all the ten most clamoring gates just now, and it was obvious that those gates had already planned to call out the monsters, ghosts, and snakes.

The rest of the others are afraid to make quotations at all, so although there are quotations one after another on the scene, the scene is very quiet, and there is no situation that has been discussed just now.

Han Chen smiled slightly when he saw this situation.

At this time, they have all stayed at the point of ten thousand sacred stones.

This is already a very high price for an ordinary material, but when it appears in a specific environment, it will naturally not be the peak price.

Sure enough, this price has been out, and soon someone will offer 11 thousand sacred stones.

"Twenty thousand **** stones!"

At this moment, Han Chen spoke directly.

As Han Chen opened, the man behind Han Chen's sharp eyes flapped, and his mouth moved a bit to say something, but in the end he held it back, and instead spread his mental power outside.

Han Chen naturally knew at this time that he had become the focus of all the other Ten Dao Sects present. They usually knew each other, and they were all respected by the old monsters.

But suddenly at this time, a stinky kid appeared suddenly, how could they not be shocked.

Even the host was shocked. Although she had searched Han Chen, who had come to inquire, she failed to find out the background of Han Chen.

But he couldn't possibly not know the function and particularity of Kouzhong Hanshui here.

Knowing this kind of particularity and function, you will still be determined to get it. Is the other party a reason to get it?

"The other party's cultivation base is just a mythical form. It is impossible to have such strong financial resources, is it the youngsters who have come out of the hidden family to practice?" The host woman said to herself, staring at Han Chen for a moment. Not instantaneous.

That man also revealed a bit of mystery, and the other side showed far more than these things in front of him.

The host woman said.

Han Chen also knew that everyone was looking at him at this time, but he was determined to win the ninefold cold water, even if he offended the Ten Dadao, there was nothing he could do.

"The following company proposed 20,000 sacred stones. Is there anything higher than this price? This is a material worth tens of millions of dollars. You must know that after passing this village, there is no such store." The host I was afraid that everyone would be left in the cold, and suddenly stopped.

But at this moment, the unknown big man behind Han Chen suddenly said, "Thirty thousand gods!"

Han Chen was obviously stunned. He could feel the meaning of killing passed from the opponent. Han Chen felt shocked. That powerful force made Han Chen immediately recognize who this person was!

This person is the perilla **** clone who intercepted Han Chen back then!

But Han Chen can't yell at this time. If Don't be hot to notice Han Chen, if Han Chen wants to win, chances are slim.

So Han Chen inspired a wave of blood instead, and said coldly, "Forty thousand!"


"Five thousand!" the big man said angrily.

Han Chen had already silently shut up at this time, and the other Four Dadao Gates should have recognized that it was the clone of Perilla God, so he didn't dare to make a move.

Han Chen Xinzhong Tian rested in peace, but in the end he did not continue to follow up.

Han Chen walked out of the door slowly. He didn't want to be surrounded right now. As for the Perilla God, he would definitely use his spiritual power to lock himself in. This is his place, so he can naturally not care about it. Do it.

That's why Han Chen felt so confident and bold that the other party would follow.

When he reached the outskirts of Boundless City, Han Chen suddenly said to the air, "Follow me, can I come out?"

"Hehe, your kid's mental strength is not bad, and he even detected where I am." As he said, the man flew out of the sky where Han Chen was staring.

In this place where flight control is forbidden, flying into the sky, then there is only one person, that is, the avatar of the Perilla God.

"I didn't expect that after so many days, you would have survived from the horrible tomb of the **** of destruction." The clone of the **** of perilla suddenly said to Han Chen.

Han Chen didn’t seem to be surprised that the other party had discovered his identity. Instead, Han Chen smiled and said, “When I arrived, those people had just finished fighting. On the contrary, I didn’t encounter that terrible battle. Now, I'm already dead."

"Tsk tusk, but last time you survived a catastrophe, you dared to return to our borderless city this time, and evaded my eyeliner at the beginning, you are considered amazing, but even so, you must die!"

"This is called **** without a door, you knock on the door, heaven has a way, you don't go!"

"Last time I told you to let you go, this time I won't let you run away from my hands, otherwise I will lose face!" The man said, the whole space began to blur while talking. stand up.

Obviously when the other party came, he opened his own God's Domain and enveloped Han Chen. With this low cry, the surrounding temperature suddenly rose.

"By the way, are you wearing that nine-fold cold water?" Han Chen asked suddenly for no reason.

"Why did you suddenly ask me this question? Although the nine-fold cold water is effective against my flames, it is now sealed in my storage bracelet. It is impossible to use its power to hinder me from fighting."

The man laughed, to blame you for being too naive and stupid for running away from me and turning around.

He remembers that the person in front of him had a lot of treasures during class. Wouldn't it be his own treasures that he snatched away?

Thinking about it this way, the person immediately became more and more excited, turning into a huge spatial flame, and that terrifying flame was swallowed frantically at Han Chen.

That person wrapped it up in an instant.

"That person definitely can't escape. Did he give up struggling?" The Perilla God jumped up with excitement. At the beginning, the kid took out a horrible artifact like the God Axe, which made his heart move!

When the horrible fire light imprisoned Han Chen, the perilla **** clone was about to bloom, turning into a horrible figure, and wanted to put away the storage bracelet for Han Chen in the past.

But the flame in front of him was immediately extinguished, and he abruptly saw that after the flame dissipated, a terrifying look appeared behind his back.

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