All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1679: Behead

With this, the surrounding heavy water and thunder and lightning were all absorbed. Only a layer of white mist remained. A dark figure slowly stood up. He raised his finger and pointed towards Han Chen. He pointed!

"What! Not good!" Han Chen immediately had a foreboding. As Han Chen quickly escaped, his original standing position was pierced abruptly, and the turbulent flow of void immediately rolled in and swept the surrounding area. Become a broken void.

Had it not been for Han Chen to walk fast, the collapsed void could compress Han Chen into pieces!

That's a terrible power!

How did that person do it?

There was a touch of solemnity in Han Chen's heart, and even a kind of fear. The power displayed in this person was too shocking, even Poseidon could not achieve this level.

Han Chen knew that he hadn't cultivated the star chakra when he condensed the Seagod, otherwise he could directly use the power of faith from the star chakra, and Hai Chen would have even greater odds of winning.

To put it bluntly, Han Chen has found the sea **** to contain the container of the power of belief, so now Han Chen has not fully exerted the power of the sea god.

This is also the fundamental problem of the Lord God coming, and Han Chen did not come to the Poseidon belief vessel. This directly caused Han Chen's power to drop by a gradient, so Han Chen was a little at a loss for the giant **** at this time.

"No, there must be a way!"

Han Chen knew that the attack just now worked, otherwise the giant wouldn't be so annoyed, but it didn't really damage its roots, which resulted in too little power that Han Chen could use.

But there was no time for Han Chen to think. On the other side, the Giant God, seeing that there was no result in attacking Han Chen, immediately pointed at Na Ao Bai.

Han Chen originally planned to remind the other party, but it was too late. The surrounding Ao Bai's void immediately began to collapse. Ao Bai, who wanted to escape, was immediately caught by the turbulence of the void. That powerful attraction Ao Bai was immediately caught severely, and the terrifying pull did not give Ao Bai a chance to escape!

"Void Elf! Go!"

A silver light flashed behind Han Chen, and the void elf cut through the void and directly penetrated to Ao Bai's side.

The void elves cultivated innate supernatural powers, so although the giant could also capture his figure, there was no way to keep up. After all, it was innate supernatural powers.

Soon the Void Elf brought the weak Ao Bai into the void, and soon appeared beside Han Chen.



The fog dispersed over there, and the invincible giant pointed at Han Chen with his finger, Han Chen immediately felt the void power around him constantly compressing.

"Not good! The Void Elf hurry up!"

At the same time, Han Chen added Ao Bai to his stellar machine to prevent Ao Bai from being held back in this way.

So that force collapsed the space, igniting the turbulence of the void, and immediately pulled towards Han Chen.

At this moment, the Void Elf displayed its talents and supernatural powers in time, pulled Han Chen, penetrated the Void Turbulence, and hid directly to a place several kilometers away.

In this quieter space, Han Chen could feel the power of the giant true **** tumbling.

At the same time, the finger pointed in Han Chen's direction again.

The Void Elf once again activated its talent magical powers.

The other party was obviously helpless to Han Chen now. This allowed Han Chen to see the opportunity, and took out the Seagod's Scepter from his body, and used the Seagod's Scepter to emit a stronger light, allowing the Seagod's power to exert the most powerful force. .

That drop of water gradually gathered around Han Chen, and the rune heavy water once again condensed to Han Chen's side.

After several more rounds of competition, Han Chen immediately attacked his rune heavy water towards the giant true god, and the terrifying rune heavy water fell on that person.

That was terrifying energy, so that just now was a giant who was watching the world, he couldn't help taking a few steps back and preparing to avoid it!

As a result, the giant's shots became slower and no longer as agile as before, which made Han Chen easier to deal with.

Han Chen let out a sigh of foul breath and sensed that his strength was almost exhausted.

At this moment, the giant suddenly pounced at Han Chen, and Han Chen immediately turned into a streamer and slipped towards the milky white light group.

When the giant saw Han Chen running away, he immediately showed a look of excitement in his heart. He opened his hands towards Han Chen, the star wheel behind him shone, and the dark light chased Han Chen away.

In order to prevent Han Chen from hiding, the giant also moved towards Han Chenlue without saying a word, ready to kill Han Chen's soul at any time.


At this time, a strong wave of light emerged from the side of the sky, and soon the sky flashed with thunder.

At this time, the giant looked at Han Chen in astonishment, showing a shocked look!

"Death!" At this time, a thunder came from the milky white light group.

That is God Thunder Heaven's Punishment, but it possesses terrifying power, even he can't face it.

The giant immediately wanted to escape, but the light of the death and killing of the creatures immediately let go.

He looked at Han Chen a little desperately, and wanted to bury Han Chen in the midst of such annihilation.

But Han Chen, who didn't know what method he used, disappeared out of thin air!

"This kid, shouldn't it be..."

The giant hadn't finished saying this, but Soul Destruction felt that someone had rushed into the scope of Life Destruction, and immediately beheaded that person!

The terrifying energy quickly fell, and the powerful abilities inspired by the nine creatures instantly penetrated the giant's soul!


The huge light covered the giant, constantly splitting and cutting, terrifying energy fluctuations. People feel scared.

At this moment, a divine light fell from the terrifying sky.

The divine light soon enveloped the divine soul of the fragmented giant.

At this time, Han Chen, who had escaped through the void elves, looked in this direction and immediately saw that the giant was being protected by the divine light, slowly flying towards the sky.

Han Chen saw that the giant's soul was in the divine light, and he did not receive any attack at all, and his strength was extremely terrifying.

At this moment, even the nine great creatures that had died, they seemed to have not seen them at this moment, and they didn't even deal with the spirits in the divine light.

"Then, wouldn't it be the immortal god, right?" Han Chen showed a touch of deep thought. It seems that the Conferred God Realm that the giant has cultivated is no small thing, and it has such an invincible hegemonic characteristic.

At this moment, a voice appeared in Han Chen's mind, and that voice told Han Chen, "Smelly boy, I won't let you go! You'd better remember my name, Gulliver, King of Giants Remember to detour when you hear my name! Otherwise, I will let you die. Shake, I will come back to kill you!"

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