All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1700: Five-pole Magnetic Yuanshen Mountain

Several of them have already begun to use big kills, and they have begun to kill the people of Han Chen's team, regardless of their mana.

However, it attracted the contempt of Old Man Jane, after all, those people have passed away, and they are probably going to become waste.

If this is now in a dilemma, it can only be so, otherwise these guys are desperate, even the first level is still a headache.

For example, when Jin Pangli was fighting against him, he could clearly feel the power in him more and more surging.

"These guys don't have any previous combat experience, do they?" The old man Jian could clearly feel that Jin Pangli's power seemed to be scattered, and he didn't look superb.

I couldn't help but murmur in my heart, if that's the case, it hurts.

Didn't you follow the sparring?

And as their battle progressed to the end, his old man Jian found that the opponent's Jin Pangli was shocked at the manipulation of Daewoo-class's own space and the strange metal magnetic essence mountain that could absorb all kinds of energy.

The magic weapon on this person was not bad at first, and coupled with this golden broken sword that was absolutely defensive, it was even more difficult for people to start.

Feeling depressed.

Even the people from Hehuandao who hadn't taken a shot next to him yelled, "You old man Jane is hiding, let me come! I deeply despise your behavior!"

"It seems that your teammates are not doing well." Elder Xiong who has not taken the shot is the only one who has taken the lead. At this time, he is also looking at this Wu Yuan in front of him with a cautious character.

Although this woman was a little weak on the surface, she exuded a pure power of true God, which made him quite concerned, not knowing what it meant, and what kind of feeling it made people feel.

"Your companions haven't been very well, even if they are beasts, they will save you a few pieces of meat before they die." Wu Yuan was not so weak on the outside, and her tone of blood revealed a **** evil.

These guys are so rascal, at the last moment, they are not allowed to attack the big demon king by themselves.

If Xingqing weren't here, Wu Yuan would have thought that these people were a group following the Great Demon King.

This made Wu Yuan even more uncomfortable.

Han Chen, how is your situation now?

Wu Yuan became anxious in her heart, but he still had confidence in Jin Pangli's people, so even if Wu Yuan was anxious, she did not act rashly.

After all, he was able to use less than 80% of the Seagod's power. In the end, it was still difficult to pose a threat to the Elder Xiong in front of him.

"If you say that, it's boring. As Conferred God monks, how can they be afraid of losing a few pieces of meat? But you are different. After you die, you will never have a chance to resurrect, do you know? Their Life is nothing but an ant-like existence." Elder Xiong was very jealous of the person in front of him.

Just watching those few incompetent people fight, you can clearly feel that the behavior of this person is not very strong, but feels very helpless.

But the magic weapon in their hands is very troublesome.

Therefore, he could also point out what special magic weapon Wu Yuan would have.

From the current point of view, the seagod scepter in Wu Yuan's hand should have come from the seagod belief that represents her strength.

If the other party really fully arouses the power of faith by that time, it is really possible to obliterate that directly.

In this way, Elder Xiong felt very helpless.

"If you want to fight, fight! Where is the nonsense, we will not die, and our captain will not die!" Wu Yuan showed a touch of tenacity, and finally she decided to do it. Morning will definitely be more difficult.

With that, the Seagod scepter in Wu Yuan's hand flew up and hovered in mid-air. The terrifying power burst out, and the terrifying energy fluctuation made people feel deeply throbbing.

Around the dry place, terrifying sea water began to float, and the huge amount of sea water floating in the sky might be able to submerge people at this moment.

"Rune heavy water!"

Wu Yuan quickly extracted those terrifying energy from it, and soon covered the surrounding areas.

But only four drops of rune heavy water were extracted from it, and the rune heavy water floated up and whirled behind her.

"go with!"

Wu Yuan gave an order, and the heavy droplets of rune flew towards the person, and the horrible energy fluctuations shattered the surrounding void.

"Good guy!"

When Elder Xiong saw Wu Yuan's move, he immediately knew that the other party had indeed mastered the Seagod’s scepter, and the strange black water that came out made him a little afraid to take it. After all, it contained such a dense sea attribute divine power. , How can he not be afraid? Naturally, he had to retreat and didn't dare to get too close, so he didn't immediately shoot.

Instead, he withdrew a few kilometers behind him and opened a distance.

Behind him at this moment also appeared, the appearance of a giant bear, and a divine light fell from the top of his head. After the divine light appeared, the appearance of the giant bear emerged more clearly.

The giant bear is not an ordinary bear clan, but a bear clan with the blood of the dragon clan, but it is more like a dead clan, because the dead clan has a breath of death on it, and it begins to become Rotted.

This makes people feel even more desperate.

Compared with Wu Yuan's flood, the dragon titan giant bear suddenly protruded poisonous gas toward the sea water.

Although the flood did not stop at all, after being invaded by the poisonous gas, the sea water turned a terrifying red.

"What is this?" Wu Yuan showed a horrified expression, and the sea water was entangled with poisonous gas.

No, these poisonous gases seem to be attacking along the sea!

Although Wu Yuan faced fewer battles, but at this moment, she also realized something, so she quickly disconnected herself from the sea where the food was served, and let herself get out immediately.

At this moment, the monstrous flood turned into completely red sea water. The red sea water was overwhelming. Because no one was manipulating it, it immediately scattered from the sky. The red sea water drove all those Han Chen team and Hehuandao. It was covered, and a corrosive smell immediately filled them.

"Be careful! These seawaters are poisonous, you quickly eat the detoxification pills!" Wu Yuan immediately shouted at them in surprise.

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