All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1655: Thunder Castle

An evil taste in my heart spontaneously.

Hmph, there is only one eternal cultivator in front of him, and there is also a Tianlan at the peak of the Daewoo-class late stage, and the cultivators with three Daewoo-class late peaks on their side can completely capture Tianlan and force them to submit.

"Okay, I don't know you, you walk through your Yangguan Road, and I walk on my single-plank bridge." This is already the longest sentence Tianlan has said. After saying it, she turned a cold face and ignored it. The man he did not know stared at Han Chen with his eyes.

Han Chen's heart sighed, I went to these two people to fight the fire, how come it seems that the pond fish is going to be affected? Am I going to run away quickly?

That day, Lan belonged to the Heavenly Dao Sect, and Han Chen knew that the other party would definitely not dare to mess around, but he, the little one in the boundless city, would be blackmailed by the other party.

The rough man had obviously overdrafted his cultivation, and it was very likely that he would be given to him by the feminine man.

Is he the next rough man?

Han Chen thought it over carefully, and he really thought it was possible, after all, this man looks so sinister.

So Han Chen ignored Tianlan and drove back ten meters by himself.

This posture can't be better understood, this is your business, don't join me, it's impossible to try my routine.

I have experienced so many things.

Seeing Han Chen dodging, Tian Lan showed a cold gaze and stared at Han Chen.

Han Chen showed a smile.

How could Lei Yurou not know what it meant at this time?

That day Lan actually said that she didn't know herself at all, and that she had fallen into Binggu, knowing that she would definitely wake up the killer if this went on, but that Han Chen escaped, which is interesting.

But this woman, Tianlan, dare to treat herself like this. She is also the proud son of Lei Daomen at any rate, and she is treated as a harassment by the other party?

Hmph, I'm really sorry for my shame if you don't let you see my skills!

"Friends of Heaven, it doesn’t matter if you don’t know each other, I can propose marriage to your master and let us two become suitable Taoists. After all, the emperor of other sects are not as good as me, or some of them are too old. It’s not competitive.” The man said.

"Huh." Tianlan continued to be indifferent.

"Huh, shameless, don't blame me for being merciless." Lei Yurou showed a sly smile, the mad man was just one thing in his hand that they were looking after, and he was chasing after him. The man was so resistant, and he couldn't win it for such a long time, so he had to use this method to fight with him in reincarnation, directly turning him into a waste of no cultivation.

So that man couldn't be his danger at all, his current goal was to take advantage of Tian Lan's order and take the opportunity to get Tian Lan away.

So Lei Yurou secretly passed the news to the other three men. The other three men had a conversation and decided to keep the third child and let him continue to entangle with the rough man, and then the first and second one followed Lei Yurou. , Ready to give Tianlan a sap.

After all, they bully people with more. They often do things and make a lot of money every time, so these few of them decided to follow Lei Yurou and continue to do it.

At this time Lei Yurou had an order, and the other three were naturally obliged.

"Do it!"

A lustful smile flashed across Lei Yurou’s feminine face, and a thunderous cloud of Tianshan was summoned from her body. Among the clouds was a majestic and majestic palace with blue tiles flying above the palace, which was hidden gray A huge thundercloud.

"Thunder City!"

Na Lei Yurou looked around proudly and wanted to find some compliments from other people's faces, but Tian Lan didn't squint at it.

And the unknown boy Qingshan didn't know what he was doing, but there was no shock, admiration, admiration, and hate on his face.

"Is this the spell of the Rai Dao Sect?" Han Chen muttered in his heart, saying that he was not shocked. They were all fake. Then Lei Daomen took out such a powerful killer directly. This is not Lu Fu, what is Lu Fu?

I'm afraid that when Tianlan knows the opponent's hole cards, he will inevitably release a greater failure at this time.

Han Chen thought so.

Tianlan is also thinking about how to deal with this person, but this person's appearance clearly wants to be entangled to the end. She came here only to get her own cultivation through this kind of cultivation. Resources.

Let her pseudo-god realm reach the third rank, and yes, the Sea God Pill she got a few days ago, let her pseudo-god cultivation reach the third rank.

She intends to follow his master and learn to become a **** in the Five Turns, and then she can become the best in the school.

The horrible energy fluctuations compressed the existence in the air, making people breathe a little unsmoothly. The horrible thunder sound, every time it roars, it will shatter the eardrum of a person.

The horrible electric light flashes, and it is immediately able to blind people's eyes. It is very scary, and it is not like a normal cultivation level person can appear.

The magic weapon of this Thunder Gate still has some attacking power.

But the magic weapon that was exposed too early is not a big killer.

Tian Lan still knew this clearly in his heart. In that case, the mangy dog ​​in front of him would be killed by Tian Lan.

This person is not righteous and wants to offend her.

When the person said that she wanted to propose marriage to her master and master, the disgust in her heart could no longer be contained.

I didn't expect this person to even plan to shoot himself.

Does the other party think that he is alone, so he intends to take a shot to catch him? Then let yourself become a Taoist couple with him?

Really idiotic dream.

Even if she was caught, she would not agree and would rather die than yield.

Tianlan is somewhat innocent. She didn't realize that besides becoming a Taoist companion, she also turned people into his furnace ding, to squeeze her vitality and divinity, and become a stepping stone on the other side's path to cultivation.

This is also one of the methods for some people to practice the Nine Ranks of false gods.

If it is impossible to break through, it will adopt such a method.

However, true and false gods can contend with true gods, and this will have to wait until the Nine Ranks of false gods.

Tianlan’s goal is to reach the fifth stage of the false gods, and then plan to condense the godhead. They have already cultivated their own gods and people for them. As long as they have some experience in it, they can truly gather the minds of the gods and people. You can become a god.

But all of this must be built on the condition of not falling down today.

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