All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1658: Lightning beast

At the same time, he was still very scared. Han Chen took this opportunity to trouble him and gave himself a fatal blow, so he became more cautious.

Who is this person? How could he break two of his fingers without knowing it?

This is too fast.

No, is it because of some secret technique?

After all, the opponent's cultivation base is really the peak of the late eternal stage, and the divine fluctuation just now has been the same. Could it be that the person actually has that person who can be invisible as a mysterious existence, it is really tricky.

But this kid is just the peak of the late Eternal Realm!

He didn't believe it, he couldn't even deal with such a kid.

In this way, if he can't handle even such a kid, then Lei Yurou will never let him recognize Lei Yurou as the boss!

No, I must kill this stinky boy so that I can prove me.

But before that, I have to repair my fingers, and during this process, I can't let Han Chen suddenly make a sneak attack, otherwise I might fall into the gutter.

"Why, have your fingers healed?" As Ah Da was analyzing his neuroticism, he suddenly heard the brat over there say.

For a moment he was stunned.

Does the other party mean that the other party has been waiting for his fingers to be cured again?

Is he so kind?

Didn't he know that all his fingers were healed? That is the ultimate Daewoo-class late stage peak.

Can he deal with such a powerful monk? It's really strange.

But this kid was really stupid, he would be so stupid. He looked at the advantage he had just won and disappeared immediately.

Hey, you kid wait to die!

The reason for your death is your carelessness!

"I'm not good yet." Ada sneered in his heart, but said shamelessly in his mouth.

After all, real people should win with strength, not face.

"Your cultivation base shouldn't be." The man said again.

"No? What shouldn't?" Ah Da was stunned for a while.

"Your Daewoo-class cultivation base, does it take so long to treat a little finger? Is there any conspiracy in your heart? No, it shouldn't be." Han Chen shook his head again.

"What should or shouldn't be, after my fingers are cured, let's see how I kill you, you stinky boy!" Ah Dadu was disturbed by Han Chen's heart.

No, could it be that kid’s psychological tactics? In this way, you can disturb your body and mind in advance, and then wait for the other party to attack the terrifying divine power, and then kill the flustered self!

No, you must not give the other party such an opportunity.

"What I said shouldn't be, you are obviously a Daewoo-level cultivation base, how can you be afraid of me alone at the peak of the late eternity stage?" Han Chen smiled and looked at Ah Da in his spare time.

"You, you! Looking for death! Look at me, Ah Da, don't tear you to pieces!" That Ah Da immediately burst out terrible thunder arcs, these violent thunder arcs shattered the space.

At this moment, the terrifying arc of thunder continued to grow, and a giant beast appeared from behind. The beast had long big ears, and on the big ears appeared dark lightning strikes and charred formations. Lightning symbol.

The moment he stood up just now, those two ears burst into light. A pair of eyes is as big as a copper bell.

As Na Ah yelled, Ah Da's figure gradually merged into the body of the terrifying giant lightning beast.

This is also the strongest form of their Daewoo-class cultivation base, that is, to show their mythical form, to integrate themselves into the mythical form, so as to obtain a large amount of leather protection and a large amount of divinity, and incarnate into a horrible behemoth with strange power !

In this way, the other party's stinky boy will never be able to handle his fingers anymore. His current cultivation base has already surpassed his previous state, and his current state is very powerful. As long as he maintains this state, It's impossible for the eternal stinky kid to defeat himself.

In this way, Ah Da can be invincible, and he doesn't believe that this stinky boy can even attack such a terrifying mythical form!

Han Chen looked at the huge lightning beast, and also showed a touch of deep thought.

Han Chen himself has a mythological form, but if he wants to show his mythological form as if it really exists, Han Chen can't do it yet.

It seems that the Ten Daomen's background is still very deep. In this case, this lightning beast, I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with.

But this is not a big problem for Han Chen.

As he was thinking about it, Han Chen heard the huge lightning beast screaming, and as he screamed, the lightning mark on the long big ears lit up, and then it dazzled, like a star radiating strong Light!

A terrifying lightning flashed out of the lightning symbol suddenly, and the violent lightning arc shattered the surrounding void with trembling, and the surrounding sea began to pour in frantically towards it.

The terrifying electric arc, with strong energy, evaporated all the seawater that had poured in, causing a thick mist of water to fill the surrounding area.

"Success, brat!"



"Lightning strike!"

With every roar of that person, the sky darkened by a minute, and then the terrifying thundercloud became denser again. Today’s thunder light gushes out, following the exit of the lightning strike, the huge thunder light violently toward Han Chen Earth rushed over!

A dark void was brought out, and the spaces along the road were shattered by lightning.

It looks terrifying.

Lei Yurou and Tianlan, who were facing each other on the other side, also noticed the situation in this version. Seeing that the big guy actually showed his strongest posture, Lei Yurou was still a little surprised, but in this way, deal with that smelly The kid is pretty sure.

Therefore, Lei Yurou was in a very relaxed mood at this time, he could fully know that the person's cultivation base could easily crush that stinky boy.

After all, he is Ah Da, and he is no ordinary cat or dog.

"How about it? Don't you worry about the little white face of your counterpart?" Lei Yurou said with extra ease.

"You better worry about yourself." Tianlan showed a sneer. At this time, the secret technique of the stone stele summoned by Tianlan had already trapped the three of them.

Moreover, she has fought against Lei Yurou for hundreds of rounds. Although Lei Yurou has insufficient offensive power, her defense power has become very terrifying. Once the Thunder Light Divine Wall is displayed, even the stone steles cannot break through the opponent’s. defense.

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