All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1699: Obstruct

"Here, this man is a powerful conferred god!" Zhao Feiwu was the first person who couldn't stand it. In his tone, Li Keke shivered, and the terrifying Weihe power knelt him directly.

At this moment, Wu Yuan beside her didn't know when she stood in front of him and immediately blocked the invisible Weeh power outside, preventing that power from hitting them.

"Do you want to resist my will? Then don't blame me for being merciless!" Elder Xiong showed a very spicy expression. Obviously, if the other party did not follow his own intentions, he would kill him in pain.

You can't blame him then.

At this moment, the eighteen remaining monks of Acacia Dao behind Elder Xiong also showed expressions of resentment of the same enemy.

"Xingqing, which side are you on?" An old man walked out beside Elder Xiong and said to Xingqing, his words were full of dissatisfaction.

"I, I, I am the one who is determined to save Daoist Mo!" Xingqing finally showed a touch of tenacity. His sister has been killed by the Great Devil, and Daoist Han Chen who wants to help her has also been killed. The big devil made life and death unknown, if he flinched at this time, he would regret it for a lifetime.

"If you do this, it's just like death. It's no different from death." The old man sighed, and then took a step back. Seeing Xingqing's eyes, he quickly understood what Xingqing meant. Up.

"What are you doing so much? Let's just kill them and leave them alone!" At this time, a person behind the elder Xiong said, and immediately ordered them to die.

"You are so stubborn, then don't blame us for destroying the flowers! Killing you two beautiful female dolls, we still have a lot of reluctance!" At this time, the elder Xiong was already serious. , Yi Kou Zhong has already said those filthy words.

"Hmph, you despicable people, if you don't help my husband, you still want to stop us now. You are so ridiculous, you must not die!" Wu Yuan thought after seeing that the other party was really ready to take action. On the contrary, there is a touch of carefree.

Since this group of people wanted to stop them, they would not let them succeed if they tried their best.

After all, Han Chen, teammate Han, that means too much!

"What do you do with so much nonsense, just hit it!" Jin Pangli took out a golden big sword from his hand, and a five-pole magnetic essence mountain that looked like a sacred mountain. These items were forged by the Huohui tribe. It has become a terrifying cultivation power, and people feel that there is a powerful wave of power in it, even ordinary people dare not come close this time.

"What is in this guy's hand, it will make people feel palpitating!" The old man next to Elder Xiong caught the magic weapon in Jin Pangli's hand with a glance.

"This is a good thing, Elder Jian, it will be cheaper for you this time, let you go first!" At this time, an old man walked out from the side and said to the elder before.

"Hmph, you old man, let the old man go on!" As he showed his Daewoo-class horror cultivation base, a ghost head appeared behind him, and there was a **** head above the ghost head, which looked extremely scary and exposed. The red fangs opened, and the blood basin opened.

"You kid, just hand over the magic weapon in your hand!" said the old man Jian.

"Hmph, do you think I'll be afraid of you? I'm going to use your head as an appetizer today!" Jin Pangli has been practicing for ten years with a strong vigour. By this time, he has already been so proficient and has reached it. Daewoo-level beginner.

But at this time, it must be a bit worse than others.

After all, Wu Yuan had the focus of the Korean team, and the sea **** who happened to be suitable for her to cultivate, naturally possessed a powerful cultivation base.

In this way, Jin Pangli also released the golden giant sword behind him, and then the giant sword and himself slowly merged into one, which he cultivated after turning into a mythical form.

In addition, his Daewoo-class own space was also released, and he could make countless golden lights out of thin air from the golden swordsman in his hand, which filled the entire sky. Following his Jin Pangli's guidance, he would appear in different places.

"Your Daewoo-class free space still has some ways." The ghost old man Jian showed a arrogant smile, commenting on Jin Pangli's Daewoo-class free space, the technique in his hand did not stop, and quickly displayed His own terrifying power, once again added his own strength.

The Daewoo-class self-owned space was also on display, and from its own strength began to spread, and a dim space began to appear around him. In the space, the ghost head behind him left his body, wandering around, possessing The ability to respond quickly.

"Take it to death! Ghost King, you swallowed him fiercely for me, then you can go one step further and become the Great Ghost King!"

After the Daewoo-class own space was displayed, it was indeed quite bluffing.

Jin Pangli looked at the movements of the old man Jane and couldn't help being cautious. After all, there was still a big gap between that person's cultivation base and his own, and he was far from the opponent Jin Pangli.

Seeing that the battle between Jin Pangli and Old Man Jian had begun, the others also took out the magic weapon and started to stand up.

The people of Hehuan Dao gradually showed their fancy to the magical tools in their hands.

After all, those magical instruments are slightly precious magical instruments in the world, and among them there are also very powerful magical instruments.

It makes them feel very difficult to deal with for people of a higher level, and the other party doesn't seem to be afraid of consuming divine nature at all. Even in such an extraterritorial place, they still exert their full strength.

This made Old Man Jane and the others feel very painful.

They also wanted to do their best to practice cultivation, but when they were chased by the big devil, they were really afraid of being chased down.

You must know that in that chase battle, many of their companions were exhausted because of their own mana, and there was no way to replenish them, so they were swallowed by the big devil. In such a place outside the territory, Yan can recover like the big devil. Freedom is really rare, and this extraterritorial space is basically an important territory of the demons.

In this way, their fighting was very frustrated.

Now that they saw the other party opening and closing like this, they didn't even dare to change a little.

It's just that when the situation comes, they feel very regretful.

It shouldn't be done like this.

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