All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1670: Pink seeds

"This, how is this possible! These three people have nothing to do with it? Is this the cultivation base of the fifth stage pseudo-god? Really strong!"

Ao Bai and Huang Mengmeng glanced at each other, and they both saw full fighting spirit in each other's eyes, so the two re-adjusted their state, knowing that the three in front of them would definitely not be able to fight easily.

Take the defense.

At the same time, Han Chen came from there, and huge fluctuations attracted the three people, Ao Bai and Huang Mengmeng.

I saw that Han Chen summoned eight horrible big pillars around the sky. The blue water revolved around Han Chen, and soon came to encircle Han Chen, encircling Han Chen in groups.

Soon this Han Chen exuded a strong ocean attribute divine fluctuation.

The gray mist around it was empty, turning into boundless blue water.

"No, fallen god, please hurry up and stop him!" At this time, the three also saw that a terrifying change had taken place in Han Chen. The power of that change was absolutely suppressing for them.

It was the arrival of the main **** with the main god, not an ordinary false god, and naturally made them very panicked.

They clearly knew the gap between themselves and the fallen main god, so they had to ask the fallen tree to attack Han Chen.

The Fallen Sacred Tree naturally felt a strong sense of crisis from Han Chen, and immediately turned into a terrifying figure. The Fallen Sacred Tree also began to grow wildly from the small tree at the beginning.

As it continued to grow upwards, strong pink seeds began to bloom from the fallen tree, which began to scatter from the sky.

Seeing this scene, the three of them all laughed wildly, "This time they are bound to be dead. I didn't expect the Fallen Sacred Tree to be a big move directly!"

"What is that? Looking at the appearance of the three of them, they seem to be very excited. Is it a very powerful trick?" Neither Ao Bai nor Huang Mengmeng could perceive the motionless appearance of the fallen sacred tree. What to do.

But the pink seed powder has already begun to fall, and will naturally fall on Ao Bai and Huang Mengmeng.

At this time, Ao Bai and Huang Mengmeng reacted to what happened for the first time, and immediately began to run wildly in that direction.

Turned into streamer.

But those pink seeds cover too wide and too dense. Even if they turned into streamers for the first time and wanted to fly out, they had no time to avoid the pink seeds in western Zhejiang. Covered by the pink seeds.

"This, what is this!" Na Ao Bai and Huang Mengmeng only felt that their bodies were stained with the pink seeds, and immediately felt their whole body warm. Such a feeling made people very comfortable.

"Don't resist, the pink seeds of this level can't completely resist the horrible temptation power even if we are the people of the fallen cult."

The three people showed a ghostly arc, and then divided into three rays of light to attack Huang Mengmeng and Ao Bai, turning into dozens of moral tree roots emanating from them, and firmly biting Huang Mengmeng. And Ao Bai.

Huang Mengmeng and Ao Bai could barely avoid a lot of pink seeds, but after being entrenched by the root of the tree, the movements of the three of them began to freeze.

Ao Bai’s face began to appear pink, and his heart kept turning some charming light, even if he already had his beloved woman Xueyan, at this time, he couldn’t stand the blushing face and the whole body was hot. Can't help but want to rip off his clothes.

Huang Mengmeng absorbed the pink seeds and could no longer maintain the divinity of Xuanwu. She began to change back to her original little Lolita appearance. Her body was also pink, her eyes were spring-filled, and she was fixedly looking at the person ahead. The giant tree whispered, shouting the name of the person next to him in his heart.

"With the seeds of the fallen sacred tree, you are in a high level of cultivation in front of you, and you cannot maintain your inner desires. Instead, you are thoroughly stimulated and become a behemoth of desire, and you will automatically realize it. Throw yourself into the embrace of the fallen sacred tree, and then you will become the nourishment for our great god!"

"Enjoy the joy!"

"This is a doomsday carnival!"

Amidst this shout, the three of them all looked at the scene in front of them in celebration of their crowns. It was really cool. The two creatures in front of them all possess not weak physical abilities, which is exactly what they need.

But at this moment, the terrifying sea water energy swept in once again, and it temporarily swept away the pink seeds in the sky!

"Hey, it's amazing that the Lord God summoned by that kid can withstand this pink seed!" The three people showed a relaxed smile.

Ao Bai looked at the huge sacred tree in the sky and turned into his Taoist companion Xueyan, who was looking at him affectionately.

Suddenly, he saw a piece of terrifying energy in his own sky. The azure blue sky replaced the pink sky, which immediately made Ao Bai sober for a few minutes.

"Hurry up and send me back to the Xueyan Stellar Space." Ao Bai said to Han Chen hurriedly after this second of waking time.

Han Chen naturally also knew the meaning of this Ao vernacular, that is, this fallen sacred tree aroused the **** in the human body, so as long as he and Xue Yan complete the release of lust, then there is no problem.

At such a critical juncture, with such a clear mind, he is worthy of the Ao Bailong clan.

So Han Chen followed what he said and quickly absorbed him into the Stellar, and let Xue Yan take care of it.

Huang Mengmeng's incarnation turned into the original girlish appearance. At this time, she had already caught the pink seeds. The pink seeds spread all over the body immediately, emitting intense heat from the whole body.

Her consciousness began to blur, and she seemed to see her beloved man standing on the huge sacred tree, staring at herself constantly. She was hot and uncomfortable, and began to slowly walk towards the fallen sacred tree.

After all, there is what she wants, and she has to meet it.

At this time, the blue water of the sky began to desalinate...

Huang Mengmeng's consciousness that was about to pass away completely regained her clarity at this moment, only to hear the voice pushing away the clouds and coming in from the pink clouds.

"Huang Mengmeng, wake up soon!"

That was Han Chen’s voice, and Huang Mengmeng immediately became a little more sober, but this little time was not enough. Han Chen wanted to expand the results, but Han Chen found that even though he was the main god, he began to be affected by the pink seeds. It started to reflect.

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