All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1656: Order of Heaven

Tianlan thought about it so, and gently swayed his hand, a token flew out of his hand!

"The Order of Heaven!" At this time, the three cultivators of Lei Daomen who were surrounded saw the token falling from the sky and turned into a huge stone tablet. This stone tablet possesses very powerful power, obviously. Crush people easily into pieces.

The magic weapon for such a powerful attack actually fell into Tianlan's hands.

At this moment, Tianlan instantly opened his own God's Domain, revealing powerful energy fluctuations from his own Daewoo-class space, and the giant Heavenly Order from his own God's Domain was once again expanded. It has turned into several large-scale formations and is rapidly taking shape.

"Heavenly God Realm!"

The three people were stunned once again when they saw this attack method. They were stunned for a long time, and for a while they couldn't figure out what Tianlan wanted to do.

At this time, the one with the most clear mind was Lei Yurou. When he saw that the Daewoo-class Freedom God Realm released by Tianlan was so vast, he knew that the other party's cultivation base had increased several times, I was afraid that this time he could Not so much energy to clean up this person.

But before he could think clearly, he saw that the Heavenly Dao Lingpai in the Taoist God Realm changed again that day.

"This is one of the demon killing formations of the Heavenly Dao formation!"

There are three major formations of the Heavenly Path, the Demon Formation, the Demon Killing Formation, and the Jianglong Formation.

The weakest among them is this monster killing array.

But the Demon Killing Array is also a well-known technique of the Heavenly Dao Sect, and it can be regarded as a unique Heavenly Dao Divine Realm. It is quite terrible to let the other party fully stimulated, basically it can be crushed and rushed up, and it can kill people.

Basically you can leapfrog.

This is also one of the important reasons why the Heavenly Dao monks can suppress the rest of the doors.

Therefore, when he saw the Heavenly Dao Array coming out, the men at the Thunder Dao Sect had already revealed an embarrassing look.

Now they are the ones who jumped out, but their energy is not enough to support them to solve the problems in front of them, so they are very distressed now, thinking whether they can just run away without fighting.

But this is so beautiful and face-saving, and Lei Yurou on his side is determined to win, and obviously won't give up.

Under this circumstance, their cultivation base and momentum are a bit weaker.

Lei Yurou immediately got insight into this situation, and realized that the morale of his team was somewhat low, Lei Yurou decided to attack the past to restore their morale!

Otherwise, how can they achieve great things if this continues?

So thinking about this, Lei Yurou lifted his Thunder Castle high, and then a violent black divine thunder erupted from the Thunder Castle.

The terrifying lightning burst into the void and shattered the surrounding power in an instant, shook the void, and smashed away the surrounding trees and gray fog.

Their Thunder Gates are quite explosive, their attack power is very powerful, and they are all named on the platoon among the several avenue gates.

"Die to me!"

"Thunder light died!"

Following that Lei Yurou's low whisper, a terrifying light of thunder was released from the thunder and lightning Qingcheng above.

The light of thunder and lightning turned into a thousand power, shrouded the gray mist around it, and blocked the entire large area of ​​power, but such a terrifying light of thunder and lightning still could not erode the terrifying gray mist.

Except for Han Chen, no one else noticed this. It may be the spectator who is obsessed with the authorities. Obviously, the current situation is very complicated.

In this way, Han Chen also watched with gusto. After all, all the lightning just wanted to hit his head, and now it has directly become a duel between Tianlan of the Tiandaomen and the men of Leidaomen, Han Chen, a good man, has become a watchman.

The thunder light was indeed shocking, but the God Realm released by Tianlan directly turned into a formation, which made Han Chen admire.

You must know that there are puppets among their cultivators who can cultivate, but the only one who can do it smoothly is probably Tiandaomen Tianlan.

No, this should have the effect of Death Realm.

Han Chen immediately noticed the change in the divine rules of the surrounding realm. After this point of alert, Han Chen immediately released his divine power to block the divine realm regularly.

Faced with the rules of divinity, only the same level of God's Domain can resist, and this will make Han Chen feel much better.

If Lei Yurou hadn't been in battle, when he saw that Han Chen hadn't received the slightest impact at this time, he would have been shocked. This would be too powerful.

That thunder light violently collided with the terrifying energy formed by the monster killing array!

The terrifying energy ripples covered the sky, shattering the void into ruins, and the surrounding sea water poured into the void, forming a terrifying tornado, and the sky flashed with thunder.

The monster killing array formed underground, with many stone monuments, looked strange and murderous.

This kind of sky-to-earth and earth-to-sky, it seems shocking to the outside.

Han Chen also noticed at this time that not all of the stone steles of Tianlan were planted on the ground, but were raised to the extreme by the manipulator of terrifying energy.

This kind of energy showed amazing power, which made Han Chen feel particularly vigorous.

In this way, Han Chen knew that the energy released from Tianlan was not only the order of the day, but also her peculiar divine energy. The divine energy was feminine and lingering, and it seemed extraordinarily dense. It seemed weak, but Easily killed the terrifying thunder light to the receiver, and none of it fell on Tian Lan.

With such a cultivation base and manipulation of divine nature, Han Chen prides himself that he is not the opponent of the opponent.

It's really scary.

Sure enough, those deep-rooted Heavenly Daomen and Lei Daomen were not easy to provoke. These people were not the four major families of Yuancheng that day. Just the duel between the two sides can see the background of both sides.

Han Chen once heard Tianlan say that the divine attributes she possesses are cloud attributes, so she needs to find some spiritual grass that assists the condensing of the godhead, and invites Han Chen into this life forbidden zone, but there is no near this life forbidden zone. Thinking of the people who met Raidomen, this was delayed.

From this it can be seen that although the divine power of this cloud attribute is not strong, its defense is quite strong, and there are other abilities that require full observation of this battle.

Lei Yurou of Lei Daomen saw this kill, and she didn't cause any harm to the opponent, but Lei Yurou already knew that the person in front of him possessed powerful energy and was no longer someone he could easily bully.

So Lei Yurou held her fist towards Tianlan and said, "The fairy demeanor is still very powerful. I admire it very much. It was Lei Yurou who was reckless just now. I will definitely follow my teacher to your house to apologize next time!"

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