All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1940: Soul Tower

Han Chen suddenly felt that his own power seemed to be destroyed, and his gray wings trembled slightly. Han Chen knew that he was consuming the essence of the soul, so Han Chen also wanted to make a quick fight.

So Han Chen put away the shield, removed the powerful black knife that had hit it, reached out to the void and grabbed the Twin Peaks blade, rotated it around, and shaved the black knife fiercely.

Han Chen comes with gray wings that he can absorb, and he is naturally deterrent. It directly suppresses the power of the black soul and blows it down fiercely. As Han Chen grows and grows, the bigger and the more excited Han Chen, the stronger the strength on his body. stand up.

Finally in the 102nd round, Han Chen finally killed the opponent, and the person became weak, turned into a cloud of dark souls, condensed in front of him.

Han Chen observed for a while and found that this dark soul light group became more pure, purer than the soul power absorbed before, so under such circumstances, Han Chen opened his mouth and absorbed the soul power to himself In the belly.

In an instant, the power in Han Chen's body returned to its original state, and he also gained a large amount of spirit power, which raised Han Chen's spirit energy to a level.

"I didn't expect it to be such a result." The power fluctuations in Han Chen's own body caused Han Chenye's uncontrollable excitement.

It turned out that after beheading the demon that leaked from him, he could still feed back to himself, making his spirit even higher.

But what cannot be ignored is that if one's own cultivation base is lower than that of the opponent, then it is very likely that the opponent will be beheaded and become the nourishment for this soul tower.

As a result, Han Chen was also taken aback. He had a pair of gray wings on his side, and he could make a big comeback against the sky. If the rest of the people had the ability, then the danger would be greater.

Han Chen had worries in his heart, and the movements in his hands sped up unconsciously. It seemed that things must be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise most of his teammates would be sad about the situation of the soul tower.

Han Chen muttered to himself.

"Don't be too anxious. The dark souls that everyone encounters are different. In fact, the entire famous mountain is also different depending on the level of your cultivation base. As long as they perform normally and have a certain chance, they are all different. He won't be eliminated by the Black Soul." Huang Mengmeng couldn't stand it anymore, so he said to Han Chen.

When Han Chen heard this, he was moved in his heart. He was not so anxious in his heart, so he started a new round of repairs.

After experiencing the scene just now, Han Chen has become more cautious in absorbing power, and he dared not act casually.

The power of the divine soul was secretly operating and entered into his body, and it was really rare that such a vigorous thing was born.

However, after such a round, Han Chen found that his soul power had not only repaired the consumption just now, but also restored his origin, and now he has also improved a lot of soul power.

It seems that this is one of the opportunities that Mingshan offers to individuals.

After Han Chen pondered, he finally decided to release his own power and turn his situation into an opportunity. Then he relaxed his spirit power and began to absorb those outside spirit powers, all extracted from Asura Purgatory. .

After a while, the reorganization of the black silk power really occurred next to Han Chen, but the black soul that appeared this time appeared to be slightly stronger than the previous one. Han Chen could only incarnate into a mythical form once again to gather his own power. The biggest, killed the black soul.

The condensed soul of oneself was once again whole.

However, Han Chen could also feel the weakness of his own soul, so he began to repair in this place, so as to make Han Chen's own soul more stable, so that he could be more confident in dealing with the next attack.

With Han Chen’s operations, a more powerful force soon came. As soon as such power came out, Han Chen transformed again. In this cycle, Han Chen didn’t know how many waves of black soul power he had killed. His own soul has also been perfected again and again.

As a result, Han Chen's spirit is very close to breaking through the sixth-turn pseudo-shen realm. One step further becomes the Seventh Rank Pseudo God Realm.

"Your kid is really a freak," said Huang Mengmeng, who was hiding in Han Chen's stellar machine.

"How do you say?" Han Chen held his breath and adjusted his strength to restore his peak.

"Under normal circumstances, every battle will damage your soul body. Under normal circumstances, others will pass such magical thoughts as soon as possible, but you didn't expect you to upgrade to the cultivation level during this process." Huang Mengmeng said helplessly.

Han Chen also smiled, once again propped up his mythical form, those gray wings once again absorbed the spirits around him.

Because Han Chen has these gray wings, even if his soul is damaged, he can absorb the power of the soul through this pair of wings and restore his soul to perfection.

So Han Chen could continue to induce the black spirit to promote the growth of his spirit.

It was another battle. Han Chen defeated the divine soul, absorbed the black soul into his body, and aroused the power.

Under such circumstances, Han Chen didn't feel how much cultivation ability he had in his body, especially that kind of mysterious power, it seemed that it was not obvious to increase his spirit power.

"This method seems to be saturated." Han Chen analyzed after he pondered.

Han Chen aroused the power in his body, but it had no effect.

In this way, Han Chen also knew that his body had reached saturation in the past few days, so after Han Chen cleaned up, he continued to walk towards the black soul tower.

"Where did these soul towers come from? Why do they still have such an effect?" Han Chen asked after walking for three days and three nights.

"The soul towers here are of course the accumulation of famous mountains, but they will also gather strength from those who walk in and pass through the barriers. The human race can absorb their power, and similarly, they can also get power from the human race. "Huang Mengmeng said.

Hearing what Huang Mengmeng said, I couldn't help but become vigilant, presumably this soul tower also has a lot of danger.

Just outside, if Han Chen hadn't had his own gray wings, otherwise he would continue to be consumed here.

Next, Han Chen concentrated on the road, and naturally walked easily to the soul tower. The soul tower changed from a small black spot to a huge tall black tower.

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