All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1615: Decisive

That person is not someone else, it is Han Chen who was controlled just now!

"He, how could he have nothing to do? Nothing at all?"

"No, no, it should be, I forgot, his cultivation seems to be hidden!"

Han Chen is not the kind-hearted person, after all, the perilla **** is also an earth god, not a powerful man.

The cultivation base on his body is quite terrifying. If his cultivation base is increased, Han Chen will definitely not be able to attack him.

"Die to me!"

A terrifying Fire Phoenix suddenly flashed out of Han Chen's body, emitting a strong flame from his body, and he took out the terrifying javelin in his hand!

Great shot!

At such a close distance, the sharp spear condensed by Han Chen distorted the void, booming!

call out!

The huge sharp spear pierced out and slammed the oncoming person into the past. At the same time, Han Chen injected most of the semi-divine power in his body into the four quadrants of the God Axe.

The terrifying basaltic vermillion bird white tiger and blue dragon hovered above the god-killing axe, and turned into terrifying energy, alternately rushing towards the opponent's place, and the terrifying energy completely sealed An Ren.


The terrifying God-killing Axe array strangled the man severely.

From the beginning to the end, the **** stone was only a trick, because that person believed in his own god's domain so much and believed in his own god's domain's reaction speed, but he never thought that the other party might also be a powerful person beyond himself.

At this time, Han Chen had already called out his own planetary body and the God Axe formation. These were the most powerful combat methods of Han Chen. As soon as this combat method came out, he immediately killed the man. .

The avatar didn’t even see what tricks Han Chen used, and felt that he loved his own cultivation as if he was sealed by the other party, especially when the other party’s four true gods and beasts appeared, he was completely stunned. I was stunned on the spot, and I couldn't even think about how this happened.

He looked at Han Chen's gaze, which faded and blurred in an instant.

He was not reconciled, but so what, Han Chen completely grasped the initiative, and used that terrifying axe. I don’t know how it suddenly increased from a god-killing axe to four-handed god-killing axes, and what kind of trouble did he get out. Fa, he killed his clone in one fell swoop.


Not far from the city center on the outskirts of the city, in the tallest mansion, there is a majestic cave mansion that is closed all year round. The rest of the mansion dare not approach this place at all. Once they get close to this place, they will immediately disappear. .

So no one approached at all.

But at this time, the Dongfu in the retreat suddenly heard a thick breathing, panting loudly.

It was a man who was indistinguishable from the man Han Chen met, but his cultivation status was a bit unstable at this time.

As the other ten gates have guessed, the Perilla God fought with one of the people in the day court thousands of years ago, which caused serious troubles. As a result, he was unable to personally control this house in the past few days, just when he wanted to control the boundless. In order to use the resources of the entire Borderless City to quickly recover from his injuries.

Never thought that a Cheng Yaojin was killed halfway, that is, Han Chen, who suddenly killed his strongest clone.

Although he was in the main **** at this time, he also had his own gods, but the problem he was just an earth god.

The earth **** does not have his own divine hiding space, and he does not have the fighting power of that true **** that Yang Terror, so at this time his cultivation base is greatly reduced. The reason why he was able to win the battle with those heavenly star masters before is completely Count on a treasure in your own hands.

And he has a huge amount of Perilla Stone.

But I never thought that such a situation would happen now, and it is even more difficult to see this happening.

But his clone had already died first, making it impossible to carry out his plan.

"Who the hell! Who killed my clone?"

"How is this person?"

"Is this person from the Heavenly Dao Sect?"

The Perilla God's body stared at the figure reflected on the mirror, as if he couldn't wait to kill him immediately.

"That's not right, this person has just taken a tough shot, and there is not much power in his body when he only releases it. Why don't I take the initiative and kill this person completely!" At this time, the Perilla God immediately moved his mind.

It turned into a ball of fire and flew past.

When Han Chen killed the clone, he knew that the subject would have sensed it immediately, so he quickly swallowed all the healing medicines.

Han Chen looked for Mo Xiaotian and said, "You must help me keep this person, and I will remove the fire from him."

"The subject of this person is the earth god, you are so kind, you dare to fight against such existence, and your own cultivation is not particularly high." Mo Xiaotian felt the cultivation in Han Chen's body, and couldn't help taking a breath. Cool, this Han Chen is really desperate.

But since he doesn't need his old man to do it himself, he is happy to see it happen.

However, Han Chen's consideration was also very correct. After all, the other party was an earth god, and he still had the means of Cunning Rabbit Three Caves.

So there is absolutely nothing wrong with the anti-touch point.

"If you want to kill a powerful person in the Conferred God Realm, and the opponent does not have a divine hidden space, then you can steal his divine rank instead of destroying him, so that you can enjoy the same divine rank as him."

At this moment, Han Chen heard what Mo Xiaotian said again.

Han Chen immediately understood that Mo Xiaotian meant, but Han Chen also knew that the benefits could be maximized by doing so, but he was afraid that this person would explode.

After he blew himself up, he only had to return to the gods and resurrect him.

There is no cost at all.

"Then do you know how to prevent them from exploding?" Han Chen asked.

"There are still many methods. The most direct method is to use mental power to destroy the opponent's or even the people." Mo Xiaotian said coldly.

"Destroy the other party's mind, how can this be done?" Han Chen said helplessly, it is too difficult for him to say about the situation of the sealed gods.

"That's not easy. You have learned how to use magic sense, don't you know how to get rid of the other person's mind?" Mo Xiaotian said in an annoyed manner. That magic sense is the secret of their magic world, this little girl. Turning his elbow out, he gave Han Chen the whole story of Mo Nian Tong.

Han Chen can still cultivate, which is really shocking.

It can only be said that these two men made a mistake and made Han Chen profit.

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