All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1787: Ji Si Cao

But Han Chen asked them if they wanted it. When did the clan elders of the lizard clan have seen such an efficient one, he was naturally very excited to say yes.

Han Chen thought that he was idle anyway, so he quickly released his spiritual power. At this time, they all passed the blessing of Mo Niantong. Naturally, others could not see the difference. Soon Han Chen would The Ji Si Cao in these places has all been collected.

This has become a real yellow land.

So Han Chen moved his mind and said, "There is no more Ji Si Cao here. If you still need it, we need to go elsewhere and continue searching."

"Well, our young master means that more is better. If we can find more, then it will be better. Let's look for it. This year's ancestor worship activities have been advanced a lot, and there are not many places. Long Qi, this leads to the lack of total Jisicao this time. We can take so much urgently this time. It will definitely make us contribute more Jisicao to the gods, and the blessing we will get Even more." The elder of the lizard family said excitedly.

"That's OK, then let's go to the front place and follow it." Han Chen glanced ahead and said.

This time Han Chen had to find the places of Ji Si as soon as possible, so Han Chen didn’t think there was anything special, but kept following these places to search for the past. Soon Han Chen really saw a place with a lot of Ji Si. grass.

But at the same time, there was a strange smell coming from here. Han Chen didn't notice at first, he wanted to find which Ji Si Cao quickly.

Suddenly there was a large patch of green seasons grass in front of me. Looking at the seasons of these seasons grass, how could it have been a hundred years, otherwise it would not rise so hurriedly, it looks like a very customer.

"These are sacrificial Jisicao! These few are already lower than what we just picked. In this way, we will get more useful Jisicao." The clan elder of the lizard family said excitedly. , Urged Han Chen to pick it quickly.

But when Han Chen was about to pick, suddenly there was a stern shout from the side, "You are just now, a cat and a dog, just now that happened suddenly, I didn't do anything to you, let you go, I didn’t expect you to come to us. Picking Ji Si Cao from the ground of the Motu clan, we also said that we want to steal the Ji Si Cao that we have bred for a hundred years!"

"You are not only cats and dogs, but also thieves!" The crowd who followed the Motu clan cheered again, wanting to see Han Chen making a fool of himself. ,

Han Chen didn't feel anything at this time, but felt that if this continued, I was afraid that Ji Si Cao would be ruined by that time. After all, these people still smell of shit, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

As soon as this anger came, Han Chen immediately started, and without paying attention, he slapped it over.

At this time, the people of the Motu clan had obviously heard and prepared, and then immediately jumped from his side, avoiding Han Chen's attack.

"Small bugs!" The magical energy that the people of the Motu clan sensed from Han Chen was not very strong, even if they were here, such a real magical energy didn't look like a Daewoo-class monk.

And he himself has already become the elder of the Motu clan, the owner is not lost to the Daewoo-class cultivation base, and the owner has a strong cultivation base at the peak of the late eternal stage, so Han Chen has to work harder to defeat him.

So this is where his confidence lies, so he must work harder to put all these efforts into place.

In the current situation, as long as you don't withdraw, you can definitely teach Han Chen's unlucky descendants.

"Just let you take a surprise and succeeded, but now it won't, let you see the speed of our Motu clan, which is dozens of times faster than lightning, so be careful!" The people of the Motu clan jumped towards the sky and turned into huge rabbits. The power on their feet burst out with electric sparks.

I saw the flashing, bursting everywhere, and the flames quickly landed from a high altitude, telling the falling Bigfoot to directly attack Han Chen's door.

"Great War!"

This terrifying driving force is even more frightening, and that terrifying explosive impact, even an ordinary Daewoo-class monk dare not greet it casually.

At that moment, the clan elders of the Lizard clan next to Han Chen immediately showed pale faces.

They also knew the Motu cultivator who took the lead, but a strong man who was at the peak of the late stage of the eternal realm could also knock down the powerful existence of the Daewoo-class cultivator.

The past few years have been intense cultivation skills, but I didn't expect the final situation to appear before me, so I was naturally very scared.

However, he didn't know Han Chen enough, so he was very worried that Han Chen could catch this battle.

Han Chen didn't panic, showed a faint smile, and regardless, he began to bend down and put all the Ji Si Cao on the ground into his ring.

The Ji Si Cao here is actually 100 years old. It seems to be quite weighty. Han Chen couldn’t help being curious. He used these medicinal materials as what he needed, and then put it away. This was ruined by the battle.

"Huh, a miser! Take it to death!"

The person who fell from the sky in mid-air slammed the battle down to Han Chen's back.

Hit it!

It hits sturdily.

The monks of the Motu clan could feel the vibrations from their own footsteps, and knew that they had really hit someone.

Thousands of dirt was raised up in that place, and it surrounded him.

Some sharp-eyed people nearby also noticed that Han Chen didn’t even have time to move his position, and was knocked down by the people of the Motu clan. In this way, those people would not be able to get it right away. The control of the demons.

"This kid is bound to die!"

"That's right, blame this kid for being too stupid. He dares to provoke our second-ranked monk from the Motu clan. It's really overkill!"

"This time I am afraid that the people of the lizard clan may still need to cut the land and pay compensation, but this kid can't be let go of this kid so easily. This kid must have collected a lot of Jisicao just now. This guy is ruined, so let's let him accompany us Ji Si Cao!"

The other people of the six races in this neighborhood screamed with excitement and hungry. Just now I heard that the people of the lizard clan said with great brilliance that they collected the most Jisi grasses, so let’s slap them now. Coming can make them lose more than their gains, so they can't afford to go around.

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