All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1669: Reckless

After calmly analyzing, Han Chen told his guess.

As a result, the other two nodded one after another when they heard Han Chen say this. I am afraid the situation here is more complicated.

"In that case, let's kill these three people!" Huang Mengmeng said viciously.

As he was talking, he immediately transformed into a huge Xuanwu, and his cultivation level immediately skyrocketed. From the previous Daewoo-level mid-stage, he immediately entered the Daewoo-level late-stage cultivation base, faintly surpassing some ordinary late-stage peaks.

Reached a horrible turn of pseudo-deity.

Obviously, in such a place where the atmosphere of reincarnation is dense, that is Huang Mengmeng's main battlefield.

"Not good!" Han Chen immediately pulled Ao Bai up and wanted to escape from his original position. As soon as the fallen sacred tree sensed Huang Mengmeng's transformation, it immediately covered it and focused attention on it. stand up.

The terrifying breath of the **** tree isolated the breath of reincarnation.

The reckless Xuanwu was also angry. This was originally his own field, but it was divided by the opponent, and it also possessed such a powerful and terrifying reproduction ability.

"Who are you? Don't you know the cult of our fallen **** tree? You dare to make a sneak attack. I really want to say that you are fierce or stupid?" The three fifth-turn pseudo-sacred cultivators immediately moved in this direction Look over.

"Yeah, these little dolls didn't even reach the level of pseudo-deity cultivation. It's really stupid!" said another fifth-level pseudo-deity cultivator, wearing a dark robe and holding one in his hand. The black branches look like a slingshot.

"Hey, these two little things still have something. You look at the creatures flying towards us, aren't they the immortal **** Xuanwu? Our trip is really no effort at all! We just said that we wanted to use this ancient corpse to condense the godhead artifacts, but we didn't think it actually attracted the godhead, then we can be regarded as making a lot of money!" said one of them. The tone of this person is very vicissitudes of life, and the figure is also very tall.

"Hey, Zimu and Yumu, don't talk nonsense for the two of you. Since it is such an important godhead, we have to attack this prohibition and do what we do, as long as we capture this little Dayu-level cultivation base, Xuanwu, Isn’t it possible to refine the Godhead from him? This is really a gift to the door. We won’t accept it, but I’m sorry God!”

The first slender man with wooden slats glanced towards this side, his head showed a touch of coldness, then looked at these three, and licked his lips.

Encouraged by this man with a long strip of wood, the three of them put down their attacks on the restraint and turned to look at Xuanwu and Han Chen Aobai.

Han Chen secretly said in his heart, it's awful, these guys are not good stubbles, the huge fallen **** tree behind them is obviously the godhead descended, so they have such a terrifying cultivation base.

Han Chen was also surprised. He didn't expect to encounter this terrifying sacred tree under such circumstances.

That huge sacred tree possesses the power comparable to the power of the Conferred God Realm, and it has the energy that can rival the main god, which is a power that even Han Chen is unwilling to face.

At this time, Han Chen estimated that he would only be able to chant once again to let the **** descend, but he only hoped that he would summon the **** but not let the old monster hiding in the deep pool covet it.

Just as I thought, I watched the three people engulf the three people and the fallen sacred tree and charged at the Xuanwu.

"No way, it seems that you can't wake up if you don't call it. Even if the Xuanwu has the ground advantage, it will not be able to defeat the strong cultivation cultivator who can match the main god!"

Therefore, without any notice, Han Chen quickly aroused his own cultivation base, inspiring terrifying energy fluctuations from himself.

"On behalf of the right to use the ocean, master the life and death of sea creatures, Poseidon, Boses!"

"Come out! Please listen to my call!"

Even if you want to interrupt Wu Yuan's cultivation process, you must do this, otherwise the three of them will be waiting for death.

Following Han Chen's call, the sky began to be replaced by azure blue from the gray mist just now, and soon the azure blue clouds of the entire sky fell.

"So, what is that? Is he also calling for the Lord God to come? These guys seem to be from the children of the big family too!" The Fallen God Tree and the three of them all paused, but they stayed behind. The fallen sacred tree dealt with Han Chen, and the other three turned into a fifth-turn pseudo-sacred realm cultivation base and violently attacked Xuanwu.

Beside this Xuanwu, Ao Bai's face was pale, but he knew that he could no longer hide and tuck him, and immediately displayed his dragon clone. A golden thunder arc exploded from all around, terrifying lightning energy. The gray mist around him was smashed away, and the terrifying energy fluctuations instantly drowned the three flying over.

Huang Mengmeng was very excited when he saw Na Ao Bai turned into a giant dragon, and he immediately inspired a new technique from his hands.

"Reincarnation Tianxin!"

Immediately appeared behind Huang Mengmeng, a variety of creature totems, split in six directions, and kept spinning, violent power began to radiate from the center, and terrifying energy rotated.

"Go, let him send to reincarnation!"

Following Huang Mengmeng's order, the terrifying sky of the divine beast began to violently impact in that direction, and the terrifying energy immediately exploded.

The surging energy severely hit the three people who were concentrated by the golden thunder arc.

Huang Mengmeng and Ao Bai both stared in that direction, but the three of them looked very uncomfortable. At this moment, seeing that all three of them were enveloped by their own skills, they were full of expectations, hoping to make one move. The three people were blasted to pieces.

However, it is not that simple...

There were bursts of weird laughs in the place where the thunder and white light intertwined.


"Is this the eternal **** and dragon emperor?"

"It's so ridiculous! You are too weak, we really have a lot of expectations, but it's just that."

"Don't be like this, mother, speaking of this, they still gave us a lot of benefits. Needless to say, this immortal god, the dragons next to him are exuding eight-clawed golden dragons. It must not be easy, but it is a pity that we will lose out. The historical clown!"

"It's ridiculous!"

The sounds of three frantic laughter were aroused from the burst of light, so that Ao Bai and Xuanwu dared to be even more afraid to mess around. At this time, they were also dumbfounded. These people were really too scary.

People can't help but become scared.

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