All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1657: Threat

"Want to run!"

Only Tian Lan let out an angry roar in response to Lei Yurou. This person wanted to run away in front of her. Since she dared to provoke her, there was only a dead end, and it was impossible to put it back.

This is also Tianlan's life motto.

That day, the stone stele of Dao Ling immediately turned into a terrifying afterimage, and it flew towards the person instantly, covering the three people fiercely.

All of the three people were sealed off at once.

"You vicious woman, do you want to kill all four of our cultivators from Lei Dao Sect here? Do you know that this will trigger a battle between Ten Dao Sects!" Lei Yurou, who took the lead, revealed A look of horror.

The horror force Tianlan demonstrated just now has completely shocked them, making them feel deeply afraid.

Dao Ling that day was indeed a divine tool that surpassed them.

It was really shocking to cooperate with her terrifying heavenly realm. They had already known that the cultivation of the Tiandao Sect was originally a divine nature related to the sky. They never thought that the other party could combine the Tiandao Token of the Tiandao Sect with their own God Realm to form such a terrifying battle formation, which was truly breathtaking.

He was preparing to escape such control with all his strength just now, but unfortunately he didn't succeed. In the end, he was trapped here by the opponent. It's unbearable.

They also wanted to struggle to break free, but neither his Thunder Castle nor other people's God's Domain and magic weapons could directly break the blockade of the other party, so this also made him feel the oppression of the waves.

Only in this way can we escape without compromise.

"Hmph, I'll kill you all here, so no one knows how I did it." Tianlan said coldly to Lei Yurou and the other four.

At the same time, Han Chen was watching the show. When he saw the most exciting scene, he suddenly heard Lan Chuan’s voice to Han Chen that day, “You know that you have cultivated the breath of reincarnation, so you dare to be so blatant! Now if I tell this information After seeing these people in front of you, after they escape at that time, see who is unlucky first."

"You!" Han Chen felt a huge shock in his heart, his reincarnation aura was hidden very well, and it was merged with his own cultivation base, into the ocean of divinity, but now he was utterly uttered by the other party. , This is shocking.

But if she really tells her about this reincarnation breath according to what the other party said, Han Chen will be out of luck.

That Yue Qingcheng didn't know if he had exposed the aura of her reincarnation cultivation, but no one had come to chase him down yet, indicating that Yue Qingcheng had not been exposed.

But this is also very strange. After all, Yue Qingcheng is a person who will break his hands as long as there is a profit.

Last time, Han Chen was attracted by that month Qingcheng to absorb his divine nature, and he was almost absorbed into the **** of destruction space and became a man.

Later, when Han Chen was about to die, suddenly there was a force that passed back. It should be Yue Qingcheng that her strength passed back to Han Chen.

This is probably what Han Chen guessed.

It's just how all of this is done, and it has been perplexing Han Chen.

At that time, there was a star master of Honghu, and a master of divination. It was not known which of them had activated the secret technique, which caused all of this to happen.

That battle also directly destroyed the body of the Destroyer God, and it seemed that he was seriously injured, and he had to escape from the hidden space and breeding space of the God.

It can be seen that that is their great hand in heaven.

Now that Han Chen is being threatened by the fairy of Tiandaomen, Han Chen naturally can't stop acting.

Han Chen had seen the horror of Heavenly Court.

So Han Chen also turned into a flash of light and flew out from the mountain, and fell in another direction, sealing the four people who were about to escape, the four Lei Daomen cultivators who were at the peak of the late Daewoo class.

"Prevent them from using Boundary Breaking Talisman and escape." Tianlan said to Han Chen Chuanyin, "Your task is to prevent them from escaping. You don't need to bother to kill them."

Han Chen was a little stunned when he heard this overbearing sentence, Han Chen thought he needed to do it himself.

As a result, the four Lei Yurou laughed smirkly when they saw Han Chen blocking their way. Although Han Chen's identity had not yet been determined, Han Chen's eternal peak cultivation level was not enough to see.

They can kill them directly.

So Lei Yurou showed a touch of cruelty and said, "Da, you killed this person in the past!"

Following Lei Yurou's death, a tall man beside Lei Yurou walked out from there, with thunder patterns tattooed on his shoulders, which complemented the bulging muscles and seemed very shocking.

"Hey, kid, do you want to stop us? Just rely on your level of repair? You are looking for death, you are a small peak of the late eternity stage, I can kill you with just a little finger dead!"

The man with muscles like an iron tower said to Han Chen.

While he was talking, his eyes flashed, and then he absorbed the little ghost in his mouth. At this moment, he disappeared. He looked left and right, looked around, and released his spiritual power, but he couldn't. The figure of the kid was captured.

Why is this kid so weird?

Is his cultivation level hidden?

Shouldn't it, even if it is hidden, their boss Lei Yurou should be able to know?

All this is so strange!

It also made his anxiety even more urgent.

"Why, are you looking for me?" At this moment, at the place where Han Chen stood just now, Han Chen appeared again, and then fixed his gaze on Ah Da.

When Ah Da heard Han Chen's voice, he quickly locked his eyes and spiritual power on Han Chen, for fear that Han Chen would come back with such a strange figure again, that would be too humiliating.

At this moment, the Han Chen in front of him continued, "Does your little finger refer to this?"

At this time, Ah Da noticed that Han Chen was already holding a **** little finger in his hand, and that Han Chen was looking at himself with a smile that was not a smile.

He held the little finger in his hand, bloody, so strange. He looked at that little finger, as if where time passed.

Suddenly Ah Da felt a sharp pain in his heart. It came from his hand. He raised his palm and found that the little finger of his right hand had been broken directly. Then he quickly looked at his left hand and found The same goes for the left hand!

This will make him feel a sharp pain in his heart.

"Damn..." Ah Da felt the sharp pain, and quickly treated his fingers with magical techniques. As a flash of light fell on his hand, the fingers of that hand began to grow slowly. This process It seems simple, but very exhausting.

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