All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1686: Xing's brother and sister crossing

The mysterious and brilliant aurora contained in the rumors is extremely dangerous, even dangerous to the monks above the gods, so in general, no one would dare to do this here.

Therefore, they also prepared a spaceship capable of interplanetary navigation, so that they could pass the aurora smoothly.

However, the Aurora had gone for more than five years, during which time they encountered countless dangers, as well as rigorous searches from the heavens.

Especially in the current line of sky, but with the sky where the emperor is sitting, it can pass through the eyes of the current emperor. It is only because they have spent a huge exchange of benefits that they finally passed smoothly.

In the end, their spacecraft jumped out of the last rays of light. They finally walked out of the sky, and truly broke away from the control of the heavens, and entered a large world dotted with purple light. They steered the spacecraft and kept moving towards them. Go in the direction of Hehuan Road.


In a ruined place, this is a place with barren ancient trees. There are huge silver-white trees everywhere, but there is no grass on the ground, and there is even a lot of gray dust. There is not even a breath of life in the dust.

There was a thick gray fog blowing everywhere in the sky, and all the extremely weird auras contained in these thick fog, which made people wonder how to know what happened.

Suddenly, there was a ray of light in the sky, and that ray of light slowly fell slowly, as if to stay on this star island without the slightest breath of life.

At this time, the light slowed down only, that revealed a whole body of vicissitudes of life, all traces of rust, black, and many dust traces left by the impact of meteorites.

At this time, the light dissipated, and the huge vicissitudes of ancient flying machine-like ball dropped an iron plate from the center of the main entrance.

Cang Dang!

The iron plate opened, and a large chunk of steam spewed out of it, and two figures seemed to slowly walk out of the steam.

"Where is this place?" one of them said in a hoarse voice.

"How do I know!" I remembered another impatient voice.

"You are a top student of Tiandao Sect every day, why don't you know where this is?" Another husky voice said with a bit of playfulness.

"Then we are not omnipotent! Besides, I just asked you to take me out of the Void Vortex. Why did I suddenly come to such a ghost place? And even if we walked out of the Void, we almost met more than that. The place where the Void Vortex is hundreds of times more terrifying is really scary!"

The woman said very impatiently.

"Can you blame me for this? I am not almighty. I only said that I can send us out of the Void Vortex, but I have no guarantee of where we will be sent." The man also said indifferently.

"And I also provided you with a safe haven, okay! If there is no stellar device behind, we would not even be able to walk 10,000 kilometers. What the **** is this place? Why is it so dangerous? Everywhere is unpredictable. Crisis." The man added.

"Han Chen, can you not mention the stellar machine? You don't know how to control the stellar machine. You just shuttled us a few light-years away. As a result, I can't relocate the coordinates of the heaven before. Always here." The woman said irritably, especially when she said the three words stellar device, her teeth were itchy.

The two of them were Han Chen and Tianlan who used the void elves to shuttle out of the void vortex ten years ago.

Since they shuttled through the void vortex that time, everything in the future has been very unsatisfactory, making him feel very afraid.

After that time, the place where they were will also be in varying degrees of danger, such as this place now, there is no breath of life at all.

They have encountered it before.

Such places sail in boundless places, and they have also encountered some places like this.

There is no breath of life here, but there is often great danger. The last time they were on such a deserted planet, they encountered a very strong void collapse. If they hadn't used the stellar machine to escape in the end, they might have been trapped there for a lifetime.

"This place is the Star Island you are talking about?" Han Chen took a few steps, and there were dead star dust everywhere.

"This can be regarded as a star island. In the space where we are sailing, it is actually an infinite, vast and open place among the major interfaces. It is a plane shuttle. If there is no ancient formation method, there must be a special kind of The shuttle way. Otherwise, you will have to experience such uninhabited places. These places are Star Island."

Tian Lan looked at this vast expanse of place, and said with a sigh.

"Then we have lost the coordinates in this place, isn't it possible that we may have gone out of the field?" Han Chen asked on a whim.

"It's not possible, but it's very likely that we will go outside the territory!" Tianlan was also shocked when he heard what Han Chen said. He quickly felt the terrifying power and knew that he would continue like this. It is really possible to go outside that terrifying territory.

"Outside the territories, but I heard that there are strong conferred gods, they are all places that will die at any time." Han Chen looked at Tianlan cautiously and said.

Tianlan heard Han Chen say this, but didn't say a word for a while. It was a fact, not something they could resist.

"Yes, outside the region is such a terrifying place. We are now very close to the outside world. It is inevitable here. If we want to get out of this crack in the face, we have to walk across this place." Tian Lan was not scared by Han Chen. After all, what they are currently experiencing is a very scary place.

When the two people quarreled most intensely, five or six people walked out of the stellar machine one after another. The first ones in line were Jin Pangli, Zhao Feiwu, Hortou Feng, Tu Huang, Sun Xue, and Wu Yuan.

Their cultivation base had also stayed at the top of the Daewoo class at this time, and only Wu Yuan's cultivation base was already very close to the peak.

She also had a preliminary grasp of how to bring out the cultivation of the Seagod.

The other people saw a faint sea-attribute blue light emitting from Wu Yuan's body, and looked at the phantom of the Seagod's scepter faintly emerging from her back, and they were all envious.

But at this time they were very concerned about the situation outside here, so they did not discuss the power of the sea god.

Sun Xue should be the one who felt the deepest. She was one level higher than Wu Yuan at the beginning. She never thought that Wu Yuan was the fastest to approach the Conferred God Realm!

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