All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1629: Negotiation

"Huh, rely on him? He is only a small late stage of eternity, and he is only slightly better than you. How can you call you Lord God? It really destroys this title." Elder Omir looked arrogantly. Said.

"Hehe, you're only a Daewoo Intermediate, why speak so meanly." Han Chen showed a smile.

This person made Han Chen very upset.

And when I knew that this person turned out to be called Omir, I had already guessed that this person must be related to Amir.

It's just that Han Chen really didn't know what the connection was.

"Wait, do you call this person Daoist Mo?" Elder Omir said nervously.

"Yes, in Xia Moren." Han Chen said deliberately. He knew that the ink dust that the other party said was the pseudonym that Han Chen had used to Amir before, but he was afraid that the other party already knew about the ink dust from Amir.

But Han Chen wouldn't find himself an enemy in such a place, so he didn't plan to use his real name.

"What? I thought you were that bastard." Elder Omir, although he was an elder, was actually very young. He was not yet middle-aged, he was unusually tall, and his body was bare with bronze skin.

The three feathers on the left arm exudes colorful light.

Han Chen didn't speak, but he knew in his heart that the **** this person was talking about was probably Han Chen.

Walking along the road, Han Chen walked into the place where many human races gathered.

Han Chen stood beside Nanuoyin and saw that there were several teams around him, one of which was an all-women training team.

Opposite these human races, there are actually two or three groups of sea races here. Han Chen saw the dragon family, sea turtles, and lizards.

There is even a family of killer whales.

Those Sea Clan people were staring at the Human Race side with unkind eyes. Before Han Chen arrived, both sides were evenly matched, and there was not a particularly large number or a particularly low one.

But when Han Chen walked in with a sea beast with his head down and humming, those people from the sea clan stared at Han Chen.

In particular, the killer whale clan looked at Han Chen's eyes, and even thought that Han Chen could not hear it. In front of Han Chen, the pet sea beasts that he had conquered, frequently heard voices of inquiry.

However, Han Chen, a sea beast, is quite good at doing things, and will tell Han Chen what the other party says.

The other party was asking him how he came to the human race by the killer whales alone. The killer whale on Han Chen's side is quite wronged, but he is helpless. After all, Han Chen's cultivation is unfathomable. .

When the other party heard that the killer whale was forced by Han Chen, the lead sea beast of the killer whale clan was obviously angry, playing with the big fat body, twisting the tail fin, and discussing with the three sea beasts behind. Later, he sent the big fat killer whale towards Han Chen and said, “Leave aside the ownership of this sea volcano for the time being. Your human race bullies our sea race, and our sea race will also bully it back. Give us a sea beast."

"Our people captured your sea beasts?" It was an old man with a long beard who was negotiating with the fat killer whale, with a dull expression at this time.

They originally came here to establish a relationship with the Sea Clan people, and then they could earn one or two Sea God Pills from the Sea Volcano. They never thought that the people on their side would be so unwilling to look at them, and they would take the Sea Clan people’s slaves. Brought it all.

Isn't this deliberately messing up?

Now the old man is depressed.

"What's the matter, Green Deacon of Huodaomen." At this moment, a woman in plain white clothes came over. She had long silver-white hair like ice and snow and a group of faint star wheels behind her. The extraordinarily beautiful and graceful.

"It turns out to be a fairy." When the old man of the Huo Dao Sect saw the woman who was cultivating the method like ice and snow behind him, he immediately revealed a sacred person who did not dare to look directly.

That is their closest powerhouse to the Conferred God Realm. Second, this person is a disciple of the Heavenly Dao Sect.

In their eyes, the Tiandao Sect is extraordinary and pure, and they are known as the Tiandi Taoism!

The number one existence among Ten Avenue Gates.

The status is extremely respectable.

In the entire heavenly court, all things are basically decided in the heavenly gate.

It can be seen the strength of the Tiandaomen.

At this time, it was also because I heard that the sea volcano could conceive a medicine that could make the Daewoo level further, and this attracted this top-level monk of the Tiandaomen. In this sea **** pill, the Tiandaomen must be Want a top-notch Sea God Pill.

Therefore, they had to come forward to discuss with the Sea Clan, knowing that this boundless sea belongs to the Sea Clan.

Although they also recognize the representative system of the Heavenly Court, they have to confirm that the place here is the world of their Sea Clan.

Even the Emperor of Heaven does not dare to convince everyone of the Sea Clan. After all, the boundless sea is so big, but there are countless old monsters hidden in it. They are all hiding their own way and allowing them to acquire a longer divinity. .

Otherwise, what they face is cruel Taoism.

"What happened?" The ice and snow woman already came over indifferently.

"The veteran of the Orca Clan told us that their people were enslaved by our human race, so let us return the slaves of this human race to them, otherwise they would not let us participate in the sea **** pill in this sea volcano. "The old man said.

"In that case, let the human race return the slaves to them, and we need to come forward and give him some compensation." The woman said indifferently, with the mark of a blooming lotus in her eyebrows.

It looks exceptionally beautiful.

"Okay, the old man has this intention, I'm here to ask you specifically." said the green deacon from the Huo Dao Sect.

"Good." The woman said coldly.

Deacon Qing sent the woman away, when Deacon Qing's face was covered with sweat.

Deacon Qing touched the sweat beads, and then walked back to his camp. The old man of the Sea Clan Orca Clan at the door was still standing outside.

Suddenly felt a headache.

"How about? Deacon Qing?" The orca clan felt Deacon Qing's return for the first time and said.

"Our Heavenly Dao Sect fairy has agreed to your request. Let's let the kid of the clan exchange your clan for you." Deacon Qing said with a smile, this time the thing was completely done by the stinky boy. It's irritating.

Wait a minute, if you find this kid out, you must punish this person well. It is really uncomfortable to make such a show at such a critical time.

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