All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1632: Kill in person

"What did you just do?" The killer whale patriarch only saw a rotating human head, but did not see exactly what happened.

What happened in front of me was too weird, I saw that Han Chen floated, and he couldn't see anything in the back.

He knew what must have happened. He stared at Han Chen stubbornly, wanting to know some inside information from the other party, but the other party was still just as cold as before.

Then the killer whale patriarch felt the sky seemed to be raining.

He looked at the sky suddenly in shock, and saw that the giant killer whale in the sky had already turned into a piece of broken flesh and blood at this time, splashing down like a rain of blood, and the surrounding people did not react. People are shrouded in it.

The strong smell of blood makes people nauseous.

"You, what did you kid do!" The killer whale clan chief showed an angry expression, and the terrifying blood above his head belonged to his clan member just now, "You dare to kill my clan member in front of me! "

He said word by word.

He was completely irritated, and the long, thick beard was flying away fiercely by him.

"For today's matter, no one is allowed to stop me, I want blood to pay..." The patriarch angrily revealed his mythological form, which is several times larger than the killer whale just now. The huge figure will The surrounding sea turned upside down.

Even more terrifying is that near the killer whale patriarch, the eye of a huge tornado emerged, and the violent hurricane involved everything around it.

"Oh..." When did Nanuoyin see such a terrifying picture, the violent divine power made him unable to breathe, his headache was splitting, and he couldn't help but vomit, and the terrifying energy ripples shook all around like a funnel.

Rewind frantically to the center.

I was so frightened to see that I wanted to run away immediately.

Deacon Qing was already stunned at this time, what a terrifying force this was that shattered everything around him.

Even if he exerts his peak power, it is impossible to cause such a huge destructive force.

"Damn it, what the **** did that kid do to kill their clansmen in front of the killer whale clan chief, what a terrible man!"

"Now this matter has nothing to do with me at all. This suddenly makes myself take on such a big problem, so what should I do?"

The young deacon can't figure out the situation. He shouted directly at Han Chen, "Aren't you hurrying to apologize to the orca clan chief? Are you so stubborn? Which school do you belong to? I don't believe that your master is actually That's how I taught you! It's so brutal and bloody!"

"Looking for death." Han Chen ignored Deacon Qing, but showed a touch of bloodthirsty. Originally, Han Chen didn't want to be a threat here, but the sea beast was so uninterested. Anyway, it's very close to the restricted area of ​​life. If he really provokes people who shouldn't provoke, Han Chen can also shuttle through the void and enter the life restricted zone to hide.

Han Chen glared fiercely at Deacon Qing, and Deacon Qing immediately didn't dare to let go.

It turned into a stream of light and soared towards the orca clan chieftain, and the forty-eight wings showed up behind him, and the pile of gray wings became more obvious.

As soon as this mythological form emerged, Daewoo-class had its own space to withstand the terrifying space power that swallowed human power passed by that person.

The Daewoo-class space power possessed by the opposing orca clan leader should have formed a terrifying hurricane, so that Han Chen could not get close to the opposing side.

But that was only for ordinary people. Han Chenshi expanded his own space and quickly resisted the violent hurricane force, while shaking his wings, fiercely flew the javelin toward the person!

Great shot!

A terrifying black light was aroused from the javelin, and instantly came to the head of the killer whale clan.


Torn the void.

call out!

Instantly inserted into the huge fin of the killer whale clan chief, piercing a hollow blood hole there.

Blood flowed like a shot!

"Yellow mouth boy, how dare you treat me like this! I'm going to kill you!"

The killer whale's skin was thick and thick, and even so, it rolled over, summoning the hurricane again, flashing thunder and violent storms.

The ferocious divine hurricane swept across Han Chen madly.

The people and sea beasts who couldn't escape from the surrounding areas were attracted to them and became garbage in the hurricane.

"Small bugs!"

Han Chen's face was cold, his hands spread out, and the four God Killing Axes rose from behind, and terrifying energy immediately emerged from the God Killing Axe.

"This, this is the God-Slaying Axe!" The twisted face in the hurricane was already shocked and inexplicable at this time. Who is this person, and why is there such a big killer like the God-Slaying Axe!

As soon as he saw Han Chen offering such a big killer, he immediately turned into a divine light, trying to escape from the lock of the god-killing axe.

It's a pity that it was too late for him to sigh, that Divine Killing Axe, using the four-image formation, immediately demonstrated the phantoms of the four great beasts of the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Black Martial Suzaku in the void, the phantom flickered, and the terrifying axe shadow fell from the sky.

"Four elephant formations, killing gods!"

Han Chen gave a low cry, and at that time it changed into a blue dragon, and sometimes the axe shadow of the white tiger basalt vermilion bird fell severely.

Hit the man who was about to run away.

The terrifying energy ripples split the hurricane into two, and the sea water was also abruptly split.

The huge sound of action here immediately attracted the attention of those people. After all, this battle was about to reach the cultivator duel of the pseudo-god realm, and those strong men immediately sensed the terrifying energy fluctuation.

So he flew out of the team quickly.

Three monks lifted off from the sea clan, each wearing clothes of different colors. Some had a single horn, some had scales on their necks, and some had long snake tails.

The one-horned dragon-like man who took the lead among the three said, "No, Brother Tiger is in trouble! Let's act quickly, otherwise his soul will be destroyed."

As he said, the dragon protruded a cyan jewel from his mouth, and the two people next to him also showed the gems in their mouths in a manner, and immediately spun a mixed color light from the three gems. Soon it fell around the body of the orca clan chief, and surrounded him.

"Huh! You want to save people?"

Han Chen showed a sneer, and the divine killing axe that swirled in his hand was raised high again, and the terrifying divine light radiated from the killing axe, firmly supporting the four elephant array.

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