All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1646: Big kill

Such a shuttle beast pet is very pleasing.

The Void Elf ignored Huang Yunyun, and took Han Chen and Huang Yunyun directly to the first coordinate, and saw that the coordinate turned into a sea of ​​fire, but could not sense Wu Yuan's breath.

"Change!" Han Chen said quickly.

The Void Elf didn't care about rest, and once again tore the void, Han Chen and Huang Yunyun jumped in from the cracked void.

The space he came to the second time was still not. Han Chen didn't give up. He used the Void Elf again to reach the third space coordinate address.

After entering this space, Han Chen immediately sensed Wu Yuan's fluctuations and the breathing of the Seagod's Scepter.

Although very weak, Han Chen quickly locked that position by virtue of his mental power higher than the ordinary Daewoo-class.

After Han Chen probed, he said to himself, "I didn't expect you to use such shameless means, then don't blame me for cutting the grass and rooting out!"

"What's the matter? Have you found Wu Yuan?" Huang Yunyun saw Han Chen hurriedly flying in one direction, and she probably understood the meaning of it, so she quickly shuttled into the void with Han Chen.

Han Chen immediately walked out of a huge formation, looked at the way forward, and said after feeling a bit, "Go from the left, hurry up!"

Han Chen immediately pulled Huang Yunyun into a streamer, and quickly approached in that direction!

A sharp pagoda soon appeared in front of it, with the word Haigong written on the number plate, and Han Chen's heart was stunned.

If it wasn't for wanting to find Wu Yuan as soon as possible, now I wish to destroy this place and turn it into ruins.

After a while, Han Chen rushed directly into this pagoda and saw Wu Yuan from the angle of the top of the tower.

At this time, Wu Yuan was imprisoned and tied to the top of the pagoda with her hands and feet hanging in the air. She was being blown into the wind.

"Who is it that made you like this!" Han Chen roared, and flew up with a stride.

Huang Yunyun felt uneasy in her heart, so she said to Han Chen, "What you see may be a trap!"

When Han Chen heard the inexplicable burst of ignorance in this round, he even rushed over regardless.

Just as Han Chen walked in and approached Wu Yuan, the runes around that immediately lit up, and a terrifying light burst out from above.

"Ah, Fellow Mo, you are in the formation, look at the appearance, kill the formation!" Huang Yunyun looked at the number of runes lit up on the ground, there were thousands of them, and it looked terrifying. With so many runes, it shows that the formation is quite powerful, it is a big killing formation at the front and rear of the car.

When Huang Yunyun was shouting, three people from the sea clan walked out from the front and back of the two people. It was the three people who were with the orca clan chief at the beginning. From behind the three people, a lot of sea came up. Tribe.

They came out clapping their hands.

In addition, a person walked out behind them, and that person was really the woman with long silver hair that Han Chen had met before.

Huang Yunyun watched these three people walk out in celebration, and she must have known the trap they set.

More despair in my heart.

I only heard the dragon looking at Han Chen and saying, "This kid killed the previous patriarch of our flood dragon clan. As the current patriarch, I need to avenge our flood dragon clan. Do you have any comments?"

"Hmph, this person actually dared to attack our killer whale clan chief, and also attacked our **** Sea God. He has already committed a big taboo. He really deserves to die, but it is not worth it to die like this. It is better to give him to us, we The lizard tribe will let him taste the real torture!" The sea tribe of the lizard tribe stepped forward and said.

The remaining Sea Clan’s people had long heads, exposed sharp teeth, and became extraordinarily fierce, "Leave it to me, I will make him unhappy!"

"Well, the evil shark clan has nothing to do with this kid, so you don't need to participate." The dragon clan immediately expressed dissatisfaction.

The other lizard clan also said, "Our clan knows the sea god's scepter on this person, but it is stolen from our lizard clan. We can't let this person live anyway. He must give it to us lizard clan. deal with!"

"You can't say that. Why should this prisoner be handed over to us to deal with." The people of the Dragon Clan gave it out without a good expression.

They cast their eyes on the woman with long silver hair. This person's cultivation is unfathomable. After the rest of the human race was killed by the terrifying volcanic raging wave, this person could actually travel here.

There must be extraordinary courage.

Therefore, the Jiaolong clan first walked towards the silver-white long-haired woman and said, "Fairy, we are fighting for the right to kill this man. I wonder if the fairy can appreciate his face and be a referee for us?"

"Not interested." The woman replied coldly, her only goal was when the Sea God Pill was released.

So he asked the others, "Do you know when the Sea God Pill will be released?"

"It's coming soon. With so much fresh blood pouring in this time, there will definitely be a lot of Sea God Pills. This time. Don't worry, there will be no shortage of those promised to your human race." The Flood Dragon Clan man just ate one. Nails, but in front of this person, he didn't dare to make mistakes.

This was because their Seagod actually couldn't condense the true God.

Obviously, Lord Seagod used too many secret techniques that consume absolute lifespan, which led to this situation.

The only ones left in the human world are the few Seagod clones.

Therefore, their belief in Poseidon is gradually missing.

At the same time, the decline of Poseidon also meant that they would also be at a disadvantage in negotiations with Heavenly Court.

The reason why Heavenly Court did not act on them was because Heavenly Court could not confirm the boundless sea in scope.

To know that the boundless sea is so big, there must be many old monsters who are not born. If they disturb their cultivation, I am afraid that the heavens will be destroyed the next day.

The cultivation base has reached that level of horror, it is not something that any sect can provoke.

The four large sea tribes also know it, and the various organizations in the natural human tribe also understand it.

That's why they have been in peace with each other like this.

But that sea **** was indeed their own god, and now that the **** is declining, naturally there is no confidence in his heart.

Therefore, the woman was also polite to this, and did not dare to disobey the other party loudly.

"How can you treat Fellow Mo like this? He is also a human race. You white-haired witch, how did you forget how you saved you? Are you just standing by like this now?" Huang Yunyun said angrily.

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