All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1667: Relic

Han Chen fell into contemplation. After he meditated, Han Chen asked, “Since the condensing of the godhead is related to the relic of the true god, how can the cultivation base below the main **** kill the main **** with the godhead? Is there any other way? And materials?"

"Otherwise, it is a scarce resource. It is a kind of exclusive ancient artifact in the legend, which can also hold the power of faith. This is a legendary instrument. It is also very mysterious in itself. Generally, it is very mysterious. An ancient artifact that only ancient monks would know about." Huang Mengmeng added.

"Ancient artifact, what kind of thing is it?" Han Chen asked.

"That's something that exists extremely far away. Even an immortal **** like me has only seen one." Na Huang Mengmeng said.

"One piece? What is that?" Han Chen asked.

"In my memory, it was an ancient tripod, but it had fallen into fragments during the invasion tens of thousands of years ago. In my memory, it has the totems of our four great beasts. There is a totem of the Emperor of Heaven, which is particularly powerful and mysterious. He is completely dark." Na Huang Mengmeng said.

"Has a weird totem, and it's dark..." Han Chen whispered the name, always feeling very familiar. Suddenly a dark big cauldron full of ancient materials flashed in his mind. Although it was tattered, it did have some There are some weird pictures and texts in the peeling area.

And this dark big cauldron is too capable of being loaded, and it is filled with all kinds of things, whether it is a sky thunder, or an ancient substance, or some pill, all can be loaded.

Before, Han Chen had been speculating about the origin of this ancient ding, but never thought that it turned out to be that thing this time, and it was most likely the ancient ding that Huang Mengmeng had seen.

"The owner of the ancient ding is an extremely powerful Demon Race, that is a super venerable who has surpassed the Conferred God Realm. Even though he has fallen, no one dares to blatantly search for its divine artifact. Because everyone knows Conferred God. A strong man in the realm, as long as someone recites his name and honorifics, he can be resurrected. This is also very terrifying, faith is rebirth." The God of Eternal Life looked at Han Chen deeply and noticed Han Chen's deep thoughts just now.

For this reason, Huang Mengmeng did not directly name the ancient tripod in order to avoid the horror title of rebirth, which is a belief, but merely referred to the ancient artifacts above.

"Is he so powerful?" Han Chen couldn't help trembling. The tip of the iceberg that he heard from the rumors was completely shocking. All this was terrifying.

It is simply not human understandable.

"Yes, the existence of strong tactics for people beyond the Conferred God Realm must be honored by him... Do not think, believe in eternal life. The description is this type of strong. You think he is dead, but he is still alive. , You think he is alive, he may also be dead. This is a strong man who has surpassed the Conferred God Realm. It is simply an existence against the sky."

Huang Mengmeng's advanced cultivation level solved a lot of things about the godhead this time, and naturally mentioned a lot of taboos.

Han Chen also knew that the titles of the gods could not be chanted casually. Even if someone who had never known each other chanted the title, it would attract the attention of the gods and might be noticed by the other party at any time.

This is the exchange of power between God's power and ordinary creatures.

That's right, that's the Lord God coming. Just now Han Chen saw it clearly from the outside. On the two sides, one was the Thunder God Sect, who summoned the Thunder God Leites, and the other was the Heavenly God Sect who summoned the Heavenly Fox Dao Zun.

This is all through simple chanting, which can be directly summoned.

But this in itself can prove that both of them are very close followers of the gods, so they have such a big response.

They can sense the person chanting the title, but if they don't respond, it depends on the hobbies of each god.

"If this is the case, then we must quickly enter the gods and master gods to cultivate immortals!" Han Chen revealed a touch of tenacity.

Ao Bai and Huang Mengmeng glanced at each other, and both shot out a flash of fire from Han Chen's eyes.

"The breath of reincarnation here is very unclear. Huang Mengmeng felt that where was the core? There must be part of your body over there." Han Chen said.

"Yes, at the moment, I should find out the body of my seal as soon as possible." Hearing Han Chen's reminder, Huang Mengmeng quickly agreed.

Then Huang Mengmeng sensed a direction instead of concentrating. Huang Mengmeng, who was holding his breath, suddenly felt anxious.

"What's the matter?" Han Chen and Ao Bai also noticed Huang Mengmeng's expression and quickly asked.

"Yes, we still have to deal with such a thing quickly. Except for some conditions over there. There are several unfriendly auras around my Conferred God corpse, hovering nearby. Their cultivation base has reached five. Turn to a false god." Huang Mengmeng showed an ugly look of hungry.

"Five-turn pseudo-sacred realm! Isn't this a cultivation base that can condense the Godhead?" Han Chen showed a dignified look, what this shows.

Oneself is only one level of false gods cultivation base, those five levels of false gods cultivation base can naturally also condense the godhead.

So I saw that the situation over there was very dangerous.

Could it be that these people intend to use Huang Mengmeng's body to refine a condensed Godhead?

Han Chen also felt that such a guess was a bit stupid, but according to their thoughts, it was really possible. After all, the body of the Eternal God was also an ancient artifact.

"No, I can't let them go in, otherwise my body won't be protected." Huang Mengmeng said anxiously, "I don't know how the three of them got into such a deep place. There is no reincarnation everywhere. Breath?"

"Could it be that they also have some ways to resist the breath of reincarnation? After all, I can resist the breath of reincarnation when the mythological form is cultivated." Han Chen recalled the life restricted zone that he encountered on the earth. The little breath of reincarnation was resisted by Han Chen.

But that eternal breath is very difficult.

"It doesn't matter, let's go over! Let's go and see what the situation is!" Ao Bai said decisively.

In this way, the Han Chen and the three immediately turned into a white light and flew in that direction. They didn't dare to shuttle past easily, because they were afraid that the huge spatial fluctuations would be sensed by others and be discovered directly.

After all, the opponent has three powerful fifth-turn pseudo-god states.

Han Chen weighed it, and he was only able to deal with one of the five-turn pseudo-gods, but couldn't deal with the other two.

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