All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1647: Execution

At the beginning, Han Chen used the light-body technique to teach her so that she could leave that special place, but now she doesn't even say anything to Han Chen.

This person is too cold and ruthless.

I shouldn't have saved people in the first place. I really regret that I died.

"He has already got the reward he deserves for saving me." The silver-haired woman finally said, and immediately settled after she said it, as if she really didn't care about things here anymore.

Huang Yunyun wanted to cry without tears, but the formation was as strong as expected, how could he escape?

"Forget it, lest there be too many dreams in the night, let's execute this person here, what we got, how is the three of us evenly divided?" The evil shark clan suddenly proposed.

After thinking about this statement, everyone thought it was OK.

There is only one thing...

"It's just that Seagod's scepter, which clan belongs to it?" The patriarch of the Flood Dragon clan glanced past everyone's eyes, and the meaning was very clear.

"I think the person with the highest cultivation level here can protect the Seagod Scepter to the greatest extent, so how about we have the Flood Dragon clan take care of it first?" said the clan chief of the Flood Dragon clan.

When everyone heard it, they all knew what the Jiaolong clan meant by this sentence, and it was naturally bullying.

Everyone said that their Dragon Clan was the strongest, so naturally no one would dare to compete with them here.

"Yes, the situation is arranged like this. But you can't dominate the issue of the keeping of the Seagod's Scepter, right, old lizard." The evil shark tribe was the least willing to see the dragon clan possess it at this time, so they quickly proposed a new one. Suggest.

"Yes, I also agree with the evil shark clan's formulation. The Seagod Scepter should be kept by our two clans." said the lizard clan chief.

"Forget it, how about the three of us jointly keep it? I will keep it for a hundred years, then go to the evil shark clan, and then the lizard clan. How?" the clan chief of the dragon clan suggested.

Everyone nodded to this proposal.

"Then let's inspire this purgatory blood demon formation. This formation requires the strength of our three parties. Although we lack the patriarch of the poor killer whale clan, it still exerts about 80% of the power, which can make this kid die without being buried. Of the land!"

"Okay, let's do it!"

"Lizard, demon!"

"Jiaolong, hell!"

"Evil Shark Race, blood!"

The three patriarchs played their divinity from their hands one after another, and the divinity fell into the formation, glowing with bursts of light. At the same time, thousands of runes fanned, bursting out horrible ripples of horrible energy!

Shattered the surrounding void.

"Friend Mo!" Huang Yunyun saw this battle, and knew in her heart that Han Chen could not die anymore. The energy fluctuations in that formation would not necessarily survive even the false gods.

The scene inside is terrifying.

Han Chen didn't know what they were discussing outside, but after entering this formation, he had been in the surrounding space deprived of his five senses.

But somehow he had already come to Wu Yuan's side. Looking at Wu Yuan's hanging body, Han Chen immediately used his cultivation base to break all the chains.

Jingle bells.

Then Wu Yuan fell from the air with the shackles, and Han Chen immediately hugged Wu Yuan in his arms.

"Han Chen... I knew you would come to rescue me. It's great. I saw you again. I hope I am not dreaming." Wu Yuan said with difficulty opening her mouth.

"No, you didn't dream, I really came to your side." Han Chen choked and said, those who killed a thousand knives, after Han Chen comforts them, Han Chen must kill these people fiercely. A does not stay.

"What's the matter? Why were you caught here? What happened after I left?" Han Chen calmed down, and then asked about the process in detail.

"The thing is that after you left, I was cultivating, and then I found that the whole space trembled, and then a voice came from outside. I was about to go out and have a look, when suddenly I saw three sea cultivators descending from the sky. I wanted to follow them. Confronted, but their cultivation bases were very high, and they knocked me down in one fell swoop."

"Sorry, I am incompetent, there is no way to protect myself."

Wu Yuan sobbed in a low voice.

Han Chen hugged Wu Yuan's arm tightly and said, "You did a great job."

Damn, they dared to make Wu Yuan say such torture.

They must be slaughtered severely later!

"Okay, you can sleep quietly for a while. After you take the pill, your body will recover after you wake up." Han Chen said softly.

Wu Yuan also felt that she was deeply tired in this short half hour.

Seeing Han Chen coming to his side again, he fell asleep deeply.

Han Chen put Wu Yuan into the stellar device, and then began to look around, and he entered a formation full of runes.

There is no way to deny this.

Han Chen was looking at it. Suddenly, the whole formation started to tremble, just like when Han Chen released the twelve rounds of trials, the insect screaming technique made people's five senses confused.

Han Chen immediately closed his five senses and explored the world through his spiritual power.

At this moment, the sky is thundering!

The terrifying Lei Zhu fell from the sky and hit Han Chen severely.

"Thunder formation?"

Han Chen showed a groan. After Han Chen judged the falling thunder, a lot of monsters exuding strong evil aura suddenly emerged silently. They were holding sickles or horrible sharp knives at this time.

He rushed towards Han Chen fiercely!

"This is a demon soldier?" Han Chen felt the demon energy from the breath of those people's bodies, but felt that the other party used such a demon soldier to deal with the wrong person.

"Mo Xiaotian, don't you need Demon Qi? Someone here has sent you Demon Qi." Han Chen said to Enchanted Xiaotian immediately.

Mo Xiaotian rushed over with excitement as soon as he heard it, he obviously had a foreboding of the surging demon energy.

"Although this devilish energy is a bit confusing, it is better than nothing." Mo Xiaotian saw that the amount of devilish energy was still too small, and Han Chen casually turned those evil spirits into real magic energy. Was absorbed into the body by Mo Xiaotian.

After Mo Xiaotian easily absorbed these devil qi, the sky churned up a group of demon heads with more **** evil aura.

However, under Mo Xiaotian's easy absorption, all of them disappeared.

In the end, there was a horror, reincarnation!

Suddenly a hell-like place appeared out of thin air, which seemed extremely terrifying.

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