All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1687: ten years

Moreover, she had absorbed most of the Seagod's cultivation, and now she had directly surpassed Daewoo-class ordinary monks like them, and she was able to use a certain degree of Seagod belief.

In the next step, she was going to enter the Pseudo-God Realm and cultivated the Pseudo-God Realm to Rank Nine, so she could easily take over the Sea God directly.

Imagine that they were just a small mythical monk in Tianyuan City, but now they have grown to a level that can touch the true god.

Such time passed too fast!

Their Han Chen team has also developed, which is truly proud.

Then Han Chen is too good, as the team leader, he provided 90% of the training resources to them, so that his mother can practice with peace of mind.

They naturally didn't dare to slacken a bit, so that they could all enter the Daewoo-class cultivation base smoothly.

In the past ten years, Han Chen had received the divine thunder no less than ten times. This was the situation where a few of them were promoted one by one.

As a result, Han Chen has basically not cultivated in the past ten years, and he still retains most of the pseudo-sacred realm of the Second Rank cultivation base.

Jin Pangli glanced at Sun Xue, and naturally found that Sun Xue's gaze looking at Han Chen was not right, and naturally knew the meaning behind it.

That is a kind of worship.

That's right, Han Chen has become their new belief in these hundreds of years, so that they can survive and live more confidently and positively.

Han Chen is the true **** in their minds. Han Chen is omnipotent and has provided them with nearly 90% of their cultivation resources. Although most of them are not needed by Han Chen, they have indeed made considerable progress in their cultivation. .

So they have no reason not to believe in Han Chen.

"Han team, have you found anything?" Wu Yuan said, moving Lianbu lightly. At this time, the water vapor around the area had more than doubled, and the place that seemed to have no life began to rise gradually. Drops of water.

The dry dust around was swept away and turned into a hurriedly pure land.

"Oh, I said, Sister Yuan, you want to give us a cleansing technique too. You see, there is heavy dust all around!" The tiger head bee said blindly.

I saw that the space around Han Chen was inadvertently cleaned up by Wu Yuan, and no dust could fly in.

"Are you more mighty than our South Korean team? Otherwise you shout something, do it yourself." Jin Pangli said angrily.

"Yes, we don't have that blessing, but the Korean team married a lady of the sea god!" Tu Huang said flatly.

When everyone saw Tu Huang speaking, they all wanted to go over and twist his ears.

Seeing them in such a Jedi, yet so relaxed and freehand, Tian Lan still felt very confused, why they trust Han Chen so much.

How could this thin man in a blue cloth gown in front of him have such a great charm that so many people would follow him desperately.

He doesn't have three heads and six arms?

Tianlan muttered silently in her heart, she herself could not help but believe in Han Chen, but finally she doubted Han Chen's ability.

After all, Han Chen obviously didn't know how to turn on the Stellar, and directly let the Stellar send them to this place where the birds don't shit.

Moreover, this place is extremely dangerous, and it is possible to puncture other places outside the territory at any time.

In their records of the Heavenly Dao Sect, the outside world does not have a unified control center like the Heavenly Court.

Most of the places stay in very wild and primitive places. In places outside this domain, there are the Demon Realm, the Giant King's Court, the Acacia Road, the Dwarf King's Court, the Elf King's Court, and other hidden king's courts.

If you are unlucky and enter the Hehuan Road all at once, you will encounter that terrible creature that looks like a human and a ghost.

If you go to the Dwarf King's Court, you will be retaliated against by a terrifying monster.

What's more, there will be some terrifying demon worlds in this area. They use the powerful monks of the human race or other races to refine the devil's essence, forcibly empower, or refine their spirits to strengthen themselves. Divine soul.

In the records of Tiandaomen, it was even mentioned that if there were no more than five Conferred God Realm monks, they would definitely not be allowed to enter or leave the domain.

This is a good one, one of them is an unstable monk in the Conferred God Realm, the other is a second-rank pseudo-God Realm, and there are a lot of Daewoo Grade.

But their cultivation bases have nothing to see. They were able to wander outside the territory for ten years without being killed by the creatures in the terrifying star island, which is also considered lucky.

In fact, Tian Lan didn't do anything. She had also done a ritual to summon the elder Tianhu Dao Zun, but outside of this domain, for some reason, she couldn't call it at all.

As if this side is the land of God abandoned.

"If there is no biological breath here, then let's go to the next one. We must figure out where we are currently in the void coordinates." Han Chen explained.

He patted Tianlan on the shoulder from behind.

Han Chen didn’t particularly want to return to the original heavenly court. After all, in the heavenly court, Han Chen still had to be an enemy of the entire heavenly court. That would be too painful. It would be better to practice well outside this domain, and strive to break through the cultivation base and achieve the seal. Divine Realm, after going back like this, it will be better.

"All right, let's rush to the next star island!" Daylan showed an ugly look.

Such searching does not know when it will reach its end.


Suddenly a strong hunch made Han Chen feel deeply involved.

He glanced around blankly, and found that the surroundings seemed a bit familiar, and Han Chen seemed to see some scenes he had seen in the past.

"Do you think this is very familiar?" Han Chen asked, there is no trace of life here, there are no horrible energy fluctuations here, and no **** will bet light here.

"What did we see? We didn't see anything!" Wu Yuan, Sun Xue and others answered one after another at this moment.

At this time, Tian Lan also looked at Han Chen with a look of confusion. Shouldn't Han Chen come to this place where birds don't **** for the first time?

This situation is even more mysterious.

Han Chen touched his head, flew into the sky, and dropped a piece of fire light from himself. It was the essence of the flame. It increased the light of his own light and reduced the heat of the flame, and suddenly illuminated this space.

Han Chen saw through the layout at this time. Although it was a barren ancient forest, there was no breath of life. After the trees were silver white, they were also taken away by a mysterious power.

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