All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1677: The giant is coming

But here is several kilometers away from the previous place.

And looking closely at these two hands, it is obvious that they are a left hand and a right hand.

At this time, both Han Chen and Ao Bai had a guess, but they didn't want to believe it!

"This shouldn't be a giant monster!"

Like giants!

As a result, the situation has changed a lot, and Han Chen and Ao Bai were shocked when they saw the terrifying behemoth.

They jumped away where they stood just now.

Fortunately, there are void elves by their side, otherwise Han Chen and the others will almost enter another world when they jump to the next position.

"Be careful, this giant beast is coming out!"

Han Chen whispered, and he and Ao Bai began to jump a few kilometers away again. The attack coverage in that place was too wide.

Just as Han Chen and Ao Bai jumped away, the whole body that had been cut apart by the turbulent flow of the void was bleeding, and an arm came out of the abyss crack.

The terrifying scale stuck to the arm, and the blood began to flow along the edge of the scale, and fell into the place for a while.

Dip the ground into blood red.

"Come out!" Ao Bai and Han Chen both whispered in their hearts. The huge monsters under the ground smashed into pieces, and the horrible turbulence was also pulled out, covering the surroundings and becoming very ugly Up.

The turbulent flow of the void covered everything in that place, and the turbulent flow of the void was shot out.

Han Chen and Ao Bai took a closer look. After the turbulent flow of the void dispersed, a dark tall figure was gradually recorded in it. The powerful ability surrounded the dark tall figure and turned it into a circle. The turbulence of the void shook open directly.

The real body of the giant was revealed.

The man shook his arm and was constantly looking at the surrounding environment. His tone did not feel strange. Obviously, it was not the first time to rely on such a weak space node to travel through space.

"Hey, there is a sacred beast here that crosses the catastrophe, or life is destroyed." The figure man walked and looked around, no one in that place noticed the strong cultivation level of that person.

"How tall is this!" Han Chen and Ao Bai both had to look up at each other's heads.

After that person came out, it was like a huge mountain that blocked most of the power of life extinction in the sky, and it could be directly compared with the huge creatures in the sky. The only thing missing was the ancient artifacts in the hands of those creatures.

The one-eyed giant that appeared, squinted at the sky, revealing a madness. He originally came from another plane. It was a blessing to be able to come, but at this time he didn't seem to dare to face the sky. Will be hostile.

He rushed to glance at the death of creatures in the sky, and then the one-eyed one moved from that sky to Han Chen and Ao Bai, as well as Xuanwu in the milky white light ball.

Muttering in words they didn't understand.

The corner of his mouth sneered, and then he flew up quickly, fast enough that he swayed like a streamer, sprinting violently into the milky white ball of light.

"No, this person wants to take away that terrifying godhead! We have to stop him!" When Han Chen saw the person's direction, he immediately realized who he was, and then quickly said to others.

In this way, both Han Chen and Ao Bai immediately flew towards the milky white light group. There are people on their side, why not take care of them.

So Han Chen and Ao Bai quickly flew over.

"What is his goal? Don't let us Huang Mengmeng be promoted?" Ao Bai looked at the man nervously.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. If he comes to take the godhead, then Huang Mengmeng will lose his life." Han Chen replied.

As he was talking, the giant was a few kilometers away, and slammed a huge black light towards the promoted Huang Mengmeng.

As soon as the black light came out, it smashed into pieces and shattered the void.

"True God!" Han Chen and Ao Bai glanced at each other, and they could see from each other's eyes that the storm was horrified, and the person who came to intrude turned out to be a true god, and also the true **** of the giant king's court.

"I will resist for a while, you quickly summon the Seagod!" Na Ao Bai said anxiously.

"Hold on, this is for you!" After that, Han Chen took out a dark wooden branch from his hand to the other party. This is the last time the Reincarnation Tianbao was used. How many times can I use it? Han Chen is not yet know.

But seeing that the people of the giant king's court entered this place, they were a little reluctant to face the breath of reincarnation, so Han Chen concluded that the opponent will fight against the person who cultivates the breath of reincarnation, and his aura will definitely weaken a little.

"Okay!" Ao Bai is not hypocritical, now it is a matter of life, so naturally he can't do it willfully.

Ao Bai held the black branch, which was a magic weapon for several miracles. Although he didn't know his name, the sense of security in his hand made him somewhat emboldened.


The huge dragon body rose into the sky and turned into a colorful auspicious cloud in the sky. The black branches in the hands of the eight-clawed golden dragon showed up, absorbing the reincarnation breath of the surroundings frantically, and kept throwing into the black branches.

The horrible aura quickly attracted the eyes of the giant race. The Cyclops looked up here and sensed the crazy energy gathering there, and instantly uttered a few words that he couldn't understand.

The method of attacking the milky white light group also stopped, and he began to attack in the direction of Ao Bai.

After several attacks, Ao Bai had begun to sway from the left to the right. After all, the opponent is a true god, but the opponent needs to deal with Ao Bai and the promoted person at the same time, so it will appear that he has less concentrated attack power.

But this is the case, and Ao Bai's body has been covered with scars, making him feel very uncomfortable.

This situation is even more embarrassing.

Han Chen also noticed the situation there, so from the beginning, Han Chen directly used the Summoning Magic in a slightly stable direction.

Han Chen kept singing.

"On behalf of the right to use the ocean, master the life and death of sea creatures, Poseidon, Boses!"

"Come out!"

Eight rays of light appeared around Han Chen, and eight sea pillars appeared, ticking around Han Chen. The waves of the terrifying Poseidon's power affected the surrounding clouds and the fluctuation of space, causing the surrounding space to begin to shatter.

The terrifying power encircled Han Chen, immediately wrapped Han Chen and raised it to the sky. Han Chen held the Seagod's scepter tightly in his hand, and the divine nature of the sea attribute flowed all over his body.

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