All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1643: Twelve rounds of trials

Han Chen immediately refined the fourth layer of the planet's divine body, and the terrifying fire spread across the Phoenix body.


Although Han Chen was holding an ordinary god-level javelin, he slammed into the open mountain bone.


Two rays of light slammed into the air, and with a chuckle, the open bone directly penetrated Han Chen's javelin.

Han Chen seemed to have a foreboding that the Phoenix's body had formed a huge flame bird.


Han Chen showed himself as a bird and slammed into the open mountain bone.


Terrifying energy erupted from both of them again, shattering the surrounding void and turning it into a ruin. There were two figures on the ruins. It was Han Chen who was miserable and miserable at this time. .

The other blue figure watched all this in time.

"I didn't expect you to be so stubborn. The perilla supernatural strength is strong on his armor, but thanks to that armor, this will save you, otherwise you will be destroyed at this time. I scratched the loess."

The blue figure with the full Seagod energy said with a smile.

Han Chen also felt the violent power of the opponent's Seagod, which was really uncomfortable.

There is only one way to win.

Han Chen had already prepared in advance, just to see if the other party would be defeated.

However, at this time, it was a fluke that Han Chenying was able to survive. If he had not blew the armor of the Perilla God at a critical moment, preventing the blue power from penetrating his body, otherwise it would be difficult for Han Chen's body and soul to be kept. Up.

"Take it to death!" Poseidon smiled. He was still very excited to see Han Chen's physical body so powerful, because soon, this would belong to his own physical power.

Waving the mountain bone again, the surging blue energy was sucked into it, and the terrifying mountain javelin assassinated Han Chen fiercely!

"Die! This time the attack specifically aimed at your soul will not destroy the integrity of your physical body, so you can leave with peace of mind!"

The Seagod laughed arrogantly.

He can finally escape from that place, he wants to become the leader of the heavenly court!

With the sound of the Seagod’s laughing wildly, the altar also began to sacrifice, and the blood of the white blossoms flowed into the space of Han Chen and the others from the space of the reflection. They were twisting, exaggerating, and changing. It became fine pieces of blood and melted into Poseidon's alchemy furnace.

A cruel, **** sacrifice began.

Han Chen never thought that one day he would encounter such a critical situation.

But he is not a scumbag, shaking the Perilla God Sword, immediately summoned the light of that Perilla, "Perilla God·Twelve Rounds of Judgment!"

The perilla flying sword turned into a flying sword with twelve rings, each ring surrounded by another ring, and each ring collision made a loud and clear sound.

"The perilla insects scream!"

The crisp voice was washed away and turned into a dark space, and the lecturer was wrapped up when he left.

That flying sword turned into a flying insect, shuttled back and forth in this pitch-black space, as if cruising in search of those who needed to be judged.

Han Chen also felt a deep sense of weakness. The perilla divine insect scream was originally a technique with a godhead, which directly absorbed Han Chen's divinity.

However, the effect is quite obvious, and the five senses in this space are directly sealed.

The blue sea **** who was temporarily deprived of the five senses by the perilla flying sword, shook his heart, hurriedly invoked the divinity on the body, and in a short period of time, screamed the Han Chen perilla **** insect The horror brought about by the round trial deprived the five senses and drove away.

"You're looking for death! It seems that your kid has some abilities, but you can't tolerate you at this time, you must die." At this time, the blue sea **** turned into an arrogant appearance and started flying from Han Chen's side.

Then Han Chen slammed over. The terrifying divine energy set off a stormy sea and attacked Han Chen!

The open mountain bone in his hand hovered in a circle and rushed towards Han Chen's spirit.

The terrifying ability to open the mountains and break the bones made Han Chen shudder!

"This time, your kid will die. The perilla **** just now must have consumed all of your gods, right? You actually use the Daewoo-class cultivation base to drive the earth god's cultivation. It's hard for you. It means you still have Some talents, but you will stop here!"

As he said, the two horrible blue energy instantly bombarded Han Chen, drowning Han Chen.

"do you died?"

The Blue Elf Seagod showed exhaustion. Although Han Chen was only a monk below the Conferred God Realm cultivation level, the posture he showed just now was still remarkable.

Appears to be very powerful.

He took a breath, and a piece of wind blew, and the wind instantly blew away the blue energy, revealing a blue body from it, all of which was imprisoned by his own energy.

That perfect body, with some mysterious blood in the body, is even more exciting.

Just as the blue seagod was about to take action and seize the house, his blue spirit rushed into the flesh.

He saw an empty spiritual world, and immediately jumped into it with excitement. He would soon have a qualified physical container.

You must know that he had been physically destroyed tens of thousands of years ago and could no longer recover. This was all caused by being chased and killed by the enemy.

Therefore, he had to give up the condensing of the physical body, and turned to Duoshe, and followed Feng Hai's people onto the land.

He didn't want the rest of the Sea Clan people to know that he had been destroyed, otherwise he would not have so much faith power to support his soul, and he would rest for thousands of years in the Feng Hai clan.

Now I finally met a flesh body that satisfies him. Of course, it is because he can’t wait any longer. He has to change the flesh body. Otherwise, when the people of the Sea Clan react and no longer believe in him as the true god, he might just Will become a false god.

At that time, after the realm fell, I was afraid that there would be more problems, so he gritted his teeth and finally decided to seize Han Chen.

It's human.

He sighed. Originally, what he liked was the fairy of the Tiandaomen, but after the fairy entered his palace, he couldn't sense the existence of the other party. This was very strange. It was obviously the fairy. Using the secret method to conceal one's own divinity, this has led to such a way that one cannot feel it.

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