All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1633: Sea volcano eruption

Nanuo was dizzy and stunned for a moment, and she couldn't even remember that she just wanted to gag.

The desolate young man I saw at the beginning has now become such a powerful person, appearing in front of him.

He knew that Han Chen was very strong. He didn't expect that Han Chen was so strong that his brother could fight against the patriarchs and still had the upper hand.

What a terrifying combat power this is.

There are mixed flavors in his heart.

Deacon Qing also recovered from the shock. He hurriedly protected the people around him, and then looked back at where Han Chen was, and he was shocked.

But when he saw that the other three patriarchs were already hungry, he suddenly knew that something was going wrong.

If he had told Han Chen not to act rashly, everything might still be too late. Now that he was torn, the other party might not be willing to hand over the Sea God Pill.

So Deacon Qing said to Han Chen Chuanyin, "Our Tiandaomen fairy still has a very important deal to do with their Sea Clan, please don't make a heavy hand."

Deacon Qing also knew that Han Chen's cultivation was quite terrifying, and it was impossible to obey him.

But when he finished transmitting the voice, Han Chen replied with a very gentle voice, "I received it, thank you."

Then there is no more.

And when Deacon Qing was shocked again, when Han Chen was confronting the four old monster patriarchs, he could still send a voice message to himself.

Really deserves to be a powerful monk.

Han Chen also had his own consideration in his heart. These people in front of him could not really be killed. If they were to be hunted down by the Human Race and the Sea Race, I'm afraid that they would not be able to escape the situation here.

Han Chen deliberately let these people go, but that killer whale clan chief, Han Chen killed him.

That sharp shot and the Four Elephant Array's slaying axe are all means of lore.

Since Han Chen used such thunderous methods, naturally he didn't want his opponent to be alive.

"You!" The killer whale patriarch, who was rescued by the other three patriarchs with strange jewelry, was looking at Han Chen furiously.

"Are you okay, the killer whale clan chief!" The other three people all stepped forward and asked.

With the resistance of the four, even Han Chen could not easily win.

"I'm fine, thank you fellow daoists for your help. This officer killed our Sea Clan people in front of me, so I couldn't be angered, so I wanted to decide this person here. I didn't expect this person to be so tough. It's really shameful. Lost it home." The orca clan chief said.

"No need to be so, we all underestimated this person." The other three said one after another, "Why don't the four of us join forces to kill this person here, we are already in the same situation now, and if he is left behind There is a problem!"

The three suggested.

The head of the killer whale clan had this intention, so the four of them hit it off and began to form an encirclement, surrounding Han Chen.

When Han Chen saw the posture of the three of them, he knew what was going on.

These four people are all the people who are about to reach the pseudo-deity realm. Han Chen still has to face the four people at this time. It can be seen that the current situation is critical.

"Elder, do we want to take action?" Nanuoin quietly asked his inner door elder Omir.

Omir squinted his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking. He didn't answer right away, but said, "Of course we have to help the human race, just to see the timing."

When Nannoin heard that her inner door elder said this, her heart fell to the bottom. He looked at Han Chen anxiously in his heart.

After Omir said this, he raised his head and glanced at Deacon Qing. The Deacon Qing from Huo Daomen also glanced at Omir at this time, and finally said nothing.

The person who claims to be Mo Ren is just a thorn, and he will be more easy to handle if they die.

Han Chen didn't speak, and looked at the people coldly. Their expressions and movements were all in sight, and they knew the so-called human races were just a title.

They didn't want to join the war.

"Let's do it." The four Hai Clan looked at Han Chen coldly, as if looking at a dead person.

He took out that strange spirit orb in his hand.

More powerful energy floated from the spirit orb, and the surrounding void shook again. From behind the four people began to rise, terrifying hurricanes, thunder and lightning, heavy rain, blizzards, violent winds, lightning and thunder, huge hail, Suddenly they were intertwined in terror.

Obviously their cultivation is even more terrifying.

Han Chen is just a person, as long as he is stuck by these terrifying sights, Han Chen will undoubtedly die.

So Han Chen quickly released his mythical form, and negotiated with the void elves, ready to tear the void to escape at any time.

"The sea volcano has started to erupt!"

At this moment, the surrounding sea began to spurt out, the waves were raging, and a fire burst out in front.

It's scary to see people.

Those disciples with a lower level of cultivation were directly swept by the terrifying sea and flames. The flames seemed to contain some incredible substances. After those human races and sea beasts accidentally provoke them, they immediately burned those human races and sea beasts. Was turned into ashes.

"This is a volcanic raging wave! The horror and horrible substances hidden in it for millions of years have erupted due to the eruption of the volcano. The mysterious substance before the eternal ages contains the atmosphere of reincarnation and can kill people!

Han Chen hasn't figured out what's going on yet, the patriarch of the Orca clan next to the sea clan has already screamed, and the mythical form that has been opened has not yet been put away. The anger wave was resisted.

But for unknown reasons, the mysterious substance fell into the huge body, and instantly burned half of this person's body.

The people all around took a breath.

The patriarch of the killer whale clan was also considered a resolute and decisive generation, and immediately cut half of his body into a streamer and flew out, no longer daring to sweep the sea to resist the terrifying volcanic waves.

Han Chen was also shocked when he saw it. He didn't expect to have such a terrifying thing. He had never seen it in his entire life.

Han Chen was retreating, and suddenly a woman with silver hair flew out of the human race, her body's cultivation swelled.

The breath of horror fell on everyone's heart.

"This person is a false god?" Han Chen also showed a look of shock. He didn't expect that a false **** cultivator would appear in such a small place in the boundless sea!

Sure enough, it's unfathomable here.

Fortunately, Han Chen did not fully expose his cultivation.

I saw that the flying woman with silver hair turned into a colorful streamer in the sky. The streamer didn't know what divine nature, and even steadily resisted the volcanic waves, I saw her summoned from the storage bracelet A thin piece of golden paper, the piece of paper flying towards the sky, when it encountered the volcanic waves, it burned directly into ashes.

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