All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1665: Godly Condensed Object

As a result, the two immediately fought indifferently.

Heavenly Fox Taoist Venerable originally didn't want to fight, but that Leitaisi was very irritable, and he was very warlike.

The surrounding thunder and lightning condensed into a pitch-black hammer, bursting out a terrifying divine thunder and lightning brilliance.

Those thunder and lightning brilliance have the special brilliance of bursting divine nature, which can directly turn human divinity into violent energy. If absorbed into the body, it will make the body manipulated by the opponent.

This is what Tianhu Dao Zun learned during his previous training and after the battle, so even if the Tianhu Dao Zun had a higher cultivation base than the opponent, he would not act indiscriminately.

"You old monster, you are not dead yet." Then Leitaisi lifted the thunder and lightning to the sky, and a terrifying cloud floated in the sky.

"You are fine, how can I be willing to die?" Tianhu showed a chuckle with respect.

"But today is your death day! Do you know the brilliance of the thunder and lightning in my hand, this is what I have studied for hundreds of years, specially prepared for an old monster like you, you will die for me!"

As Leites said, the terrifying thunder light filled the sky, lighting up the entire sky with a white light, and those low-level sea beasts were blinded.

It is really powerful.

That day, Dao Zun Fox showed a smile, it seemed that the terrifying thunder and lightning brilliance in front of her would not affect her at all.

Therefore, Dao Zun Tianhu did not directly carry such an impact force, turning around and spreading a starry light around his star wheel, and the light of the Milky Way fell from the star wheel behind him.

Turned into a silver shield, this silver shield immediately blocked the front of the Dao Venerable Tianhu, but it quickly shattered the power of the galaxy shield.

Dao Zun Tianhu's face became ugly, and immediately from his star wheel, a silver galaxy flowing tail slowly slowly emerged, as if a comet was dragging a long tail. It looks very beautiful.

Tianhu Dao Zun's movements and displayed skills are exceptionally graceful.

It turned into a monster with nine tails, dragging a long silver river.

With a slight shake, the sky was stained silver with the color of the starry sky, embellishing the shattered void nearby into a starry sky.

For a time, the whole picture was extremely beautiful. At this moment, the long silver river was thrown fiercely on the thunder and lightning. With a squeak, the two mysterious energies collided with each other, causing a terrifying space collapse. A large amount of seawater was absorbed in the surrounding area.

After this horrible collapse happened, everything soon disappeared.

Dao Venerable Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox dragged the long silver river, staring at the collapsed void just now, frowning.

"Dao Zun, have you escaped for him?" asked Divine Soul Tianlan who was hiding in the descending body of Tianhu Taoist.

"Yes, I ran away for him. I saw Raytheus, the **** of thunder. It was 50-50. I have no absolute certainty in this battle. But the body he exists is only more troublesome, because that kid His cultivation base is not as good as yours, so he made the strongest blow and ran away." Tianhu Dao Zun said with words.

"This time, before I came here, I saw a few little guys here, among them there is a very interesting person here, do you know what that person's name is?" Tianhu Dao Zun asked.

"I don't know, he always calls himself Mo Ren." Tian Lan answered truthfully.

"Hmph, there is a long-lost smell in this person, which will evoke very bad memories, but if you look for this person, I'm afraid it will really benefit your cultivation. Go into this restricted area of ​​life to find your godhead. Wuwu. It can be regarded as helping you. It is a pity that he and our Tao are different and don't seek each other. Otherwise, if this person is willing to join our Heavenly Taoist Sect, I am afraid that he will be another evil freak."

Tianhu Dao Zun seemed to have a high opinion of that person, but when he learned that the person had rushed into the restricted area of ​​life, he couldn't help but exclaimed, "That person is really a decisive person on the sofa, and your future achievements are not yours. Below me. Although you claim to be a genius in our human race for hundreds of years, this person still cannot be ignored."

"Okay, the disciple understands." Tian Lan didn't know exactly what he could do to that person, and she only agreed with her promise.

"Well, go, let me help you." Tianhu Dao Zun showed a smile, turned into a long galactic light floating in the air, and immediately sent Tianlan directly into the restricted life zone.

"Tianlan, don't blame me, I'm also a teacher's order..." The silver spirit that remained outside the life forbidden zone finally gradually turned into transparency, and there was a tear in his eyes.

No one knew what she was thinking about.

Han Chen immediately entered the life restricted zone desperately after seeing the arrival of the two main gods. That was because Han Chen knew that he was definitely not the opponent of the two, so Han Chen obediently avoided it.

But because without Tianlan's help, Han Chen knew too little about this life restricted zone. From the situation at the scene alone, there was not much situation that Han Chen could use to deal with.

After entering, Han Chen peeled off the thick gray mist, knowing that it contained a strong breath of reincarnation.

However, the outside is so thin that it will not help Han Chen, and Han Chen will not increase his cultivation if he absorbs it.

So Han Chen summoned Ao Bai and Huang Mengmeng.

Both of these people have cultivated the breath of reincarnation, so they can naturally resist the breath of reincarnation here.

"Are we in the new life forbidden zone?" Ao Bai felt the strong breath of reincarnation around him, and his own soul began to slowly solidify.

Ao Bai had previously seized the dragon body of Ying Quliang, and now the soul has used that dragon body to warm up for a lot of time, but without sufficient reincarnation breath, he has been unable to return to his peak state.

So Ao Bai was also very uncomfortable.

This time, feeling the mark in the restricted area of ​​life, and the strong breath of reincarnation, as soon as Ao Bai came out, he immediately felt the unusual wave of reincarnation in the air.

"Yes, we are in the life forbidden zone, but I don't know much about this life forbidden zone, but the main gods outside did not rush in immediately, indicating that the problem is very difficult, so I dare not go easily. explore."

Han Chen also felt the breath of reincarnation in these surroundings and said.

"It's not bad this time. I found such a place. Is this still in the boundless sea?" Huang Mengmeng said, Huang Mengmeng was born with the body of reincarnation cultivation, and when he came out, he would put all the surrounding reincarnation breath on himself. Coming back, a lot of strong reincarnation aura emerged from her body, which wrapped her body and covered her slim figure.

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