All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1628: Haze

They were all exhausted and couldn't stop so many sea beasts from attacking.

So they are very anxious, wanting to let Han Chen stay, let the Lord God to stay, but they can save their lives.

"No hurry, they don't dare to come up, otherwise, they will all die." Han Chen said these words with a light smile, and then walked towards the simple cave in the flying boat.

The rest of them immediately followed Han Chen’s eyes and saw the number of sea beasts that were ten times thinner. Indeed, as Han Chen said, if they continue to attack, they are afraid that they will be killed, so they also know. Han Chen and the people on this flying boat are amazing.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, looking at each other. After some ideological struggle, they finally hurriedly followed Han Chen into the flying boat.

After all, if the sea beasts really attacked, the flying boat may not be safe, but it would definitely be safe and secure with Han Chen.

So everyone followed Han Chen into the flying boat.

"Oh, are you all following here? Then take a break. We will rush into the core circle of Haishan Mountain tomorrow." Han Chen turned back and said to Nannoin.

"Yes, after we enter the core circle of the sea volcano, we can see part of the appearance of the sea volcano. But inside, there will be a lot of battles between sea beasts and human races. After all, the sea volcano surfaced last time. Hundreds of years ago."

"Those who tasted the sweetness before, this time found a lot of people to come, so the competition will be more intense!"

"So we must repair our own repairs as soon as possible." Nannoin said to the adult.

"Yes, everyone should take a good rest, this outer ring is no longer a threat to us." Han Chen smiled.

When everyone heard Han Chen and Nanuo's analysis in this way, they all felt that it made sense, so they went back to their respective caves to rest and prepared well.

On the second day, their flying boat entered the core circle of Haihuoshan. Outside the circle, Han Chen had already discovered that there were many human or sea monks gathered here.

In this way, many people from those human races have come here.

Therefore, as soon as he entered the inner circle, Nannoin contacted their people from Yunfengdao, and they also sent someone here.

"Master Shangshen, that is the sea volcano that emerged from our trip!" Nannoin, who was standing next to Han Chen, said at this time.

Han Chen looked in the direction pointed by Nanuo, and saw a fiery red volcano towering into the clouds. Although rooted in the water, the crater still spewed out flames continuously, covering the nearby On the surface of the sea, a large cloud of smoke rose.

The smog mixed with sea mud and formed a haze.

But this piece of haze is not ordinary haze. It contains a kind of strange poison. Every time the haze erupts, it will carry a large amount of poison. This kind of poison will make everyone's cultivation base continue to weaken. Until the cultivation base became zero.

So everyone stood on the edge of the core circle and kept watching.

"You said these haze is highly toxic? Do you know what it is?" Han Chen smelled Nannoin next to him.

Nanowin was very excited now because the people from Xifengdao came to pick them up immediately, so he talked more. He said excitedly and proudly beside Han Chen, "We Xifengdao has already investigated. This kind of poison has never been seen before. Although it is said to be a poison, there is no specific poison on it, so it looks very peculiar. So far, there is no conclusion. Most other sects think so."

"How did you deal with this kind of strange poison before?" Han Chen asked curiously. Just now, Han Chen reached out and probed the haze, and found that there was a strange feeling in it, which made Han Chen couldn't help thinking. Learn more.

"These gray fog should disappear automatically, but I have just arrived here, so I don't know how many days will disappear. It should be the person in charge of our Yunfeng Road who will come over. He should have a lot of news." Nananoin said.

Han Chen also knew that there were a lot of people in their Yunfeng Dao, so he was also happy for them. I wonder if Amir will follow him?

Guessed in his heart.

At this moment, Han Chen's flying boat came near a few very strong and tall flying boats. The flags on them were floating with three colorful feathers, which looked very handsome.

"Ah, that's the flying boat of our Xiaofengdao, let's hurry up and get closer!"

Nannoin said with excitement, and when the others heard Nannoin's words, everyone stood on the deck happily.

The rest of Feizhou cast sideways glances. The Feizhou who had looked at Han Chen and the Feizhou before, at this time their eyes were deeply jealous.

"These guys." Han Chen couldn't help but smile. That's okay, so that Han Chen doesn't have to take action and expose his repair.

After the flying boat of the Phoenix Road approached, Han Chen did not find the beauty of Amir inside.

A man with a scar on his face came down from the flying boat, and his arm was also painted with three colorful feathers.

The expression on his face is very serious, even a bit fierce.

"Are you Nanuoin?" The man seemed to have no habit of recognizing people at all, and asked Han Chen directly.

"Elder Omir. No, this is our Lord God, who once saved our lives! I am Nanuoin." Nanuoin quickly stepped forward and introduced Elder Omir to Han Chen. .

"Hello." Han Chen saw this person's cultivation level at a glance, Daewoo-level intermediate.

The cultivation base is not bad, but just like this, it should not be able to lead the whole team.

Presumably this person has other advantages, otherwise, how could he compete with other protoss.

"I think this person is the strongest, so I mistaken him for you. I didn't expect that your cultivation level would have stagnated for so many years, and you are still in the middle level of the eternal realm." Elder Omir said with a smile.

"This is our elder Omir. It is our inner door elder. The elder sent to our borderless sea stronghold is responsible for guarding our stronghold here." Nanuoin also saw that the two were a little embarrassed, so hurry up. Said.

"Do you call this person Lord God?" Elder Omir said with an unkind expression.

"Yes, we received a lot of help from her in the process, so we respectfully call Fellow Mo Daoist Lord God." Nanuoyin said honestly.

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