All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1786: Motu Clan

So Han Chen was so simply attracted by them.

"In this case, I have to ask the young master to pay attention to some risks." The old lizard tribe retired.

Only the young master was left looking at the sky and did not speak for a long time.

Han Chen, who came back from the young master, actually made up his mind to befriend this tribe early in the morning, but he didn't expect the other party to be more eager to make friends than himself, which made Han Chen hesitate.

But along the way, Han Chen probably thought it through. I’m afraid it’s impossible not to contact these demons. There are still many things that need to be communicated with them in the future, otherwise many things will not be completed. It's sad.

An hour later, Han Chen followed the Moses and walked towards the place where the eight clans met to worship their ancestors.

After walking in this way for a month, I came to a wasteland with a little bit of life.

Although there aren't many creatures here, it's still a lot better compared to the sloppy fields before.

"Where is this place?" Han Chen pointed to the place in front of him. There were quite lush forests and grasslands in that direction.

This is already the closest to the heaven in Han Chen's memory.

So I asked curiously. They are now preparing to pick a special medicinal herb for ancestor worship, Ji Si Cao, which is a way of pinning their thoughts on grass seeds, and then those grasses can strengthen their strength even more strongly as their beliefs rise. Faith in the power, this is also conducive to their **** rewards.

It is also able to win their favor.

"That's the Motu clan who loves cleanliness the most. They like to find clean nests, so the **** Difan likes to choose that place. You see, our lizard clan likes empty wilderness, so we run There is no hindrance to getting up and we can hide in the wilderness by changing ourselves, so we also like this wilderness.” The young patriarch has already passed by to meet people of other races.

So it was those elders who accompanied Han Chen.

"Motu clan?" Han Chen suddenly remembered that the Moses clan is the lizard clan, and the Motu clan is the rabbit clan of the demon clan.

So Han Chen told the news to the lizard elder of the Moses clan.

The lizard tribe always knows that Han Chen is kind to them, so they don't care about Han Chen's sloppy remarks, and just let it go as a fart.

As soon as that came, Han Chen came out from behind. He was able to make fun of Han Chen, so he walked over with a sneer, "Where is the Ama and Agou who dare to comment on the people of our Motu clan?"

At this time, the Demon Race said.

Han Chen looked back and saw that there was a very arrogant person behind him. After this person came here, he immediately showed a lot of arrogance.

This Demon Clan has the fluff of a rabbit, and there are two black rabbit ears on the top of his head, and his eyes are viciously related, as if he had hemorrhage.

"Who do you curse, cats and dogs?" Isn't this group of rabbits, it is so arrogant, it can still do so.

It must be a very arrogant race.

"The Motu clan is the second-ranked existence among our eight major races. Let's not have too many conflicts with them. Let's retreat first." At this time, seeing Han Chen's insult, he was about to fight back. This caused the elder lizard next to him to quickly answer this sentence.

In this way, Han Chen felt aggrieved, isn't it the second? There is so much confusion.

But thinking of the most important thing this time, I still need to find a little more Ji Si Cao, so that the faith power of their ethnic group can reach the sky, and it can also help the people of the lizard family to get stronger blessing. Naturally it will be very at ease.

"Oh, it's not a bereaved dog? This is already panicking and starting to want to escape, right." The red-eyed rabbit also said to this version immediately.

Han Chen planned to leave without pretending to hear.

However, the red-eyed Motu clan immediately screamed, "Do you want a dog? Don't let this dog gnaw away in Ji Sicao next year!"

He turned his head back and laughed and said to everyone, behind was the other five families, except for the number one Mohou family, everyone else ignored. The people who follow the Motu clan are talking and laughing here.

"That is, the Motu clan is the second existence of our big family. The lizard clan, who is the last ranked lizard clan, dare not compete with us for Ji Si Cao." A cat-faced man beside that Said.

"Yes, we can laugh at this kind of clown." The man continued to conform, and the others also laughed scornfully.

Han Chen didn't expect everyone to owe so much. Han Chen immediately stepped forward and slapped him.


The man from the Motu clan was still arrogant about Han's words just now, and at this time, Han Chen had already been sent away severely, and he was abandoned toward the furthest latrine.

It flew into the latrine, and fell into the latrine with a bang. For a while, the smell was fragrant for dozens of miles, making the rest of the people want to go down and fish them up. The smell was really unforgettable.

Han Chen didn't expect at this time that he would shoot people down in the latrine by mistake.

At this time, the rest of the people rushed over the strange people.

"Benefactor, now..." The people of the lizard clan immediately felt helpless and wanted to apologize, but imagined that he was close to the powerful existence of Fengshen Realm. How could he apologize to these people?

So I didn't say anything in the middle.

But at this moment, Han Chen said, "Let’s go to Ji Sicao, these guys are scumbags, and they will be stinky when they come back later."

Han Chen asked with a smile, and then walked around in disgust. Han Chen and the old lizard clan walked into a wilderness. In these wilderness, the Jisi grasses can still be evenly distributed, but I know that the real magic here is not at all. There is no need for those dense grasslands.

Han Chen harvested it several times, and quickly gathered all the pills. In this way, the situation here makes people feel very helpless, and the people here have become very many.

The people of those other races have already gathered here, and Han Chen has already arrived here in advance, so Han Chen has already collected a full ring of sage grass, which is enough for their lizard clan to lose one month.

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