All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1666: Condensed spirit

If not, if seen by some **** people, they definitely want to be malicious. After all, Huang Mengmeng has changed tremendously now, and his figure is more symmetrical, with unevenness.

"This is the boundless sea. This life restricted zone was also found by others. When she finishes dealing with the outside affairs, she will join me here. According to my estimation, there are some things that can condense the Godhead." Han Chen also learned from this. Which woman got the news by knocking on the side.

"She?" Huang Mengmeng pointedly noticed the different treatments in Han Chen's tone.

"Yes, she is called Tianlan. She is a member of the Tiandao Sect. It is the person who is said to have the closest contact with the people in the Heavenly Court. It is their Taoist." Han Chen showed a wry smile and addressed the problem. Said it.

Huang Mengmeng who stopped here immediately burst into tears, and roared, "You are a woman of the heavens! Back then, the people of the heavens chased me down nine days and ten places. At the beginning, they also said each other in a false manner. This kind of benefit will eventually tear your face if you don’t get them. Don’t repeat the same mistakes."

"When you say this, I also think that the woman's transaction is definitely not easy, because what she wants is something that is condensed in Godhead." Han Chen said calmly.

"Then this person has reached the cultivation base of the pseudo-god realm?" Huang Mengmeng showed a cruel expression.

"Yes, she is already a pseudo-deity cultivator, but don't worry about her, because I am also a pseudo-deity cultivator."

Han Chen raised his cultivation level to the extreme as he spoke, and it was no longer the late eternal realm cultivator hidden under the mask of the previous Hehuan League.

"Ah, I didn't expect that you guy was so cunning, and he ran ahead of me in a short time! I was born to be a divine beast, so sorry! I can't compare to a mere human..."

Huang Mengmeng immediately cried a face, looking at the sky extremely exaggeratedly.

"Do you want to be like this?" Ao Bai said, "Isn't it a pseudo-sacred realm... Hey, has the Taoist fellow's cultivation level reached the pseudo-sacred realm? That's too vigorous!"

"What am I, Wu Yuan and Wu Daoyou are faster, she is in the godhead of the sea god, presumably within a few years, she will directly become the true god, then don't be envious, jealous, and hate." Han Chenyu said without being shocked. .

When the other two heard about Han Chen's introduction, they immediately awakened their spirits. Although their faces were bitter, they already had a strong fighting spirit.

"I didn't expect Wu Yuan and Wu Daoist friend to run ahead of us." Huang Mengmeng and Ao Bai said in unison.

After all, such a thing is really horrible, and the things in it are simply unimaginable.

The speed at which the cultivation base increases is simply rocket ride.

But among them, if Wu Yuan and Wu Daoyou said that it would be absolutely impossible without Han Chen's help, this is what they envy.

But for their Han Chen team, that could not be a better thing. Once Wu Yuan condenses or integrates the godhead, their Han Chen team will enter the **** team qualification.

So for them, this is a great honor.

They are also really happy for the Han Chen team for Wu Yuan. All this makes them feel extremely excited.

At this time, the expression of fighting spirit could not be better to describe their current expression.

"No, the Korean team, since there is such a good opportunity, why don't you integrate or condense the godheads? After all, the godheads are quite rare. Even before their big clans, they need to wait in line." Ao Bai said, telling them The previous training and selection methods of the dragons were quite cruel.

I still remember his father's emperor once went to a very scary place in order to improve his cultivation level and condense his godhead.

"Is it so scarce?" Han Chen knew that the things that condensed the Godhead would be scarce, but he didn't expect to be so scarce that even large families, even Long Ting, would be so scarce.

As a result, Han Chen could not help but hesitate in the way that everyone could condense the Godhead in Han Chen's mind.

"Yes, even in our Dragon Court, as early as tens of thousands of years ago, my father went to an extremely dangerous place in order to condense the godhead, and obtained the godhead condensing qualification at a considerable price. So if he can really get it The object of condensing the godhead must not be given up, otherwise it will be a pity." Ao Bai said.

"That's it, it seems that I have to inquire about the condensing of the godhead." Han Chen showed a wry smile.

"It's not easy to condense the Godhead. You see that I already have the Godhead." Huang Mengmeng, who was next door, suddenly said to them both with a look of excitement.

Both Han Chen and Ao Bai were speechless for a while. This Huang Mengmeng was born with a **** beast, and there was already a **** beast in his body that he could inherit, so naturally he wouldn't worry about his god.

Han Chen couldn't help but admire them.

Therefore, Han Chen needs to quickly figure out the thing that condenses the Godhead.

"Where did the things that condense the Godhead come from? Is it a cherished material?" Han Chen asked.

"You can understand it as an object that carries faith. This is a very advanced thing for condensing the Godhead. Generally there are various things. To a large extent, it will appear to a certain extent after the death of a person with Godhead. Relic, that is the most suitable thing for condensing the godhead, that is, something that can be loaded with faith."

"However, the relics of different attributes will also correspond to the beliefs of different attributes, so it must match their own belief attributes." In this regard, Huang Mengmeng, the eternal god, understands better.

After all, he has lived for so many years and naturally accumulated a lot of knowledge, and he himself has changed from a low cultivation base to a high cultivation base now.

In this way, Han Chen also felt the difficulties.

"And these relics usually stay near the body for a day or two, and then they will disappear automatically. If they don't take the initiative to solicit, they will soon be gone." Huang Mengmeng added.

"No wonder they are chasing you." At this time, Han Chen suddenly thought of Huang Mengmeng being chased by the entire heaven.

It turned out to be to obtain the relic of the eternal **** of Huang Mengmeng. After all, the relic is a relic that can bear the breath of reincarnation, so that another eternal **** can be created.

That would be very scary.

"Huh, those guys, at that time, the top ten star masters and six heavenly lords came, but they still couldn't kill me completely. Want to get my relic, is it so simple." Huang Mengmeng said contemptuously. .

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