All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1678: Poseidon ruling

"Rune heavy water!"

Han Chen waited for the Poseidon all over his body to condense, and could feel that the power of the Poseidon he could control at this time had increased by a few points, and there was an endless sea outside, so Han Chen also had great convenience.

Especially after grasping the coming of Poseidon, he sensed the weakness of the space and was able to connect with the sea water and the sea attribute divinity, so that Han Chen waved out the attack, which was immediately responded by the underwater sea attribute, which made Han Chen feel it. There was a tremor all over, and people couldn't help but move.

Such a terrifying breath made the giant look up again. He watched that the golden dragon in front of him became twisted and twisted by himself like an ant. He had already used extremely strong confidence, but now he saw That Seagod's eyes flashed with fierceness again!

So he had to abandon the golden dragon like a bereaved dog, turned into a black light, and rushed towards Han Chen. The giant's body was like a mountain, terrifying, and possessing the terrifying power like a mountain god.

This horrible monster power suddenly fell on Han Chen's position of sea god.

"Come just right!"

Han Chen was already ready here. Through manipulation of the sea god, he had condensed the rune heavy water with terrifying power. As soon as the rune heavy water came out, Han Chen immediately threw the huge drop of water toward the giant.

The giant stunned for a while, but his heart showed disdain, after all, this rune heavy water seemed to have no power at all.


In this way, the giant intends to directly penetrate the rune heavy water with its powerful body, and then when the body slams into the rune heavy water, he immediately feels all his power is bound, and feels the unparalleled energy fluctuations in the body. Let him feel the fear deeply.

At this moment, his body actually slowed down dozens of times!

What is this?

These fellows of Human Race are really tricky!

However, his movements have slowed down when he got in, and he wanted to struggle out, but the huge drop of water, like a shadow, kept following his movements.

At this time, I only heard that Han Chen roared, "Not at this time, but when will you wait!"

Hearing Han Chen's low roar, Ao Bai immediately flashed a light on his face, and the black light formed by the black branch in his hand flew towards the giant.

Fast as lightning!

There was a hint of sarcasm on the mountain giant's face. After all, the black light was much smaller than the black light that came out of his mouth. Wouldn't it be his own destruction?

"Look at me!"

The mountain giant uttered human words, and a piece of black light slowly appeared from his own mouth. It was also a black light, but the giant's black light appeared bigger, like a cannon.


I only heard this crisp sound, and the huge black light slammed into the black light from the branch fiercely.

Immediately afterwards, the black light from the branch froze in midair with the giant's black light.


The giant sighed slightly. He didn't expect that the tiny black light could stalemate with his own black light in mid-air for such a long time, and he still hadn't lost the momentum.

"How about it, you must win!" Han Chen and Ao Bai both had the same mind. After all, it was a reincarnation celestial treasure, and it was extracted from such a strong reincarnation atmosphere, and it was even more powerful.

In such an environment, Han Chen’s rune heavy water did not stop at all. I just felt that the giant entered his own control field carelessly. Naturally, he would not let him walk over so easily. What must be explained here. OK, otherwise how could it be so simple to escape.

Han Chen showed a smile.

Since the giant entered the Rune Heavy Water carelessly, Han Chen had already thought out a series of attack methods. The Rune Heavy Water continued to condense, turning into more and more water droplets, entwining the giant.

The terrifying power immediately spread throughout the body, making people feel cold.

Han Chen manipulated the sea **** and summoned the **** thunder from the sky.

"Poseidon's ruling!"

The water vapor in the sky turned into dark clouds, the dark clouds were dense, forming a vast cloud of thunder and lightning, and each other bloomed with the light of gods and thunder. These thunder lights accumulated more and more with Han Chen's call.

At this moment, during the black light confrontation, there was a tearing sound. The terrifying huge black light was torn apart by the tiny black light at this moment, the tiny black light directly Pierced the black light from the giant.

It turned into a fast-moving black light and pierced away!


At this time, the giant was stunned, completely unclear of what happened, but the terrible black light was not so simple. It possessed a terrible recovery ability and made people feel sad power fluctuations.

Han Chen could also see that the giant was in bad luck, so the divine thunder summoned in his hand planned to give the giant a final blow.

At this moment, the giant immediately showed an amazing power, trying to avoid it in the rune heavy water.

"Poseidon's verdict!" Han Chen screamed, the black cloud above his head like an umbrella cover, immediately burst out a fierce thunder light, and the thunder light smashed on the top of the giant's head, just about to break away from the giant who controlled by the heavy rune water. , And was dragged back by that rune heavy water during a delay.


The huge seagod judged the thunder light and attacked the giant heavily. At the same time, the black light directly penetrated the giant.

For a while, the whole scene was silent.

Han Chen and Ao Bai looked at each other's tattered, wry smiles.

Both of them knew that the giant in front of him was not so easy to die. He exuded terrifying power, and it was definitely not that simple to give in.

And this is a true god, not an ordinary god. It was just the other side's care that made them seize the gap. Even so, it was too difficult for them to win.

So Han Chen looked at the giant vigilantly at all times, and at the same time summoned the Void Elf, ready to hide in the void at any time, but it was just a runaway, and he would be caught by the giant at a loss.

So this situation is not so easy.

While thinking, dozens of black lights burst out violently from the huge light group. The black lights had no purpose, but to destroy all the messy things around him.

The terrifying black light is like destroying the world, destroying the surrounding matter, without leaving behind, all turned into dust and turned into residual water. For a while, the turbulent flow of the void appeared again, after it appeared. , Surrounded and swallowed all the surrounding power fiercely.

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