All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1631: Tiandaomen Fairy

"Ah, don't say such disrespectful words, that one is the most respected fairy among our Heavenly Dao Sects." Nanuoyin quickly grabbed Han Chen, for fear that Han Chen would be punished by the other party for talking nonsense. That would be more than worthwhile.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, quickly hand over the sea beast, so that both sides will be more trouble-free." The green deacon said with a final word.

"Since you are so persistent, let's see if the sea beast is willing to follow you to leave." Han Chen showed a sneer.

Without waiting for the others to leave, he immediately summoned the sea beast, splashing the surrounding sea water to the ground, and dampening the clothes of the other two people.

But after all, the cultivation base of these two people is not low. The Deacon Qing used to exude divinity directly, blocking the sea water out, and Omir was more miserable. Just now he was still resisting the secretly exerted pressure by the other party, so suddenly When Han Chen suddenly summoned a sea beast, he was still very embarrassed and was submerged by the sea.

After a short while, I came out of the water in embarrassment. At this time, he looked at Han Chen with anger in his eyes.

Han Chen smiled and said, "This is the sea beast you are talking about. He was still accepted by me before. Now it seems that you are not capable of letting him leave with you."

"Huh, brat, from the point of view that you are so obedient, I won't pursue what you did to us just now." The green deacon said, showing a look of bad luck.

"All right, then you can communicate with him." Han Chen said coldly.

"This is a fellow of the Orca Clan, isn't it?" The Deacon Qing said, looking at the Orca Clan with a surprised expression.

"Who are you?" The sea beast summoned by Han Chen stared at the person in front of him. He knew that this one's cultivation base was much higher than Han Chen's cultivation base.

This time, maybe it was his chance.

So even though it was relatively cold on the surface, there was already a flame in his heart.

As a result, he was even more eager for the person in front of him to speak his words.

"I am the green deacon of the Huo Dao Sect. I was asked by your clan elder to take you back to your clan. We will no longer deal with you. Don't worry. This fellow Daoist will not continue I'm embarrassing you." Deacon Qing repeated what had just happened, and then fixed his eyes on the sea beast in front of him.

"Are you all true?" The Sea Beast was obviously excited. He knew that the master was very powerful.

But there are also very powerful leaders in their sea clan.

Moreover, the young deacon in front of him felt very powerful, and he should be able to cope with his master's ability to deal with himself.

Then the probability that he can leave increases again.

"Yes, what we said is true. As long as you say a few words in front of the sea clan chief, we will definitely be very happy." Deacon Qing replied.

"If this is the case, then I promise you. I am willing to follow you." Then the Sea Beast knew that it turned out that this group of human races actually demanded their own patriarchs, so they had such a good attitude.

That being the case, why don't you give a severe lesson to the man who dared to enslave me.

"That would be great." Deacon Qing showed a knowing smile.

Before Deacon Qing finished speaking, the Sea Beast said, "But you must compensate me. After all, I have been bullied by your human race for so many days."

"What is the compensation?" Deacon Qing's face suddenly darkened.

"Nothing, it's all trivial things. Why don't you wait for me to meet with the patriarch first. I haven't seen our patriarch for a long time." The sea beast seemed to know that he had mentioned excessive demands, so he said quickly.

"Yes, compensation can be requested, but you must be careful, young man." Deacon Qing said with an unsightly face.

Han Chen didn't have any special expressions on his face, just watching this person walk near the so-called Deacon Qing.

When I was about to say something, I suddenly heard Deacon Qing's voice, "The Heavenly Dao Sect people will compensate you later, please don't worry."

Han Chen just let it go. Since there is compensation, it's better to say.

The group of people came to the place where the sea clan met. The clan elder of the orca clan stared at the sea beast with wide eyes. It was indeed their clan member, and said, "Are you okay? They didn't abuse you."

After hearing the man utter these words, Deacon Qing's heart shook.

"I was bullied badly." The Sea Beast said his wounds and said, "Look. These large and small wounds are caused by this person. You must compensate me for these ou."

As the sea beast said it, he showed his mythological form. The huge mythological form stirred this place up and down, showing it was very terrifying, and the terrifying body was full of mottled scars.

"What, who hurt you so badly! It's so cruel! Your human race must give me an explanation, otherwise I will say that your human race's stronghold in the boundless sea will be upset!" The patriarch of the killer whale clan was angry. Said.

"This..." Deacon Qing suddenly looked shocked. There was inexplicable anger in his heart, but he was angry and didn't know who to be angry with.

In front of him, that is a high-ranking monk whose strength is not much different from that of Boundary Sea, so he can't get angry with this person.

Waiting for the meeting triggered a battle between the boundless sea and the human race, and it is definitely their human race that will suffer.

So at this time there was an unnamed karma fire in his heart.

His eyes gradually turned cold, and he said coldly, "Friend Mo, what is going on?"

At this moment, the sea beast turned into a huge mythical form of killer whale, and he also watched how the boy wearing a blue shirt responded.

He has a pleasure that he has never had before.

Since the last time Han Chen was taken as a slave in such a humiliating manner, he was unwilling to even sign a slave contract with him.

If this is the case, don't blame me, it's all you asked for.

If there is a slave contract, I still have some restrictions. Now, I don't have that trouble.

You can make a fool of me this time.

Nanuo was also stupid because of this. The reason why he wanted to persuade Han Chen just now was because he didn't want to lose big because of small mistakes, but in the current situation, he suddenly felt ashamed of Fellow Mo. Don't dare to look at Han Chen at all.

The most proud thing at this time was that the orca clan chief was now. At this time, he took a lot of time to watch, watching how they waited to say that this young man was executed.

But at this moment, I saw that Han Chen's figure changed like a ghost.

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