All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1642: Poseidon

"Let's lie to the ghost." Han Chen continued to sneer, secretly urging Wu Yuan to give up absorbing the blue energy.

Wu Yuan trusted Han Chen very much. When Han Chen said there was a problem, she stopped absorbing the blue power.

"You are the heirs I most want to find, how could I deceive you?" Lord Blue Seagod couldn't help asking at this time.

"It's very simple, what you are looking for is a physical heir, not a heir to a **** like us at all." Han Chen said coldly.

"Okay, since you have seen it through. Seeing that you have the ancient blood, I will let you all become one of my flesh!" The blue figure, after Han Chen revealed his strategy, Immediately gathered the blue power of this space, sealed this space, and the surging power formed a blue lotus in full bloom in his hands.

"The Sea God Lotus is in full bloom!"

"Show your most beautiful posture!"

As the Seagod chanted in a low voice, that terrifying energy ripples gathered from all directions, forming terrifying energy fluctuations.

The most beautiful lotus shows a terrifying posture.

The surrounding temple altars were swallowed directly, and all the mirrored temples around were turned into nothingness.

A ruin formed on the ground.

But the blooming sea **** lotus was extraordinarily coquettish, extraordinarily shocking.

Han Chen and Wu Yuan glanced at each other and they knew that Forehead Seagod would definitely make a move, so they opened up their power attributes very indifferently, releasing their respective mythological forms, especially the seagod mythical form behind Wu Yuan. It is ironic.

The terrifying energy was unfolded on Wu Yuan, holding the faint blue scepter in her hand.

Although Han Chen developed a mythological form, a strong anxiety emerged in his heart, which made people very uneasy.

At this moment, the blue seagod smiled evilly at Wu Yuan and said, "If you use mine, don't you worry about being eaten by me? Don't forget, so many people of the seagod died in you In the hands, I want revenge!"

"Come back, my Poseidon Scepter!" The blue Poseidon chanted.

"On behalf of the right to use the ocean, master the life and death of sea creatures, Poseidon, Boses!"


With this chant, the seagod's scepter in Wu Yuan's hand immediately returned to the seagod's hand.

With the return of this sea god's scepter, the sky was covered with dark clouds, thunder shook the sky, lightning and thunder, the depleted sea water set off huge waves, the high islands were covered by sea water, and there were turbulent waves and terrifying electric lights everywhere.

For a moment, it seemed to have come to the world of doomsday.

But all this is the sweet beginning of the ocean.

It seems that all this is the true source of the ocean of poetry.

Han Chen looked at this person's movements with an unusually solemn expression on his face. He observed that even if Wu Yuan was taken away from the Seagod's scepter, it did not cause divine silence, and he knew that the Seagod was nothing more than that.

Han Chen didn't speak, and turned into a streamer to protect Wu Yuan.

A pair of eyes stared at the blue figure firmly. This person was just a blue figure without a real body, but the power of the Seagod that he could get up first was already quite terrifying.

"Humph." Han Chen snorted, and after protecting Wu Yuan, he also began to sing like the other seagod.

"Strong and wealthy, the perilla **** who can answer the people of Boundless City and satisfy their desire for perilla!"

The shiso **** is coming!

As Han Chen sang, the sky began to change from the dark clouds to purple. From the original purple, the purple began to tear the sky. It became a ray of sky. From that ray of sky, it continued. Expansion.

The terrifying purple energy quickly enveloped Han Chen.

In such a summoning, even the Poseidon could not conceal the power of the Perilla God at this time. The terrifying Perilla energy quickly pierced the protective energy of the Blue Poseidon, crossing several interfaces, and finally came In the hands of Han Chen.

The stone sword with purple light blooming.

The whole body was crystal clear soaked in purple light.

The purple light enveloped Han Chen, but because he was the **** of the earth, there was no star wheel behind Han Chen, only a vague star wheel shadow, which seemed a little bit out of place.

This is the first time that Han Chen has manipulated the godhead of Perilla, but the crazy power blessing in his body allowed Han Chen to truly experience the speed of becoming a god, and he wanted to further gain his power.

"I didn't expect you to be the Perilla God! But your appearance has changed drastically." The blue Sea God did feel the oppression from Han Chen, but when the other party finally summoned a Perilla God, after the earth god, the sea **** immediately felt a touch of ridicule.

"Go, lore!"

"Poseidon sacrifice!"

With the roar of the blue sea god, the crazy sea attribute divinity rippled away, and the monstrous waves poured in from the void. The blue energy formed a blue figure, and the blue figure possessed Very fast attack speed!


Han Chen was taken aback. Seeing the crazy sea-attribute power, Han Chen knew that there must be some explosive divine energy in it.

So Han Chen manipulated the Perilla God, and quickly teleported away. For Wu Yuan's safety, Han Chen had put Wu Yuan into his stellar machine early.

After Han Chen teleported and avoided, the place burst into the void out of thin air, and the huge explosion sound turned the Seagod Temple into ruins.

The terrifying blue energy exploded, and a new type of blue villain was quickly recombined.

"I didn't expect you to be so stubborn. It shows the perfection of your physical body. To me, this is really an indispensable container. And having such an evil bloodline, it really meets my requirements."

The blue sea **** revealed a touch of bloodthirsty, and from that touch of bloodthirsty, a horrible blue energy was released.

This blue energy fell into his hand, he wiped away the blue light in his hand, frosted it, and finally released the blue light, revealing a bone.

The word Kaishan is written on this bone.

"Open the mountain bone!"

With this low roar, the sea-blue energy immediately washed away more than half of the bones on his back, turning into a blue barking javelin.

The javelin hovered constantly in his hand, "Go!"


The javelin shot out immediately, turned into a streamer, and tore the void!

How dare you!

Han Chen was frightened and angry, and this spine-opening aura seemed to be able to tear the body of Xuanwu into pieces, showing the domineering power in it.

So at this time, Han Chen had to explode his mythological form, "Phoenix body!"

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